At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

303 Crushing and killing, the art of war of the old Qin people! 【5/6, please subscribe】

10,000 people vs. 50,000 people

This is a war of great contrasts, the outcome of which is known without further ado.

The foreigners who were fortunate enough to see this scene all cried out excitedly, looking forward to the famous Macedonian phalanx, and taught these enemies of the East more than two thousand years ago!

It's a war of honor!

It is also a battle of face and historical suspense!

But why did the Daqin Army send 10,000 people to fight?

Could it be that there is something wrong with the head of Daqin's leading coach in history?

No! That's because of Lao Zhao's advice!

After hearing Ji Han talk about the Macedonian phalanx, Lao Zhao became angry, and secretly gave Wang Ben a death order.

In any case, the Macedonian Empire must be found, and they must be completely defeated and humiliated.

And once you meet each other, you must win more with less, and don't use firearms, so as to enhance the prestige of Da Qin!

That's why this war after more than 2,000 years has become so bizarre!

In full view!

The 10,000 Qin troops in the picture quickly formed a formation. They were in groups of two, squatting down neatly hundreds of paces away, and they had a handful of crossbow arrows in their hands!

The Macedonian phalanx also began to move slowly!

Soldiers holding spears moved forward with small steps, and soldiers holding small round shields also raised their shields to form a formation like a turtle shell!

The tortoise shell and the hedgehog array, this Macedonian phalanx seems to many people to be a complete mess, but it is a battle array that Europeans have boasted about for thousands of years, and it really lives up to its reputation!

However, the 10,000 Qin troops on the opposite side have already made a decisive move!

Puff puff!

A crossbow arrow came out of the string.

The dense mass of locusts rushed into the sky like locusts, and in the next moment, they drew a perfect arc and shot towards the Macedonian phalanx.


The screams continued to sound, and a large number of Macedonian soldiers fell to the ground crying in pain, covering their hands and feet in pain.

Many people were shot into a hornet's nest on the spot, and their deaths were extremely miserable.

Their small round shields can only protect a small area, and if they face ordinary bows and arrows, it is absolutely sufficient.

However, when facing Qin Nu's long-range, powerful, and rain-like attack, it was necessary to use a thickened super-large shield.

In front of Qin crossbow, this kind of small round shield is no different from a toy. Many shields were pierced on the spot, and even if they barely blocked the crossbow arrow, they could not protect the whole body!

Puff puff!

Another burst of crossbow arrows, terrifyingly shot past!

There was another scream in the Macedonian phalanx!

Daqin's 10,000 soldiers were divided into two groups. After a group of 5,000 people finished shooting, they immediately stepped back ten steps to reload their crossbow bolts, and then the second group shot, and immediately retreated ten steps to reload after shooting!

This method of combat is the most restrained infantry!

And the most restrained slow-moving infantry phalanx!

The commanding generals of the Qin army are very smart, and at a glance, they can see that the Macedonian phalanx has a good defense and is moving slowly!

In order to ensure their formation, they must not be able to walk fast, so this formation can easily kill them!

Waves of arrows rained down continuously!

The Macedonian phalanx of seven or eight thousand people suffered heavy losses immediately, with more than half of the casualties.

For them, the distance of several hundred steps was as difficult to cross as a moat, and the Macedonian phalanx they were proud of was vulnerable to Qin Nu.

"Oh Maiga! How can this be?""

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! How could the legendary Macedonian phalanx be so weak?

"These damned Orientals, despicable and shameless, have the ability to fight head-on!"

"Don't worry, don't worry! The biggest essence of the Macedonian phalanx is the guard cavalry on both sides. Once it encounters the cavalry on both sides of a strong enemy, it will kill!"

"Yes, let the cavalry strike and stomp on these damned oriental bastards!

The foreigners screamed angrily!

They watched their Macedonian phalanx, which had boasted for more than 2,000 years, being so brutally killed, they couldn't help but secretly feel ashamed and angry, and everyone trembled with anger.


The chaotic sound of horses' hooves sounded, and the 40,000 cavalry on both sides of the Macedonian phalanx couldn't stand it any longer.

It stands to reason that 40,000 cavalrymen attacked 10,000 crossbowmen, which is an absolute massacre, and one charge can take care of the opponent.

But who knew that Qin Jun would change formations quietly!

One by one, the crossbowmen quickly put away their crossbow gear, put on other weapons, and blocked them in the periphery, and formed a phalanx similar to the Jiugong Bagua Array!

Shield soldiers form the periphery of the formation!

The spearmen and knife and axemen were hidden inside, and the crossbow arrows shot continuously, with a small crossbow arrow with an extremely fast rate of fire, and suddenly formed a perfect formation that combines defense and attack.

The professionalism of the Daqin army is like a professional soldier, and it seems like a cold-blooded executioner, easily slaughtering the enemy.

The 40,000 cavalry rushed over in a mess, but failed to shake the great formation at all, and were harvested by a wave of crossbow arrows before they got close!

After the cavalry approached the great formation, they were blocked by shields, and iron spears were pierced from below to stab the horses' stomachs!

Where have these Macedonians seen this kind of gameplay? The people who were killed immediately turned their backs!

After the horses were stabbed, they kicked desperately, and the cavalry was overturned and dismounted on the spot.

".. how could this be? How could it be?"

"Despicable and shameless, this is too despicable!"

"Falk, Falk!

The foreigners watched this scene with grief and indignation, and a sense of powerlessness and desolation swept through everyone.

Anyone can see it now!

This seemingly crowded Macedonian army is just a bunch of rabble, and they are weak and vulnerable in front of a truly professional war machine.

"I said it long ago!" The ponytail girl chuckled and said contemptuously: "In front of a terrible dynasty that has experienced hundreds of years of war, your so-called war experience is ridiculously weak, do you believe it now? 35


Professor Stephen's face flushed with embarrassment.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" light.

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