At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

294 Li Shimin's new goal, to clean up Persia and Tianzhu! 【2/6, please subscribe】

The Ming Dynasty is in high spirits recently!

It is also to level the world and clean up Kyushu, and it is to suppress Goryeo and Dongying. Li Shimin said that he is not envious, that is false.

During this period of time, the Tang Dynasty has been developing steadily, and the Turks have also been taken care of.

Only by constantly fighting and crushing foreign races can we make the Quartet come to the dynasty and make the Tang Dynasty prosperous!

Li Shimin still understands this point!

"Sir once said that the development of the national movement is like sailing against the current and then retreating!" Li Shimin said eloquently: "All dynasties and dynasties are the existence of the strong prey to the weak. If you stay on the sidelines, then the enemy will develop!"

"How many dynasties in history were quietly overtaken by aliens and slaughtered by aliens because of the emperor's desire for comfort. 99

"This kind of thing can never happen in my Tang Dynasty, so I want to fight hard, to destroy all these aliens and enslave them, so that I have no enemies in the Tang Dynasty!

Li Shimin's lofty words and ambitions have attracted everyone's approval!

This is indeed justified. If you don't know how to prepare for danger in times of peace, then a dynasty is actually very dangerous.

"You're right!" Ji Han nodded solemnly and said admiringly: "373 really can't treat alien races with the kindness of women, they must kill and beat them when they have the upper hand, take the opportunity to defeat them, enslave them, and let them It is difficult to have a chance to breathe, so that we can keep my Kyushu forever peaceful!

"Maybe you think it would be cruel for me to say this, maybe you look down on these aliens, but when you know how badly Kyushu has been bullied by aliens in history, you won't think so!

"In a word, aliens, especially Westerners, must not be underestimated!"

"Take the Ming Dynasty as an example. On the surface, you can see that Lao Zhu's weapons have been updated, and you can already look down on the world, right? But have you ever thought about it? What about firearms technology?"


Everyone subconsciously took a deep breath!

In particular, Chongzhen was so frightened that he was in a cold sweat.

He subconsciously imagined the scene described by Ji Han, and his heart trembled with fright.

"If I relax and settle for pleasure, then the Westerners will take the opportunity to grow stronger. When they see that my Ming Dynasty firearms are so sophisticated, they will definitely go crazy and study imitations!

"Once they are imitated by them, then my Ming Dynasty will be in danger!

"So just as Mr. and Lao Li said, we have to fight non-stop, so that they have no chance to develop!"

Chongzhen spoke his judgment in horror!

Ying Zheng and others also nodded again and again!

The truth is indeed so.

No wonder Li Shimin was so eager to start a war, so it was.

"Lao Li, who do you want to hit?" Ji Han asked with a smile.

"There is no threat to the various ethnic groups in the Western Regions for the time being. My subordinates are now training firearms troops on a large scale. I believe that in another year and a half, the entire army of the Tang Dynasty will be able to change their firearms, and then destroying the Western Regions will be as easy as the palm of your hand!

"However, the Persians have recently escaped from Tianzhu. The Persians are doing business everywhere, leaving their traces everywhere. They are even more keen on shipping than I, the Tang Dynasty!"

"Taking advantage of the successful development of this ironclad ship, I would like to send ten ironclad ships, a hundred large ships, and a hundred thousand troops to fight with firearms to suppress these two great dynasties!"5

Li Shimin kept narrating his plans.

After hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

This guy didn't think about it on the spur of the moment, he really wanted to fight, and it looked like he had been preparing for a long time, right?

"Thinking (bbed) is good!" Ji Han immediately praised: "At this time, your road to the Western Regions from the Tang Dynasty has not yet been completed, and the expedition to the Western Regions is indeed better than killing Persia by sea!"

"This Persia and Tianzhu are not too far from your Tang Dynasty. There are mountains on the land, but they are their territory after more than a thousand miles along the coastline to the northwest!"

"Compared with the Tang Dynasty, the shipbuilding technology of Persia and Tianzhu is ridiculously weak. You can occupy the coastline with a few shells, and then push them with firearms. It is really not difficult to take them down!"5

After Ji Han analyzed it, everyone laughed immediately!

"In that case, Lao Li must fight this battle."

"Yeah, in the face of such an enemy, I'd be really sorry for not suppressing them viciously and enslaving them again! 35

"Brother Shimin, you can start the war with confidence. I will support you. If there are not enough firearms, I will have as many as I want here!"

"My Ming Dynasty is going to fully replace the Shenwei rifle, but I don't know what to do with the flintlock gun that was just issued. I can sell you as much as you want!

Everyone cheers!

Chongzhen shouted even more diligently, wishing to dispose of the flintlock gun that he was about to eliminate to Li Shimin cheaply!

Li Shimin is also very interested in this!

Most of the flintlock guns in the Ming Dynasty had just been equipped for a while, but they were actually new. If they wanted the entire army to change to Shenwei rifles, he could buy these flintlock guns.

First, this gun is cheap, second, it is suitable for Datang who has just entered the age of firearms, and thirdly, it can also speed up the popularity of firearms in Datang.

"Okay!" Li Shimin raised his glass and said with a smile: "Old Zhu, let's agree, I will pack all the flintlock guns that you replaced in your army, and you will prepare three thousand Shenwu rifles for me!"

"No problem! 35

Chongzhen clinks his glasses with a happy smile!

This sale, which everyone is happy with and can be called the largest arms deal in the world, was settled so quietly.

And when these hundreds of thousands of flintlock guns reach the Tang Dynasty, the end of Persia and Tianzhu is not far away.

"If you say that, Lao Zhao, you can go to war too!" Ji Han chuckled and joked: "Like the Tang Dynasty, it is not suitable for you to go to war in the north at the moment. It is better to take the sea route to fight against the ancient Roman Empire and the Peacock Dynasty. what!

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