At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

285 Yin people cross the road, yang people avoid! 【5/6, please subscribe】

"Yin people pass by, Yang people avoid!

"Jingle Bell!"9

"Yin people pass by, Yang people avoid! 99

"Jingle Bell!

"Yin people cross the road, Yang people run back and avoid!

"Jingle Bell!"

A series of strange clanging sounds came from afar, together with a hoarse and terrifying shout, in this silent cold night, many people were frightened - trembling all over.

"Fuck, what's the sound? It's a bit scary, isn't it?"

"It seems to be coming from the south, it won't really come, will it?"

"Look, damn it, what are you looking at?"

"Oh my God, are there really corpse hunters?"

In the burst of exclamations from the crowd, the live broadcast rooms of various Internet celebrities also became a sensation in an instant, and tens of millions of netizens were in an uproar.

Because everyone saw a scene that everyone will never forget!

There are few vehicles on the dim secondary road, and the night is dark. A group of people quietly marches along the roadside. It seems that there are hundreds of people. It looks mighty and very imposing!

It wasn't until after these people walked in that everyone realized how weird they were, because most of them were divided into two types of costumes, one was the appearance of a Taoist priest in sackcloth, and the other was a strange figure with a black hood and black trousers!

More than a dozen Taoist priests in linen walked normally, then rang the bell, and the middle-aged Taoist priest in linen who led the way kept shouting, "Yin people cross the road, Yang people avoid!"

As for the seven or eighty figures in hoods, they moved forward in a very rhythmic hop.

These are naturally the people of Maoshan!

This time, when I came to see the true god, Maoshan brought out all the corpses that were in the bottom of the box, ready to dedicate everything to the true god at any time.

They rushed to Dongshan City from various places in batches!

And most of them are nocturnal and only travel in the middle of the night.

They often take a very remote road, but who would have thought that this still shocked a lot of netizens.

What they didn't expect was that there were a lot of people watching at the intersection into the city, and they blocked them all at once!


Maoshan Taoist people are all stunned!

In the face of a lot of excited Internet celebrities and cameras, everyone's head is full of black lines.

What is this all about?

Aren't you afraid when you see a corpse at night?

And there are so many people around here, still taking pictures and videos? What are you doing?

"Senior brother? What should I do?"

"Ignore them and continue on our way. Before dawn, we must bypass Dongshan City and rush to the southwest mountain forest on the outskirts of the city!

"Yes, we are already behind and must hurry up!

The Taoists murmured a few times, continued to watch their noses and noses and their hearts, ignoring anyone, and rushed forward directly with the corpse.

But this time, the Internet celebrities and reporters have made a sensation!

Everyone excitedly pointed the camera at these Taoists and the bouncing corpses. They were both excited and scared. They wanted to shoot, and they were afraid of angering each other. It was quite a tangle!

"Fuck, go up, interview them, what are you afraid of, will they still eat you?

"The anchor go up, we'll give you a reward!"

"666, don't be shy, go up and take a look at the hoods of these hooded men!"

"I bet these hooded men are played by living people, just to make a public appearance, buddies, hurry up and expose them! 39

"Fuck! So many of you are afraid of a chicken, come on!"

Netizens are so excited that they can't wait to encourage these internet celebrities to quickly expose this scam.

After all, this kind of thing is so weird that there are still many people who don't believe it!

Even if some people believe it, then everyone wants to take a serious look at whether these corpse hunters are real, and what is hidden under this hood?

It's a pity that the Internet celebrities and reporters did not dare to come forward!

No one could clearly explain the atmosphere at this time. The Taoist people in Maoshan said nothing, dozens of ancient corpses exuded a terrifying aura, and everyone present was so frightened that their hands and feet were cold, how dare they go up and lift their hoods?

But just when netizens are anxious!

A big truck came from a distance. The driver stared at him and seemed a little sleepy. When he got close, seeing this scene, he gasped in fright and turned the steering wheel subconsciously!

・・Please ask for flowers.

"Be careful!"


Everyone exclaimed in unison, no one expected this to happen!

The driver was obviously frightened enough by this bizarre scene. The car slammed into the walking corpses at a turn, and at once knocked out seven or eight walking corpses.


The driver gasped in fright and quickly stepped on the brakes!

Everyone was so frightened that their brows and hearts jumped wildly. They saw that the seven or eight walking corpses were all knocked seven or eight meters into the air, rolled to the ground, and their hoods were exposed!

A piece of ferocious, pale face, with a yellow talisman paper, appeared in front of everyone.

Their complexion, face, and hairstyle are all very ancient, and they look like ancient people. They are not normal people, let alone living people.


And the impact of the big truck caused the yellow paper on the foreheads of three of the walking corpses to fall to the ground. They seemed to be provoked, and they went crazy on the spot!


They are roaring in the sky, and the corpse is soaring to the sky!

The moon in the sky instantly turned blood red amid this terrifying roar.

The next moment, these walking corpses rushed forward in a rage, and they were swept by a distance of seven or eight meters, and then they viciously inserted their palms into the big truck!

The big trucks made of steel, like mud in front of their nails, were plunged into deep pits one by one.

Then they slammed violently!

The big truck was overturned with a rumble.


The walking corpses roared incessantly.

All the people present were frightened and screamed in unison, and the netizens who watched the live broadcast on the Internet were also stunned.

"Fuck, fuck!"

"Why am I not dreaming? Someone pinch me!"

"Crazy crazy, are they zombies?"

"My God, do corpse hunters really drive corpses? Isn't this fake?

"Are we hallucinating? How is this possible?"

Everyone was horrified, and everyone was terrified.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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