At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

296 Two teachings, hidden vicious intentions! 【4/6, please subscribe】

"Don't underestimate these two methods. If the sword can kill people, then these two methods can kill the heart!"

"It can not only castrate the blood of a race, but also permanently plant servility in a race, so that they will never be able to resist domination!"

Ji Han pondered for a moment, and couldn't help but think of the cruel methods of the colonial empires of later generations. They are very professional in these things.

"Let's talk about this surname system first, which is to divide a country into classes, let them despise each other, rule each other, and exploit each other, so that they can never be united!

"It may be difficult for you to understand the horror of this system, I can only say that there is a country in the future, and it is still violated by the system of hundreds of years ago!

"The low slaves of his "three seven three" can only be low slaves forever. The higher people are superior to others when they are born. Through class division, they let their own dogs eat dogs. How can this dynasty flourish?"

Ji Han talked eloquently, and then explained the detailed division and gameplay of this surname system one by one!

The more everyone listened, the more shocked they became, because no one thought that such a vicious system would exist in this world.

This is a system that will never allow generations to stand up. A country is divided into several classes. When the lower classes want to resist the rule, the upper and middle classes will suppress them without the rulers to do anything!

Because of this resistance, it will affect their interests!

"There is an upgraded version of this gameplay!" Ji Han chuckled: "Colonial empires also like to divide colonies into small countries, and then provoke them to fight with each other!""

"This kind of division is extremely terrifying. A dynasty that was originally united may very likely be divided into ten or even dozens of small countries!

"Originally, all compatriots of the same bloodline may shout and kill every day in a few decades. Do you think about such a colony, can it pose a threat to the ruler?"

"Even if someone wants to resist, can he unite so many people of so many classes to resist together? I'm afraid he will be stifled as soon as he has signs of resistance!"

Ji Han's narration made everyone secretly smack their tongues again!

"Sir, this is a wonderful method!" Ying Zheng said in shock: "If a dynasty is suddenly divided into dozens of countries, and then cooperates with the caste system to win over some people to rule others, who will be able to jump up and down?

"Yeah, this method is really scary!

"If someone uses such methods against us in Kyushu, it would be shocking to think about!

Everyone was talking, and they were all scared after a while!

Fortunately, Ji Han was helping the Kyushu Dynasty. If he helped an alien, everyone would be in big trouble.

This move alone is enough to cut off the lifeblood of a dynasty for eternity!

"Sir, what is the meaning of religious brainwashing?" Princess Changping suddenly asked curiously: "Isn't faith in this kind of thing beneficial to the people? Could it still enslave people?

"Of course!" Ji Han sneered sternly: "If things like belief are properly controlled, they can still become a weapon in the hands of rulers!"

"You can try to imagine, if a sect educates its believers to be kind, loyal to the monarch and patriotism, to do good deeds, and to accumulate blessings, would it be good?"

"Well, of course it's good! 39

"Isn't that a good thing?

Everyone was surprised. On the surface, there seems to be nothing wrong with it?

"Haha!" Ji Han laughed: "What a shit, our Kyushu bloodline has believed in princes and generals since childhood, and the common people will overthrow the dynasty's rule if they can't survive! 99

"But if you are brainwashed by this sect, the people will swallow their anger, be beaten and scolded, and they will not resist!

"They will comfort themselves that these are their own sins, and this life is here to atone for their sins. As long as they endure it, they will accumulate enough blessings, and they will have a good life in the next life!

"At the same time, you can deceive them with the money they have exchanged for their hard work, to support the gods, and to absorb their people's fat and hard-earned money!

"Tell me, if brainwashing continues like this, is there still hope after this dynasty is colonized?

Ji Han's explanation immediately made everyone look at each other!

Can religion play like this?

These are all foreign teachings, and the local Taoists in Kyushu have never been like this!

If you teach people to be kind, you will teach them to be kind. You will never hide such vicious intentions. This is really killing people without a knife.

"Come come come!" Ji Han took out a booklet and smiled: "Speaking of this doctrine of brainwashing, it just so happens that I have recently sorted out a sect, you can take a look! 39

"After going back, according to the teachings written in this booklet, I started to form a religion and spread it in the major holy temples!

"This teaching is divided into two versions. The internal version of Kyushu teaches people to be loyal, patriotic, kind and devout, while the colonial version teaches people to accumulate good fortune and reincarnate!


When everyone heard the words, they immediately became interested!

After everyone looked back at the booklet, they were all secretly shocked immediately.

Longevity Sect, this name is really domineering!

The background of the mythical stories in the teachings also looks very bullish!

Coupled with this detailed doctrine, if it is promoted, it will definitely attract countless believers!

Moreover, Ji Han also thoughtfully divided this teaching 4.3 righteousness into two versions, one spread within Kyushu, which can make the major dynasties stable like a mountain!

One spread in the major colonies, can brainwash aliens, make them lose the blood of resistance, let them constantly comfort themselves, and obtain a spiritual comfort!

It's scary to think about it!

"Haha, sir, this teaching is quite good, I will send someone to promote it when I go back!"

"From today onwards, the religion of immortality is the state religion of Qin, and any state must build a holy temple!"

"Yes, Brother Shi Huang said it well, the religion of immortality is also the state religion of my Ming Dynasty! 35

"What's more, any place in the future will have to build more temples and be brainwashed like crazy! 99

Everyone expressed their opinions, obviously very interested in the Ji Han sect.

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