At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

304 Cavalier demeanor? Are you brain watts? 【6/6, please subscribe】

I never thought that Professor Stephen would be killed!

In this history, the war between Daqin and Macedonia really happened, and it was recorded by the space-time magnetic field, which was presented to the world two thousand years later in a strange way!

How loud the bragging once was, how painful the slap is now!

The clown turned out to be himself!

At this time, not only Professor Stephen, but also any European historian who saw this scene, all blushed and wanted to find a crotch to get in.

Shame, this is too shameful!

An army of 50,000 fought against 10,000 people, but the ones who were killed were retreating. Is this 50,000 pigs?

In fact, the reason why the Macedonian army was defeated so badly was that on the one hand, the tactics were too backward, and on the other hand, it was severely restrained by Qin Nu!

The last aspect is because of the weapons!

Careful people may find that the Macedonian army should be using iron utensils mixed with some bronze utensils!

The quality of these weapons is very poor!

The Daqin army had already used steel weapons in an all-round way, cutting each blade like iron into mud.

In fact, even if 373 is a frontal fight, an adult with a steel knife can easily kill four or five enemies with broken copper and iron! This is the gap between weapons and an insurmountable gap!

This epoch-making war lasted for about half an hour, and the Macedonians were beaten to the point of losing their temper. Not only did they suffer heavy casualties, but the results were extremely small!

The Qin army on the opposite side was as steady as a mountain, reaping their lives with ease, and the Macedonians they beat almost collapsed!

And there are more than 100,000 Qin troops standing silently in the distance. These people are motionless, like an army of devils, which brings huge pressure to everyone.

In the end, the mentality of the Macedonian army collapsed!

They fled without order, collapsed, and a humiliating rout began to happen!

The 20,000 or 30,000 people who remained threw away their helmets and armor, and began to flee backwards with a wailing scream. I only regretted that my parents didn't give me two extra legs!

At this moment, the war has come to an end!

The 10,000 Qin army fought against the 50,000 Macedonian army, easily defeated the opponent, the opponent collapsed and fled, but the loss was extremely small.

But the battle isn't over yet.


An earth-shattering roar.

Three thousand cavalrymen suddenly burst out from the Daqin army formation in the distance.

This time, Da Qin should not have brought horses to fight across the ocean this time. He thought that horses not only took up space on the ship, but also very difficult to take care of.

But what kind of person is Wang Ben?

This guy is a good person. He has been studying with Wang Jian all the year round. He has not learned anything else, but he has learned ten percent of the way!

If there are no horses in the war, how to chase the defeated army? How to convey orders?

Therefore, he defied all opinions and brought three thousand iron horses out!

These 3,000 people were all elites who had participated in the war against the Xiongnu in the north, and the war horses were all high-quality war horses.

Rumble of hooves!

Earth-shattering screams.

The momentum of the three thousand Qin army cavalry was even more terrifying than the 40,000 Macedonian cavalry.

The defeated Macedonian army suffered heavy casualties again.

Countless people died tragically under the Qin army's slaughtering knife. This kind of terrifying art of war has left hundreds of millions of foreigners stunned.

"Damn, these demons, the devils of the East!

"The Macedonian army has already been defeated, and they are shameless to pursue and kill them, it is shameless!

"Cavaliers don't understand, these savages!"

The foreigners yelled angrily!

When they found out that the Macedonian army was indeed unable to defeat Da Qin, they could only continue to uphold their arrogance and prejudice, and began to criticize Da Qin's demeanor!

All the Kyushu international students present laughed lightly!

Everyone doesn't care about these, what kind of benevolence and morality? What kind of chivalry? Are you brains?

Winning or losing is the most important and most important thing!

If it was the Macedonians who won today, these foreigners would have to blow it for the rest of their lives.

It's a pity, they lost too badly today.

From now on, they have absolutely no face to brag about it!

at the same time

In the Ganges River Basin, Central Asia, and all over Europe, all kinds of strange things continue to happen!

Mass graves have been excavated!

In the ancient tombs, many inscriptions inscribed with strange characters were unearthed.

Signs one after another are ruthlessly refreshing the cognition of historians from all over the world.

They were shocked to discover that, as far back as a few hundred years B.C. and more than six hundred years A.D., each of their countries suffered great disasters!

This is not recorded in the history books, but it is undoubtedly revealed from various historical traces, which makes them all panic involuntarily!

"Fake, what's going on? Why was a large mass grave dug in the Ganges River Basin? A large number of Mauryan people were slaughtered? All the signs point to the far east!

"These demons, they also defeated the army of the ancient Roman Empire? This is impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"The owner of this ancient tomb wrote down a shocking thing in writing. The Easterners actually enslaved Tianzhu and Persia. What is going on?

Countless historians are scratching their heads, and they are in a depressing mess!

If it is one or two things, they can be regarded as invisible, but these events also break out too frequently?

Coupled with the time-space magnetic field event of Macedonia's defeat, this made the history of European countries suddenly chaotic, and many things that were already confirmed have become messed up at this moment!

The historians are all going crazy!

They are from the East again, what did their ancestors do?

Why did they kill so many bloody cases in the faraway Central Asia more than 2,000 years ago!

Are these Orientals really that powerful?

"Chapter 6 Today, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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