At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

302 Space-time Magnetic Field, Daqin vs Macedonia! 【4/6, please subscribe】

Debate in the classroom

No one can really convince each other!

Professor Stephen still insisted on his own opinion, but everyone could see that he was a little guilty.

The point raised by the ponytail girl is absolutely enough to subvert the entire European history, which makes Professor Stephen slightly dissatisfied.

"Dear Li, this is my class!" Professor Stephen warned sternly: "I hope you will listen carefully, I don't want to hear similar remarks again, otherwise your grade in this professional course will be zero!

"Professor, this is not fair!" The ponytail girl said angrily: "I'm just expressing my opinion. What about the freedom of human rights and freedom of speech that you have been advocating? Are you still not allowed to speak?"

"Freedom doesn't make you talk nonsense." Professor Stephen patted the table and sneered: "If you think you know it well, why do you bother to come here to study abroad? You don't study history in your own country. Okay? You guys are good at making up history anyway, aren't you?


There was another burst of laughter in the class!

International students from all over the world are gloating.

The ponytail girl and the Kyushu international students present were all trembling with anger.

What is this? Is this Pride and Prejudice?

Just when the atmosphere gradually became sharp.

An invisible magnetic field wave swept across hundreds of miles again, and countless passers-by, students, and international students seemed to be in a trance at this moment.

Everything around you quickly dissipated!

High-rise buildings, cars, planes, all disappeared without a trace in a trance!

This strange fluctuation involved several small countries nearby, and tens of millions of people witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

In the dark, everyone seems to have crossed the long river of time and space, and finally saw a huge grassland next to the river valley!

At this time, an ancient army was lining up in this open space. It looked like a huge crowd, quite domineering.

In the middle of this army are seven or eight thousand soldiers armed with spears of more than ten meters, forming a phalanx like a hedgehog, with tens of thousands of cavalry guards on both sides!

They are tall, and at first glance they are of Macedonian origin in Central Asia!

Coupled with this armor and equipment full of the breath of the times, everyone who saw this scene was amazed.

"What's the matter? Hell, how did we see this, is this a dream?"

"Wait, this seems to be the legendary space-time magnetic field? Is what we are seeing now an ancient war scene?

"No, I have also studied the space-time magnetic field, but it's not like this at all!

"Is this an upgraded version of the space-time magnetic field?

Countless foreigners were so frightened that they screamed desperately, and many scientists couldn't help but light up their eyes. Obviously, this discovery surprised everyone!

At the same time, everyone is a little more curious about this amazing army. What are they waiting for?

"This is the legendary Macedonian phalanx!" Professor Stephen proclaimed excitedly as if he had discovered a treasure: "Look at this great battle formation, it's daunting, they must be waiting for a strong enemy. !35

Excited with the anticipation of everyone!

There was an earth-shattering sound of war drums on the screen!

You can vaguely see the north of the prairie, like a sea, and a lot of huge warships have appeared on the sea!

Everyone can't see how huge these warships are, but a large number of soldiers quickly appeared on the battlefield and formed an even larger and terrifying army!

After a while, three times as many soldiers as the Macedonian Legion appeared!

They were wearing black and red leather armor, and their flags were fluttering. The formation looked more neat and domineering, as if there was an astonishing murderous aura of a master of a hundred battles.

Everyone desperately tried to see clearly, but it was too far away, and the picture was not very clear, and we could only vaguely see that this was an army shrouded in fog, like a hell army!


After a trumpet sounded, 10,000 people from the densely packed army on the opposite side quickly approached the Macedonian phalanx with neat steps.

"Ten thousand people? Crazy? Are they trying to crush the Macedonian army with ten thousand people? 99

"Who is this person so arrogant? Wait, you see, their skin color looks like an oriental!

"My God, the flag is written in Xiaozhuan, this is the flag of Daqin!

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. How could the Qin army transport hundreds of thousands of troops by sea and kill them in Macedonia?"

"This is unscientific, absolutely unscientific! 35

Countless people screamed in horror!

In the centuries BC, how could it be possible for the Easterners to invade Central Asia by sailing? This is completely unscientific!

There is no such thing as recorded in the history books at all!

And with 10,000 horses, they dared to fight against the famous Macedonian phalanx? Crazy?

"Hahaha, this must be a missed record in history, I didn't expect that the space-time magnetic field would allow us to see this magical scene, great! 95

"God bless, we will soon be able to see the horror of the Macedonian phalanx!"

"I really admire the courage of these damned Orientals who underestimate their enemies, dare to come from afar to die! 35

"Look, we'll see these damned orientals being crushed soon, haha, I'm looking forward to Macedonian spears piercing their poor leather armor!

Many foreigners are excited with eyes shining!

Even Professor Stephen couldn't help but get excited!

Because of the topic just discussed, there is finally a historical reference.

"God, I didn't expect Qin Dynasty to actually reach Central Asia by sea! 35 Professor Stephen said excitedly: "Look, they will be wiped out here, yes, that's right!"

"The reason why this war is not recorded in history must be because they were all beheaded here!

"The war more than 2,000 years ago has long been forgotten by people, but the space-time magnetic field will not be forgotten. We will eventually witness this shocking war!"

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