At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

288 One hundred years of life extension for each person, it can be regarded as a meeting gift! 【2/6,

For the arrival of the Feng family and the big guys!

The disciples of Maoshan did not respond, everyone turned a deaf ear and continued to wait silently.

All is said and done!

Needless to say, everyone knew that the other party also came to see the true God, so there was no hostility to speak of.

Feng Muru smiled and bowed his hands to Mao Qingfeng, without saying much, just stood aside and waited.

Old Master Lin and others observed these Maoshan Taoists and walking corpses up close, and they couldn't help but be shocked!

Even if they are of high authority, after coming into contact with people in this mysterious realm, they subconsciously have a feeling of awe.

Each of these Taoists exudes an aura of transcendence. As for these walking corpses, it is even more terrifying, with a strong corpse odor and corpse aura all over their bodies, which makes people feel very terrifying from a distance.

Can't be offended, can't be offended!

Even if the bigwigs are well-informed, at this moment, they can't help being secretly scared. The mysterious things in this world are too scary.

Everyone has their own thoughts and waited for a while!

In this foggy formation, a path suddenly appeared, and a woman with a sword in a costume gauze skirt stepped out.

"Mao Qingfeng, Feng Muru!"

"And all the guests, please!"

After Wang Mushi made a slight gesture, she turned around and walked into the small manor again.

Through this foggy trail, everyone vaguely saw a series of pavilions and pavilions, like a fairyland scene, which everyone will never forget.

Needless to say, everyone knew what this meant. Obviously Ji Han was ready to meet them, but only saw Mao Qingfeng Feng Mu Ru, and the leaders of the major families.

The rest of the people are not worthy to enter here!

In a nervous mood, everyone followed Wang Mushi into the small manor. When they saw this fairyland-like scenery with their own eyes, everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

The cranes are swaying here, and it is beautiful!

The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the fairy chuckles!

There is a sweet aura in the air, and a breath seems to rejuvenate people.

The youngest of all the bosses is 80 years old, and the body has long since died, but after taking a few more breaths of these spiritual qi, everyone's body burst out with vitality, and many sub-health conditions have also improved rapidly.

This miraculous scene shocked everyone.

Wouldn't this really be a fairyland? It really is a paradise for immortals, and it's so magical.

Before coming here, everyone still had some doubts about Ji Han's identity, but now these doubts have vanished. At this moment, everyone has already determined that the legendary Mr. Ji is the immortal immortal.

Otherwise how to explain all this?

Is there anyone in this world who can create such a fairyland?

In awe, everyone walked through the garden corridors and finally came to a pavilion.

There is a woman in ancient costume playing the piano, and more than a dozen girls are dancing.

Ji Han was dressed in a snow-white robe and had long hair covering his shoulders. He exuded a faint dusty aura all over his body.

"Mao Qingfeng, the fifty-sixth generation descendant of Maoshan Mountain, greets the gods~々!

"The sixty-ninth generation descendant of the Feng family, Feng Muru, meets the gods!

The moment Mao Qingfeng and Feng Muru saw Ji Han, they felt like they were shocked by electric shocks. The two of them trembled with excitement, their eyes gleamed, and they finally fell to the ground with hot tears.

Whether it is the echo of blood, or the condensation of faith!

Thousands of years of waiting finally turned into excitement, making their emotions almost out of control.

"Lin Mushan of the Lin family, meet Mr. Ji!" Upon seeing this, Mr. Lin hurriedly bowed his hands.

"Meet Mr. Ji!"

The bigwigs greeted each other in shock, even if their status was respected, they couldn't help but feel a heart-throb at this moment.

"Don't be too polite, get up!

Ji Han raised his hand with satisfaction, and two invisible forces helped Mao Qingfeng and Feng Muru up.

He took a serious look at the two of them, and nodded again with satisfaction.

"Good, all good!

After Ji Han praised him, he raised his hand and waved!

Hundreds of millions of divine lights descended from the sky, as if the immortal river was hanging upside down, and the endless spiritual energy began to drown everyone.


Everyone gasped in fright, but no one dared to move!

Moreover, everyone soon discovered that this divine light and spiritual energy did not cause any harm to everyone. Instead, after continuously pouring into their bodies, they began to remove impurities from their bodies and make their bodies healthier.

The old man Lin kept waiting, all of them were shaken and refreshed, as if they had returned to their eighteen-year-old posture.

Mao Qingfeng and Feng Muru, and even the Maoshan Taoist and the Feng family outside the small villa, all have bright eyes, not only the internal cultivation base has gradually become deeper and stronger, but also various insights are coming one after another!

Many doubts and difficulties that he did not understand were quickly solved in his mind, and his Dao Fa Fengshui technique seemed to have been refined for decades in an instant.

Even these divine lights also shrouded the walking corpses outside. These hundreds of terrifying walking corpses were baptized by the divine light, and their hostility, corpse, and resentment quickly disappeared into their bodies!

(Good King's) Their physical strength seems to be getting stronger!

A vigorous force condensed in their bodies, and even their eyes hidden under the headgear seemed to have become a little more flexible.

"..everyone has a hundred years of life expectancy, so it's a welcome gift!"

Ji Han casually explained, and everyone's mind was immediately shocked.

100 years of life extension? This is crazy, right?

That is to say, all the old men who have lived for eighty or ninety years and are ready to step into the coffin can all live another hundred years, right?

This is really a magic trick!

"Thank you Mr. Ji!

Thank you all so excitedly!

Mao Qingfeng and Feng Muru were also more devout.

The tricks Ji Han showed a little bit have completely conquered everyone's hearts, and made them even more convinced!

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