At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

286 What the hell, are there really zombies in this world? 【6/6, please subscribe】

"Oops, something is going to happen!"

"Old third and sixth, control them, don't hurt passers-by!"

This sudden scene also shocked the Taoist people in Maoshan.

No one expected that such a situation would suddenly occur. While the Daoists stabilized their walking corpse, three people rushed out!

The three Taoists moved vigorously, with a bell in their left hand and a peach wood sword in their right hand.

"The sky is clear and the earth is spirit, and the soldiers follow the seal, and they will follow orders! Edict!"

Three Taoists chanted mantras and flew over, trying to quell the runaway walking corpse and quickly end the farce.

However, these walking corpses are all the ancestors of the Mao family, all of them have a history of hundreds or even thousands of years, all of them are copper skin and iron bones, and the corpse is full of energy.

How could these three juniors suppress them so easily?

"Three Six Zeros"


After an earth-shattering roar, the three walking corpses resisted furiously, raising their hands and knocking them out!


Everyone was so frightened that they all gasped, everyone was so frightened, and many people stepped back with trembling legs.

This scene is like making a movie, everyone is not dreaming, right?

"It's really troublesome!" Mao Zhenyue, the leader of the Maoshan Taoist priest, frowned and said with his fists clasped: "I'm sorry, ancestors, the Hundred Corpse Array, come on!"


The other Maoshan disciples roared in unison, and the bells shook wildly.

Seventy or eighty walking corpses jumped in unison, directly facing these three out of control walking corpses!

The next moment they jumped up and formed a strange battle formation, easily blocking the three walking corpses, no matter how they struggled, they were firmly controlled.

"Ordered by heaven, ascend to the nine palaces!

"Hundreds of gods are in place, and the gods are in the ranks! 35

"Soul and refining, five viscera Huafeng!

"Law! Photo!

Mao Zhenyue flew up quickly, shook the bell with his left hand, and chanted mantra with his right hand. The last three yellow talismans were quickly pasted on the foreheads of the three walking corpses!

Their out-of-control situation was quickly contained, and they became docile and well-behaved in no time.

"Go, go, go!"

Mao Zhenyue put hoods on the three walking corpses while urging everyone to leave.

Seeing that the people around him were still stunned, he couldn't help laughing.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, we are filming, yes, we are filming!

"You are busy, you are busy! There is nothing to see, everyone should leave! 99

"Oh, why is the moon so round tonight?"

Mao Zhenyue covered it with a smile, and led people away quickly, only to see the rows of corpses jumping and disappearing at the end of the road after a while.

"Fuck, fuck!"

Everyone came back to their senses.

Everyone is a bunch of excited foul language, and what happened just now is simply dumbfounding.

What did you see?

Are there really zombies in this world?

And these people are really driving corpses, isn't this too awesome?

As for Mao Zhenyue's words, it's a ghost if everyone believes it.

This walking corpse slammed the big truck into the palm of the hand, and also lifted the large truck weighing more than ten tons. Do you think this is filming?

Hehe, do you think everyone is mentally retarded?

This is such a shit scene, this is clearly a real zombie.

"Fuck, I'm not dazzled, this is really a zombie, absolutely true!

"It's so cruel, I didn't expect that there are really zombies in the world, it's terrible!"

"Fuck, are these the legendary corpse hunters? I didn't expect that there are really corpse hunters in this world!""

"Nima, I have to rush to Dongshan City immediately, I want to worship them as my teacher, and I want to learn to drive corpses too!""

"If anyone tells me about science in the future, I will slap me in the face. How can this science be explained? 35

"Oh my god, our ancestors left too many good things, I didn't expect all of them to be true, it's too awesome!""

"The anchor is catching up, let's learn from the teacher and learn the art live, and I will give you a rocket!"

The netizens screamed in excitement, and all the live broadcast rooms swiped, everyone was overwhelmed with excitement!

The Internet celebrities and reporters at the scene also went crazy. What did you see just now?

This is a big event destined to be a global sensation!

What's wrong with this world? Why is one thing after another refreshing everyone's world view?

"Would you like to catch up? This matter must have something to do with the immortal cultivators. If you can dig deeper, you will definitely make a lot of money! 35

"Fuck! You want to catch up with you, be careful that the zombie king will pinch you to death!"

"I'm scared, I don't dare to go there. I was scared when I smelled the corpse stench in the sky just now.."

"I didn't expect that this corpse really exists. How many secrets are there in this world that we don't know?"

"Why do you care so much, hurry up and publish the news, now is the time to race against time!"

"Yes, yes, hurry up!

The Internet celebrity reporters screamed with excitement. Everyone quickly posted the photos and videos they just took to major video websites, racing against time to grab the headlines.

These videos quickly alerted major websites!

Even in the middle of the night, some people in the media industry made a sensation because of this, and these videos quickly became the headlines of major websites and hot searches!

"Dongshan City was shocked to find a corpse carpenter, and the thousand-year-old corpse king went mad in the street!"

"The corpse carpenter really exists, there are videos and the truth!"

"The Horror Corpse King overturned the truck, and the innocent driver was almost killed!"

News headlines that shocked the eye began to appear quickly, and they also attracted the attention of many netizens in the middle of the night!

When everyone watched these videos, all of them became a sensation again, and a tsunami-like fishing reel 4.3 storm began to set off in the whole network!

The next day, the sensation continued to detonate!

Not only did hundreds of millions of netizens in Kyushu feel their scalps go numb, but even websites around the world continued to report, and netizens from all over the world were horrified.

"Oh Maiga, they are from the East again, how many secrets do they hide?"

"This world is too scary, isn't it? All this can't be explained by science at all!

"Who can tell me this is not true? Why are these damned Orientals hiding so many mysterious things? 39

Netizens from all over the world are constantly envious, jealous and hateful!

One after another, the eyes are constantly turning to the east and Dongshan City!

"Chapter 6 Today, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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