At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

295 Macedonian phalanx, also comparable to Qin Nu? 【3/6, please subscribe】

Ji Han's proposal is not without reason!

There were not many dynasties in the same period as Daqin. At that time, Dongying had not yet developed, and Goryeo had not yet appeared!

There are also the Yue clan and some grassland aliens in the north!

Then there are the Peacock Dynasty and the ancient Roman Empire. These two huge dynasties are the future goals of Daqin.

With Da Qin's current strength, if you want to take care of them, it's simply not too simple!

"The ancient Roman Empire is a very large and ancient dynasty. They have existed since the tenth century BC and have been passed down for more than two thousand years before they perished!"

"The Peacock Dynasty was a dynasty in the same period as the Qin Dynasty. They have only been passed down for more than fifty years, but their national strength is quite good. Their descendants often brag about the heroism of their ancestors!""

"If you go to Asia and Europe, you may encounter the Macedonian Empire, which is also a huge dynasty that has been passed down for hundreds of years!

"They invented a very good battle formation called the Macedonian phalanx, which is often compared to the Qin Dynasty crossbow formation of the same period by later generations!

Ji Han introduced it casually, but Ying Zheng couldn't help but get furious!

"What kind of Macedonian phalanx, how dare you compare it with my Daqin crossbow array? Who gave them the courage? What a big dog's courage! 35 Ying Zheng was furious.

"Sir, what is the Macedonian battle formation? Is this kind of alien warfare worthy of being compared with Qin Nu?

"It's ridiculous, ridiculous, in the age of cold weapons, I still can't think of any tactics that can be compared with Qin Nuzhen!"

"Are these aliens crazy? I really don't know what to do!"

Cao Cao and the others sneered unhappily!

Everyone thought about it, apart from using firearms, when facing the frantic attack of hundreds of thousands of Qin crossbows, everyone could not think of any way to counterattack.

This later generation actually compares the Macedonian phalanx with Qin Nu? Isn't this insulting?

"Look, this is the famous Macedonian phalanx!"

"At that time, wars were frequent all over Europe, but the tactics were sparse and common. Macedonians relied on this game to brutally kill many opponents!"

Ji Han searched for it on his mobile phone, and then played an animation for everyone to see, and everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw it!

"That's it? What is this Macedonian phalanx?"

"It's ridiculous, isn't it just stabbing with a bunch of spears? What's so clever about that?

"Qin Nu fires a rain of arrows hundreds of paces away, and they can only become targets!"

Everyone commented and pointed, obviously looking down on the famous Macedonian phalanx.

Ying Zheng said even more angrily: "Damn, this kind of rubbish is also worthy of being compared with my Qin crossbow? Good! Sir, wait, when my army goes out, I specially send a crossbow army to clean them up!" "

"To deal with these clowns, Wu Daqin doesn't even need to use firearms, the old-fashioned Qin crossbow phalanx can easily destroy them!

"And what kind of Peacock Dynasty, the ancient Roman Empire, all of them are waiting for me, and they are cleaned up at one time, these guys are only worthy of being enslaved by my Great Qin forever!"

Old Zhao shouted and assured, obviously in order to prove Da Qin's majesty and domineering, he also had murderous intentions.

"Okay, hahaha!" Ji Han laughed loudly: "Have a drink, I wish you all success and sweep the barbarians!

"Thank you sir!

"We will definitely live up to our mission!"

Everyone excitedly raised their glasses and shouted, and all of them were murderous.

This external war between the Great Qin and the Great Tang is destined to go down in history, and then affect the future generations for thousands of years.

"Sir!" After Chongzhen calmed down, he couldn't help asking: "It is not difficult for the first emperor and the younger brother Shimin to defeat the alien race, and they can easily swept them, but it is easy to defend the country, and how to enslave overseas for a long time. Homeland, this is a difficult point!""

"My Ming Dynasty is also facing such a problem. Although the two places in Goryeo and Dongying are not big, they also send slave soldiers to suppress each other, but there are still people who rebel from time to time, which is really annoying!

··For flowers......

"Do you have a solution to this, sir?"

This question of Chongzhen has attracted everyone's attention at once!

Ying Zheng and Li Shimin thought about it seriously and could not help but secretly frowned.

This question is really worth thinking about!

And they will surely meet in the future.

It is easy to defeat Persia, Tianzhu, Macedonia, the Peacock Dynasty, and the ancient Roman Empire, but it is very difficult to suppress each other for a long time!

The local people are very different from the Kyushu people, and the customs and customs are also quite different, which makes it difficult for them to integrate into the Kyushu system.

If they are not willing to be permanently enslaved, they will continue to rebel. At that time, there will be fires everywhere, and Ying Zheng and Li Shimin will have to die from headaches.

"This problem is indeed difficult!" Ji Han laughed and said eloquently: "However, many colonial powers in history have already figured out a series of solutions!"9

"Oh? Is this true?"

"How to solve it? Please make it clear sir!

Chongzhen and the others' eyes lit up, and they were all interested again!

This seemingly complicated and troublesome problem, does Ji Han also have a way to deal with it?

"It's actually not difficult to colonize and enslave countries!" Ji Han pondered for a moment and said, "We can use some of the methods used in the Ming Dynasty before, such as recruiting slave soldiers to guard each other's countries! 35

"But this method is still a cure for the symptoms rather than the root cause. If you want to cut off a country's heart of resistance, you must divide their classes, then use religion to brainwash them, and then use the caste system to make them hate each other and fight each other!

"Only in this way can a country be completely reduced to a colony, all possessions are scattered sand, and it is impossible to truly resist the ruler!

"Religious brainwashing?"

"Caste System?"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, obviously they couldn't help but be stunned by these two novel rankings.

What exactly does this mean?

It still has so much power? Beg.

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