At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

300 Ceremony of Sacrifice to Heaven, the battle of Daqin and Tang Dynasty to go to sea! 【2/6, please

The miracles that took place in Chang'an City quickly spread all over the world!

Most of the surrounding people have seen this scene with their own eyes, so they are extremely confident in this newly emerging God of Eternal Life!

The incense of the holy temple has also become incomparably vigorous!

When the common people pass it on by word of mouth, and when merchants from all over the world pass on this matter, the common people of the prefectures in this world will inevitably have a new belief!

There are believers, and there are unbelievers!

However, this incident has attracted the attention of the major princes. Many people suddenly realized it after hearing about the situation in Chang'an City. They seem to have ignored Cao Cao!

No one in the world is a fool!

Coupled with a little analysis of various top advisors, everyone immediately discovered a terrible fact that they were tricked by Cao Cao!

Cao Cao threw out this imperial jade seal, stirring up chaos in the world, but he led a large army to settle in Chang'an City quietly, and quietly swallowed the entire territory of Bingzhou and most of Liangzhou!

Now in Liangzhou, only Xiliang Ma Teng is still stubbornly resisting, and other places have already fallen into the hands of Cao Cao.

This guy has an army of hundreds of thousands in his hands, and there are also fierce generals such as Dian Wei, Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, Xiahou Dun, etc., which is even more terrifying than the previous Dong Zhuo.

The point is that Cao Cao is too shrewd, Dong Zhuo's self-seeking death has led the world to attack, but he is wise to protect himself and accumulate strength, and the lords are so angry that they grit their teeth but have nothing to do!

"Well, you Cao Cao, you thief, shameless!"

"I said why he didn't want this imperial jade seal that day, it turned out that he was hiding evil intentions, Cao thief should be damned!"

"Bastard, there will always be a Japanese general who will crush you to death!"

Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and other major princes threw their cups and bowls furiously, but at this moment the world was in chaos, and there was no turning back when the bow was drawn.

Everyone knew that it was a trick and couldn't do anything with Cao Cao, so they could only continue to accumulate strength and start this man-made battle for hegemony.

The feudal lords from all over the country started a big melee fight against each other.

at the same time

Daqin and Datang are also ready to fight!

This is the first foreign war between the two great dynasties after the world has stabilized, and it is still the foreigners who are fighting against each other. This is a major event!

After many discussions and communication, Li Shimin decided to send 100,000 troops on an expedition. The fleet consisted of ten ironclad ships and a hundred ships of thousand materials, all equipped with firearms and artillery!

Ying Zheng decided to dispatch 150,000 people to expedition. The fleet consisted of 15 ironclad ships and 80 thousand-material ships, also equipped with a large number of firearms and artillery!


Langya Port

Hundreds of large ships were densely packed, flags fluttered, and the scene was huge.

Wang Ben led the 150,000 soldiers to line up neatly, quietly waiting for Ying Zheng's inspection and preparing for the next ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven!

This battle is definitely a very crucial and important battle for Da Qin. When many courtiers heard that they were going to fight at sea, they couldn't help but feel uneasy in their hearts!

If it weren't for Ying Zheng's strength against the public, this battle would never have been fought.

Therefore, Lao Zhao attaches great importance to this expedition!

Not only did he personally bring people to the port of Langya to inspect and attend the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens, but he also brought many civil and military officials, which can be said to be taken seriously.

At the same time, the expeditionary army appointed Wang Ben as the head coach, Li Xin and Tu Sui as the lieutenants, and Hu Hai personally led the 3,000 special forces to accompany them to fight!

This lineup is terrifyingly powerful!

In the era of Daqin, who else can stop it?

The Mauryan Dynasty, the Macedonian Empire, and the Ancient Roman Empire must all be eclipsed in front of this lineup!

"Your Majesty, it's time to sacrifice to heaven!" Li Si reminded in a low voice.

"Yeah!"" Ying Zheng nodded and gave the order with a big hand: "Sacrificing to Heaven, start!


All the ministers of the Qin Dynasty agreed!

A huge sacrificial ceremony begins!

Since there are sacrificial officials who are busy before and after, read the sacrificial texts, and only when it comes to the last time to pay homage to the statue of the God of Eternal Life, Ying Zheng personally offers incense and worships!

"Masters, kneel!

Ying Zheng shouted, and hundreds of civil and military officials, as well as hundreds of thousands of soldiers, all knelt down on the ground like gold and jade.

・・Ask for flowers・


An illusory divine light slowly spilled out from the statue, and in a short while it enveloped the crowd!

Even these divine lights slowly enveloped the hundreds of battlefields, causing them all to emit a dazzling light. This was obviously Ji Han's miracle.

Daqin is his old-fashioned faith base, Ji Han will not treat everyone badly.

"This is the god of immortality who is protecting us!" Ying Zheng roared loudly: "God again, bless my Daqin expeditionary army to be invincible!




The soldiers shouted excitedly in unison, and their morale rose sharply.

Originally, many soldiers were apprehensive about this unknown war and facing overseas enemies!

But at this moment, everyone has no fear!

There is a god three feet above the head. God is blessing everyone, and he has blessed every ship. What else should everyone be afraid of?

"Wang Qing, don't betray my trust, don't betray the immortal master's trust, you must sweep the foreigners, understand?" Ying Zheng urged patiently.

Wang Ben was shocked, knelt down on one knee and shouted: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, if you can't suppress the foreigners, this minister will come to see you!

"it is good!

Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction!

Appointing Wang Ben as coach was after careful consideration!

It stands to reason that the two princes of the Wang family are already a great honor, and Wang Ben should no longer be sent to fight.

But with Ji Han there, Ying Zheng was not worried that the Wang family would rebel. This time, there must be someone who can control the scene, and Wang Ben is the best candidate.

"Go to sea and kill the enemy!" Ying Zheng roared with his sword drawn.

"Go to sea and kill the enemy!"

"Go to sea, kill the enemy! 35

The soldiers roared and roared excitedly, and they boarded the warships one after another. With the cheers of artillery, the army began to kill in a mighty way along the river bank to the southwest.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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