At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

297 What other sects in this world dare to compete with you? [5/6, please subscribe]

Talk about this religion!

Li Shimin sighed while drinking a small wine: "The bald head sect in the Tang Dynasty is now prevalent, from princes and nobles to ordinary people, they all believe in this sect very strongly!"

"Even my Queen Guanyin maid is very addicted to this sect, and she must pray incense every day!

"I didn't think much about it before, but thinking about what Mr. said today, I'm afraid there is a big problem with this sect!

Li Shimin frowned, obviously there was a little bit of vigilance in his heart!

The bald head sect was introduced to Kyushu during the Han Dynasty. It was quite prosperous during the Tang Dynasty. There are magnificent temples in many places, and many emperors have ties to them!

Hearing his exclamation, Ji Han could not help frowning secretly!

"Indeed!" Ji Han shook his head in disgust: "The teachings of this sect are inherently bluffing. On the surface, they are to persuade people to do good, but in fact, they are secretly collecting money and playing the game of accumulating good fortune! 55

"Don't you see that the temples are so imposing and the statues of Bodhisattvas are covered with gold paint, but our local Taoist gates in Kyushu are cold and low-key, and even the 11 statues of the gods are made of clay!"

"Look at how many of these temples don't accept incense money? The more you donate, the happier they will laugh! On the other hand, what about Taoism? Self-cultivation and self-support, sackcloth sandals are all their possessions! 99

"As the saying goes, the bald head opens the door to make money in prosperous times, and the chaotic times go down to save the world. Do you think this is the truth?"

Ji Han's comments immediately attracted everyone's nods!

As for Li Shimin's face, it became even more ugly.

"Humph! What Mr. said really makes sense!" Li Shimin said angrily: "I have to get rid of these bald heads when I go back. I don't know what Mr., they are all very rich now!"

"Every temple does not need to pay taxes. The believers donate a lot of land and wealth, and it is really hateful to keep their brains full of fat!"

"Well said!" Chongzhen also repeatedly agreed: "When I was young, I often went to the temple to offer incense, praying for the people to be prosperous, the country, the country, and the people. But who blesses me? Who blesses Daming?"

"If it wasn't for your help, I would have been hanged in Meishan, Li Zicheng would have already invaded the capital, and my Ming Dynasty would have already perished! 35

"Believe in these ghosts, it is better to believe in Mr., at least Mr. is the real fairy!

Chongzhen said more and more excited!

But his sincere words made everyone nod in agreement!

If you haven't seen Ji Han's methods, it's fine. After seeing his methods, who can look up to other gods?

Therefore, Li Shimin has also strengthened his determination to get rid of the bald head!

"Old Zhu, let's go back and decree that these bald heads will be completely wiped out!" Li Shimin said with a sneer: "With just one imperial decree, I will seal the temples all over the place!

"It's more than just banning them!" Chongzhen snorted coldly: "I still have to force them to return to the vulgarity, I want this Ming Dynasty to have no more bald heads, or they will all be killed!"

Both Ying Zheng and Cao Cao agreed with their suffocating appearance!

But Ji Han frowned and waved his hand: "You can't be so reckless, how many emperors want to kill their bald heads in all dynasties? But in the end they didn't succeed, this thing is easy to revive, extremely troublesome!

"If you want to completely expel a belief, it is absolutely not enough to ban it, either you will kill them with ruthlessness, or you will expel them with another, more powerful belief!


Everyone immediately became interested!

Does Ji Han still have a solution to these things?

If according to the methods of Li Shimin and Chongzhen, a complete ban would be imposed, and people would not be allowed to go to temples to offer incense!

On the surface it seems to work!

But does it actually work?

The belief in the hearts of many people has not been eradicated, and many poor people still believe in it. How can it be done?

This will come back sooner or later!

"The struggle between beliefs is actually very fierce. 55 Ji Han continued to talk eloquently: "In later generations, in Central Asia, Europe and other places, there have been countless wars caused by beliefs over the past thousand years! 95

"In short, these foreigners are very domineering. If you don't believe in my god, I will beat you! If you refuse to submit to my god, I will kill your whole family!

"Although this method is simple, rude and domineering, if it is really so ruthless, it can completely destroy a sect!"

When Princess Changping heard the words, she couldn't help but click her tongue secretly!

"If you don't believe in his god, you will go to war? This is too domineering, right? Who can do such a thing? This is the evil god! Princess Changping sighed repeatedly, and everyone couldn't help but feel a little bit of disgust.

This kind of overbearing behavior is really hard for everyone to accept!

"The foreigners are so savage and unreasonable, and all manners, righteousness, integrity and shame are bullshit for them!" Ji Han explained casually: "They believe in whoever has the most fists has the truth, so we must not be soft on the foreigners, we have to Hit hard!"

"Sir said yes!

"However, such domineering tactics of foreigners, we really can't learn it!

"Yeah, 373 kills people for no reason, that's outrageous! 99

Everyone shook their heads!

Ji Han smiled slightly, in fact he didn't approve of such domineering behavior!

"So we can use the second method to expel them through another, stronger faith!

"You just need to build a holy temple near the temples in various places, and every year when I offer sacrifices, I take the time to show my spirits and show some miracles or something! 99

"Then you dig out some news about bald-headed corruption, money cheating, and sex cheating from all over the country, and publish it in the newspapers for wide publicity, forming a strong contrast!"

"In this way, there is no need to say more, the people will naturally understand how to choose, and in the end, these sects will naturally not be able to get along!"

Ji Han pointed casually, and everyone burst into laughter!

"Sir, you are bullying people!"

"They are deceiving false gods, but you are a real fairy!"

"Haha, Mr. personally revealed miracles, what other sects in this world dare to compete with you? 39

Everyone laughed happily!

It is foreseeable that if we do as Ji Han ordered, there will only be one sect in this world!

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