At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

287 Inheritance for more than two thousand years? Seventy-two generations? 【1/6, please subscribe】

"Everyone, what you are seeing now is the video that appeared on the Internet, and these videos have been spread on the Internet all over the world!"

"And everything in the video has been confirmed to be true, and it happened in Dongshan City!"

"All this is likely to be controlled by the legendary Maoshan Taoist Sect, and their target is also Mr. Ji, what do you think now?

Dongshan City, Lakeside Villa Area!

In a small manor, the seven big family leaders of Yanjing, who had just arrived in Dongshan City upon invitation, are all here!

It was Lin Mushan, the old man of the Lin family who spoke!

With a half-smile, he shared the information he had just learned with everyone, or showed it off to everyone, because all of this proved that his vision was right.

He came to Dongshan City in person, and it was definitely worth it!

"The legendary immortal is really unfathomable, and I don't know how many mysterious forces are hidden!"

"Maoshan driving the corpse carpenter must have something to do with him."

"Hehe, the Feng family must also be his subordinates, we can be regarded as dipped this time! 39

"Also, Mr. Lin's eyes are vicious. If we didn't come in person this time, I'm afraid it would be a great disrespect to Mr. Ji! 35

"When will the Feng family take us to visit Mr. Ji? Does he really meet us?

The big bosses were talking a lot, and all of them couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Although everyone can be described as a high-ranking existence in the secular world, when faced with the existence of a suspected immortal cultivator who has lived for thousands of years, everyone has to be frightened!

Because of this mysterious existence, no matter how high your power, prestige, and wealth are, you are nothing but a pile of rubbish to him.

In the face of such characters, everyone can only look up!

Whether they like it or not, everyone only thinks about one thing at this time, and that is to meet this existence as much as possible, and then get on this big boat and try their best to get in touch with these mysterious characters.

Three poles in the sun!

The Feng family, whom everyone had been waiting for for a long time, finally arrived.

Feng Muru smiled and walked into the manor with a cane, which immediately attracted everyone to stand up to greet him.

"Oh, Feng Lao, you are here!"

"Old Feng, we are all thankful for the flowers we waited for!"

"Hahaha, it's good to come, it's good to come!""

"Feng Lao, please! 35

The big guy enthusiastically invited Feng Muru into the hall!

Whether it's because of Feng Shui's feng shui skills, or because of Ji Han, Feng Mu Ru deserves three points of respect from all the bosses. After all, this is an existence that can kill people silently.

These days, the richer people have more knowledge, and the more powerful people are more superstitious, because they have seen too many things that cannot be explained by science.

Things like feng shui and numbers can't be seen or touched, but they can affect the luck of a person, family, and even a country. This is not something that everyone can offend.

"You're welcome, everyone, I'm very grateful to you for coming here!"

"To tell you the truth, my Feng family is indeed under Mr. Ji's orders. His origin is too mysterious. Don't guess too much, just know that he is a fairy-like figure!"

"My ancestor of the Feng family has been instructed by Mr. Ji more than 2,000 years ago and taught eight volumes of Feng Shui Kanyu, and now it has been passed down to seventy-two generations. He is the god in our hearts!

"Now that the true god has summoned us, the old man dared to make a divination, and felt that if he invited you all to come together, there would be surprises, so he had the audacity to invite all of you to come together!

"I apologize for the rudeness. I can't guarantee that the true god will meet you. If you don't want to go to see you together, just pretend I didn't say anything about it!"

Feng Muru talked eloquently and briefly explained the matter.

Everyone could not help but secretly slapped their tongues.

Inherited for more than two thousand years? Seventy-two generations?

The background of this Feng family is really deep and scary.

Although everyone knew that the Feng family was not simple, no one thought that they were not so simple. Compared with them, any family present was considered a nouveau riche.

So everyone looked at Feng Muru with a little more awe!

"What did Feng Lao say, we have the opportunity to visit Mr. Ji, thanks to your support, how dare we have the slightest complaint!

"Yeah, even if we wait ten or eight years for such a fairy-like figure, we are still willing!

"Yes, yes, please also ask Mr. Feng to take us to the meeting, even if there is a little bit of hope, we want to try!

"Don't worry, Mr. Ji, if Mr. Ji refuses to see us, we will never dare to blame you!

The big guys have opened their mouths to guarantee!

Feng Muru laughed when he saw this.

"Everyone, please!

After he waved his hand, he turned around and walked out of the manor first!

When the others saw this, they hurriedly followed.

After a while, the mighty motorcade went straight to Jijia Village.

After Feng Muru came to Dongshan City, he had already sensed Ji Han's location, so it was not difficult to find it.

And there are too many people to protect around you, all kinds of retired special forces kings, special agents, top bodyguards, and rows of bulletproof vehicles, doing all kinds of defense work to perfection.

If it weren't for the big bosses who didn't want to be too high-profile, this time they had to mobilize the army to come here, at least there must be a helicopter escort above their heads.

After all, so many big men are dispatched together, if a killer sends a missile over, this Kyushu will have a big mess.

The big bosses came to the small manor outside Ji's village with nervousness like a tribute, under the leadership of the Feng family motorcade.

At this time, the outside of the small manor was still shrouded in a thick fog, and before it got close, it was already a mile or two away.

At this time, Maoshan and his party had already arrived!

A group of walking corpses wearing black clothes and black pants, with hoods, vaguely stood in the fog, giving people a very terrifying sense of deterrence.

Under the leadership of Mao Qingfeng, many Maoshan disciples wearing linen robes, silently waited here, their attitudes were very respectful, even very humble!

They didn't say a word, but they brought enormous pressure to Feng Muru and the others who had just arrived.

【Ask for a flower evaluation ticket】.

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