At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

299 The world is in chaos, Hua Tuo enters Chang'an! 【1/6, please subscribe】

"What are you doing? Let go of the old man, let go!"

"I don't go to Chang'an, why are you so savage? 35

"The old man Hua Tuo is just a doctor, when did he offend Cao Xiaowei? Can you tell me?

Three Kingdoms World

On the pipeline to Chang'an

A team of 100 cavalrymen escorted a carriage to Chang'an.

These hundred cavalrymen are all wearing heavy armor, and their physiques are strong and fierce.

As for the yelling old man on the carriage, it was naturally Hua Tuo!

Cao Cao dispatched more than a dozen cavalry teams to search for Hua Tuo's traces in the major prefectures. As soon as he heard of his movement, he rushed over to besiege him!

In the end, a team of people in Jizhou blocked Hua Tuo, who was practicing medicine and medicine, and kidnapped him directly. Hua Tuo was so frightened that he thought something had happened.


The group has arrived at Chang'an City!

Because of the protection of Cao Cao, this thousand-year-old capital has not been baptized by war, and it has become more prosperous than Luoyang.

Since the last war!

Cao Cao led people to destroy Zhang Ji, Li Su and others, and brought the last batch of Xiliang soldiers under their command into his command.

As for Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and others, they started a dog-eat-dog fighting mode, and the 373 Hours of the Eighteen Roads fought endlessly in Luoyang!

In the face of the empty emperor's throne, coupled with the attraction of the imperial jade seal, how could these eighteen princes be able to hold back?

They all have ghosts, and they all want to have a new king!

Because once the new monarch is successfully established, everyone can become the minister of the dragon. If you encounter a new monarch with weak means, then everyone must learn from Dong Zhuo to control the government!

At this moment, the ugliness of the human heart broke out completely!

Some people want to support Jingzhou Liu Biao, some people want to support Xichuan Liu Yan, and some people want to support Yangzhou Liu Yao!

The most ridiculous thing is that Yuan Shao didn't know where to get a three-year-old baby. He insisted that it was the bloodline of Han and Emperor Liu Zhao, and he wanted to make him emperor!

This ambition can be said to have been revealed!

Therefore, the parties (bbed) were also noisy and almost fought several times. In the end, the princes of the Eighteen Roads also broke up in trouble and retreated one after another.

Yuan Shao occupied the land of Luoyang upright, holding the imperial jade seal in his hand, and made a three-year-old child who I did not know where he got it as the emperor, and proclaimed himself the great general of protecting the country!

How is this different from Dong Zhuo?

Where are the other princes convinced?

After the major princes returned to their respective fiefs, they began to support new kings!

The Han Dynasty has been passed down for more than 400 years, how many royal clans are there?

After a while, more than a dozen emperors including Liu Yao, Liu Biao, and Liu Yan appeared in a flash, and the Warring States Period began.

The people of the world now understand that there will be chaos!

The throne of the emperor is vacant, and the world has the ability to fight, this time is really going to fight, and it is the rhythm of the world's turbulence!

Sure enough, after a lot of criticism and quarrels, the major princes in the world accused each other and recruited troops, and the world was in chaos after a while.

In the end, Cao Cao's Chang'an land was safe and sound!

The wife Cao, who holds an army of hundreds of thousands, is now the most powerful prince in the world. Who dares to touch him?

Moreover, he did not support a new emperor, and he did not seize the imperial jade seal, so no one had any excuse to shoot at him.

This city of Chang'an has thus become a rare pure land.

Compared with the chaotic situation in the world at this time, Chang'an City can be described as more and more prosperous, with all kinds of merchants gathered and people flowing like shuttles!

Seeing this scene in Hua Tuo's eyes, naturally made him secretly surprised!

Outside the city lord's mansion, Hua Tuo saw Cao Cao, Lu Bu and others. At this time, Lu Bu, Dianwei and other fierce generals stood proudly behind Cao Cao, setting off the not tall Cao Heizi quite domineering.

"Hahaha, Mr. Hua, it's hard work!"

"It's very rude for Cao to send someone to invite your husband, but this time the matter is very important, Cao has to be so reckless, and I ask the old gentleman to forgive me!"

Cao Cao warmly greeted him!

He directly took the confused Hua Tuo out of the carriage.

"Xiaowei Cao, what do you mean?" Hua Tuo said with a face full of surprise: "What's the matter with you asking this old man to come here? Is it because you want to diagnose someone?"

"No, no, it's the God of Eternal Life who wants to see you!" Cao Cao replied with a smile!

"Huh? 35

Hua Tuo's face immediately became confused, as if you were teasing me.

What god? What the hell? Are you sure you're not kidding?


Cao Cao didn't explain too much!

He waved his hand directly and asked, "How is the preparation for the sacrifice ceremony?

"It's ready!" Lu Bu said with a frenzy on his face: "It's in the holy temple now, and you can start at any time!


Cao Cao nodded with satisfaction!

Now there is also a holy temple in Chang'an City. It used to be a temple. Cao Cao took it and rebuilt it with a wave of his hand, and quickly enshrined the statue of Ji Han.

In this regard, the people of Chang'an City are quite puzzled!

No one knows who is worshipped in this temple!

Cao Cao has never explained too much to the outside world, because he knows that no matter how much he brags, it is better to sacrifice once!


Cao Cao took the crowd to the holy temple to worship, and after slaughtering 300 livestock in public, Ji Han did a miracle!

And this miracle is not an ordinary exaggeration, a phantom of a ten-thousand-zhang deity appears in the air, carrying hundreds of millions of divine lights, thunder and lightning, auspicious clouds and white cranes, and immortal music is singing in unison!

This scene shocked countless people in an instant!

"Oh my God, what is this?"

"God! This is God!

"I've always heard that Duke Cao is blessed by gods, but I didn't expect it to be true!

"Is this the god of immortality enshrined in the holy temple? It, it really appeared!"

Chang'an City and the people in the surrounding area for hundreds of miles were all excited and desperate to worship, and one by one, they were all overwhelmed by this terrifying miracle.

The number of Ji Han's followers has also increased a lot!

In the end, a ray of divine light shrouded Hua Tuo, the legendary genius doctor, so he was also transformed by the power of sacrificial inheritance!

A large number of medical books, traditional Chinese medicine skills, and medical knowledge of later generations were instilled in his mind!

A drop of Tiannu blood and an oracle did not enter his body and disappeared,

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