At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

282 Maoshan Daomen, a thousand-year-old Fengshui family is alive! 【2/6, please subscribe】

early morning

sunny, sunny

Ji Han woke up from the gentle village, looking at the mess in this room, his waist couldn't help but feel a little tired.

Fortunately, he is surrounded by divine power now, and after taking a few deep breaths, everything has returned to normal.

Under the service of Princess Changping and others, Ji Han changed clothes and washed, and everything was the same as ordinary people.

He has no need to sleep or eat for a long time. In fact, he still likes the life of an ordinary person. His work and rest are stable and comfortable, and he is in a good mood every day.

After breakfast this morning!

Ji Han began to investigate his gains.

He didn't forget the seeds he sowed in Daqin before.

Can Qu, Evil, and Tu pass down this good thing?

Ji Han is really looking forward to this!

After silently sensing it, Ji Han realized that in this world, there are indeed many more people with Tiannu blood, some with thin blood, and some with strong blood.

And there are many more people who believe in him!

In many places, there are more idols that he can sense.

What does this mean? It means success!

But it's not all successful, because Ji Han only sensed the presence of his followers and idols in two places, which means that only two of the three seeds he planted sprouted!

The clans and forces founded by Qu, Ye Fu, and Tu, each had their own fortunes over a long period of time. In the end, only two were passed down, and the other disappeared without a trace!

Maybe it was destroyed in the inheritance of thousands of years, maybe it was destroyed by time and space correction!

In short, the reason must be very complicated, Ji Han can only sigh with regret!

"Fortunately, there are still two forces left, who are these two?"

"Huh? One is near Maoshan, it should be the Maoshan Taoism passed down by the villain!"

"There's another one in Yanjing that seems to be a feng shui kanyu handed down by Tu?"

While sensing, Ji Han searched for the information of these two forces through various hacking methods, and checked the changes on the Internet by the way.

Sure enough, there are many Maoshan and Fengshui remarks on the Internet, and all kinds of true and false are mixed together, which was relatively rare in the past.

This proves that under the correction of time and space, the world has changed, Maoshan Taoism and Feng Shui Kanyu have been perfectly integrated here, and they are flawless.


Ji Han smiled with satisfaction!

His divine sense silently radiated out, sensing his god statue, and locked these two positions in a short while!

One is in the depths of Maoshan, in an inconspicuous Taoist temple, where more than 100 men, women and children live!

This is a Taoist temple that is inherited by a family. Although there are not many people, everyone exudes a strange and tyrannical aura. There is even a terrifying corpse aura in the Taoist temple that does not disperse!

A statue of a god is placed on the Taoist temple, enjoying various incense all year round, and from time to time there are Taoists offering incense and chanting sutras.

The other is the suburb of Yanjing, in a huge villa estate!

There are about a dozen villas in this manor, all of which belong to a hidden family - the Yanjing Feng family!

There are only a few dozen people in their clan, but their power is deeply rooted and has been in a state of recluse.

Except for some top bigwigs who know them, no one knows their existence.

And Feng Shui's feng shui art can be said to be the best in the world. Every year, a large number of powerful people spend a lot of money to ask them to help them look at Feng Shui. When a high-ranking existence sees the Feng family, they must be polite!

Similarly, there is also a statue of a deity in the hall of the Fengjia ancestral hall. The tribute table is full of fruit offerings, and incense is lingering all year round.

That is to say, it is the descendants of the villain and Tu that have been passed down, but the mechanism technique inherited by Qu has completely disappeared, which makes people regret and sigh!

Ji Han repeated his old tricks, just like in Qinjia Village last time, controlling the sound transmission of the god statue: "Quickly come to Dongshan City! 35

A majestic and domineering voice echoed in Maoshan Taoist Temple, as well as inside and outside Yanjing Fengjia.

The gods in these two places were overflowing with divine light, dazzling and dazzling, and they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"God shining? Mouth speaks the truth?"

"I-Isn't this a dream?"

"It can't be wrong, it's really an oracle, we've waited!

"It's great, it's great, the ancestors will not deceive me, the gods finally remember us!

"Quick! Prepare to go to Dongshan City to meet the gods!"

Similar exclamations sounded in both places!

Maoshan Mao's family directly held an emergency meeting, and the contemporary master, Mao Qingfeng, immediately ordered everyone to go to Dongshan City to pay homage to the god!

"Pass my edict, all my disciples of Maoshan's true inheritance must arrive in Dongshan City within seven days! 39

"The rest of the people will go to the back mountain immediately, pick up the corpse and set off, and go out at night and hurry up, make no mistake!"

Mao Qingfeng, who was over 100 years old and had a pale beard but was full of energy, ordered Maoshan Taoists to rush to the 360-year-old mountain, and in a cave, they found a pair of ancient coffins.

Maoshan made a living by refining corpses and driving corpses, supplemented by various Taoist techniques, and the corpses of the real people of Maoshan for more than 2,000 years were finally sealed here.

It is rumored that there is even the corpse of the first generation of Maoshan ancestors, and now it is a terrifying corpse king for more than two thousand years.

He once left a message of Maoshan ancestors!

Once the deity is summoned, he must be brought to meet him. Therefore, when the statue glows and the order comes, the people in Maoshan will be so excited, and will rush here for the first time.

"All ancestors, ancestors of Maoshan!"

"Today, the God of Reverence has sent down a miraculous call, and the mission we have been waiting for for thousands of years has finally arrived!

"I beg your ancestors, raise the corpse! 995

After Mao Qingfeng made three bows and nine kowtows, he stepped on Yu's footsteps and waved Buddha dust, and the corpse bell in his hand kept ringing.

In this cave where a large number of coffins were stored, a terrifying roar suddenly echoed, and all kinds of terrifying corpse auras instantly surged and became rich.

"Boom! 35

The lids of countless coffins were immediately overturned, and the hideous and terrifying ancient corpses opened their eyes directly.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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