At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

306 One side is in trouble, all sides support, Chinese medicine family! 【2/5, please subscribe】

torrential rain

It came on time

For several days in a row, there have been heavy rains in the southwestern provinces!

Generally, in this case, there will not be natural disasters, and it is not easy to attract attention.

But this time, there was a warning from the Feng family and monitoring by the meteorological department. Many people's nerves became tense, and many more people were dispatched to inspect the area.

A few days later, something happened!

Rivers in many places along the Yangtze River in Qianzhou have skyrocketed, and there may be a risk of dykes bursting, and flash floods are also raging, and landslides have occurred in many places.

The natural disaster has indeed appeared!

The well-prepared flood-fighting rescue and disaster-relief plan was launched quickly, and a large number of disaster-relief personnel and materials went straight to Yanjiang City.

The entire Yanjiang City has mobilized "Three Seven Three"!

The transfer of the transfer, the disaster relief of the disaster relief, and the reinforcement of the embankment are also busy without touching the ground.

On TV news, various reports also began to appear, and a series of disaster warnings were broadcast continuously, which attracted widespread attention.

"Is it going to rain again? Damn God, it's always doing things!

"Yanjiang City suffered a disaster a few years ago. Will it burst again this time?"

"I heard that this time is a once-in-a-century flood. I wonder if it can survive it!"

"Come on along the river, come on Kyushu!"

"If one side is in trouble, all sides will support, I want to donate!"

"I heard that troops have been dispatched to the disaster relief? That's great!

Many netizens cheered on the Internet one after another, and more and more people paid attention to this matter.

This kind of thing has attracted the attention of many foreign netizens. Taking advantage of the recent limelight in Kyushu, many people can't help but secretly envy and hate.

After hearing about the earthquake relief work, many foreigners couldn't help but gloat over the misfortune.

"I heard that Kyushu is densely populated, and every flood will cause heavy losses. This time, when we encounter a big flood that is rarely seen in a hundred years, I am afraid that something big will happen!

"Hehe, unlucky fellows, hurry up and pray for God's blessing!

The foreigners commented yin and yang strangely.

Inside the small estate

Ji Han also knew about it!

Compared with Feng Muru's calculation, Ji Han can check the flood directly by checking one or two directly through the system.

After all, he is the patron saint of Kyushu. Although he has little influence on this world, he can still see many things.

This big flood was unexpectedly scary!

Not only is it a rare occurrence in a century, but it will also lead to floods in many places, many cities and counties are ravaged by floods, tens of millions of people are affected, and the loss of wealth is tens of billions of dollars.

After Ji Han found out about this, it was not easy to ignore it!

As soon as his spiritual thoughts moved, an oracle descended on the distant East China Sea.

At this time, the huge Flood Dragon lurking in the deep sea has also quickly received the order. After opening his eyes, he rolled his body excitedly, and went straight to the inland river to kill!

It's a pity that Ji Han doesn't have to be there with such giants as Jiaolong!

At this time, it has completely digested the Dragon Transformation Pill, although there is no sign of becoming a real dragon, but the ability to control water flow is more and more exquisite.

Today's Jiaolong Dahei is an invincible overlord in the ocean!

This time Yanjiang City suffered such a big disaster, Ji Han ordered him to help, which is also reasonable!

After all, it is impossible for him to watch his compatriots suffer, right?

When one party is in trouble, all parties support it. This is not just talk, it is something inscribed in the blood of Kyushu.

Without this spiritual support, how could Kyushu become the only existence among the four ancient civilizations that has survived for thousands of years?

I believe that with the help of Da Hei, this flood should be controllable!

"But that's not enough! 95

Ji Han pondered secretly, and suddenly remembered a dark chess - Chinese medicine family!

After Cao Cao found Hua Tuo to sacrifice last time, Ji Han used Tiannu blood to transform him, and passed on him many miraculous medical skills, ordering his family descendants to hide their names from the world!

After the correction of time and space!

The seeds planted this time have quietly taken root and sprouted.

In the past two days, Ji Han has determined that they have developed a hidden family, and they are still very hidden..

Today's Huajia is in the magic capital, and their family runs a large pharmaceutical factory, and there are many pharmacy branches all over the place!

On the surface, this Hua family looks like an ordinary merchant family, but in fact they hide extremely high medical skills and have never been exposed to the world, only a few powerful people know about it.

Now that Yanjiang City is in disaster, it is a good opportunity for them to show up!

Ji Han's thoughts moved, and another oracle was issued.

Suburbs of Magic City

In a huge manor, a mysterious ancestral hall was built, with a large number of ancestral ranks and a majestic statue.

A white-haired old man in a Tang suit was sitting by the side watching the medical skills silently, holding a few pieces of herbal medicine with his fingers from time to time to observe, as if he was studying pharmacology.

This person's name is Hua Jicang, the forty-third generation descendant of the Hua family, and now the helm of the Hua family.

At the age of 86 this year, he has long ceased to care about family affairs, and he has no longer practiced medicine and treatment. He just burns incense in this ancestral hall every day, studies pharmacology, and lives a comfortable life.

But today, he was restless!

After putting down the medical book in his hand, Hua Jicang subconsciously picked up the third-grade fragrance, and after lighting it, he wanted to put incense on the statue!

But this god statue suddenly shines brightly.

Rays of light began to cover Hua Jicang's body, and he was shocked and inexplicably horrified on the spot.

"This this?"

Hua Jicang stuttered, stunned, and his mind was stunned. After a while, he fell to the ground in ecstasy.

"Yanjiang City was hit by disaster, hurry to rescue! 99

"From now on, show me the style of Chinese medicine!

A majestic and domineering voice came from the statue.

After hearing this, Hua Jicang burst into tears of excitement. He never imagined that they had finally received God's order again after being hidden for so many years.

"The Hua family obeys the oracle! 35

Old Hua Ji burst into tears and shouted desperately with excitement.

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