At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

307 Trample human rights? Don't you know which is more important? [3/5, please subscribe]

"Hurry up! Put the sandbag on it, hurry up!"

"Brothers, speed up!"

"Take it easy for me, I must reinforce this embankment today!

A roar resounded on the edge of the embankment of Yanjiang City!

Thunder and lightning flashed between the heavens and the earth, the rain was majestic, and everything was pale at a glance.

Tens of thousands of soldiers, grass-roots officials, volunteers, and local people lined up in long queues, carrying sandbags and climbing the muddy roads with difficulty!

Everyone present was utterly embarrassed!

Everyone's tired faces are full of perseverance and perseverance!

Many people have been fighting here for a day and a night, and many people have not eaten water or a bite of bread.

The flood is so strong that it may burst the embankment at any time. If this is not blocked as soon as possible, it will really cause a major accident!

"Comrades, stand up and cheer for me!"

"After 11, we are millions of people in Yanjiang City, they are our elders and villagers, do you have the heart to let their lives and property suffer?

"I know you are tired, but you are all hard-working, and you all cheer me up!

"The next wave of floods is coming soon, so please speed me up, hurry up!""

On a high ground on the embankment!

Colonel Tan Weiqi of the Southeast Military Region, holding a loudspeaker, kept roaring and commanding, and kept cheering for everyone!

His voice was already hoarse, and he was extremely tired.

But he, like the soldiers present, didn't complain, and didn't have any intention of retreating. Everyone was silently supporting him.


Several young disciples fell down on the muddy road in embarrassment, gasping for breath, their faces were extremely pale, and their young faces were full of exhaustion.

But they didn't say a word, gritted their teeth silently, and continued to carry the sandbags and move on!

This scene made Tan Weiqi's eyes slightly steamy!

These are still children, many are only eighteen or nineteen years old, and they are the treasures of the family at home!

But at this moment, they have become the mainstay of earthquake relief, and each one is strong and distressing.

How much Tan Weiqi wants everyone to stop and rest, but he can't, because he knows that time is life.

"Report to the head of the regiment!" At this time, a soldier trotted over in the heavy rain, saluted and shouted: "A reporter wants to interview you, how do you reply?


Tan Weiqi is so angry!

He looked up and found that many reporters were waiting in a gazebo in the distance. There were both domestic and foreign reporters, and it seemed that there were quite a few.

"Let them get the hell out of here!" Tan Weiqi snorted impatiently: "I annoy these reporters the most every time I do disaster relief, and I come here to make trouble. What's the point of interviewing them, I have to protect their personal safety!

"Head of the regiment!" The soldier urged bitterly, "Don't be like this. When you come back, the commander will have to take care of you. You should go over quickly. This flood didn't come so quickly, so it's better to deal with it."


Tan Weiqi nodded helplessly!

After putting away the loudspeaker, he walked to the gazebo in a huff, and was surrounded by reporters in a short while!

"Captain Tan, how is the situation now? 35'

"Are you sure you can block this once-in-a-century flood?"

"How much disaster relief effort was put into this time?

Reporters are scrambling to ask questions!

Cameras were constantly aimed at him.

After saluting, Tan Weiqi said solemnly: "At present, we have reinforced the river channels in Yanjiang City thirteen times, and the river water in many places has been controlled!

"However, it is very likely that there will be more heavy rains and floods in the future. The danger is temporarily unpredictable. We have invested more than 50,000 rescue forces! 35

"Next, we will invest even more rescue force, continue to evacuate people, and ensure the safety of people's lives and properties along the river. Please the motherland and people believe in us!"9

Tan Weiqi's series of clichés immediately made the Kyushu reporters nod their heads again and again, but several reporters from abroad were not very happy.

They speak blunt Chinese and keep asking questions!

"Mr. Tan, what exactly do you mean by rescue? Is this really useful in the face of a once-in-a-century torrential rain?"

"Why don't your troops carry guns when they do disaster relief? Can this ensure the safety of the people?"

"We saw these soldiers, many of them were so tired that they were about to faint, and I heard that they had not rested for a day and a night, right?"

"Are you trampling on human rights? This is too authoritarian!

The foreign reporters are desperately picking on the thorns, obviously the purpose is self-evident.

In the recent period of time, Kyushu has been too noisy, resulting in the continuous refresh of Kyushu's popularity and reputation, and many foreigners have become the people who worship China and beautify the summer.

This is a very bad thing for the Westerners who control the fishing reels, so now there are foreign reporters everywhere in Kyushu, and they are desperately trying to dig out everything that can be smeared!

The old man fell across the road and no one helped him!

How old is the child who stole the maltose from the canteen!

These little things will be featured by them, constantly smearing from all directions, trying to lower the image of Kyushu again.

In this regard, Tan Weiqi is naturally secretly angry!

He said solemnly: "Reporters, I don't know why you ask such stupid questions, I just want to ask you, who are we bringing guns against?

"Kyushu is not as chaotic as abroad, our people will not hurt the children and soldiers, and we will not guard against our villagers and elders!"

"Also, don't talk to me about human rights. Now the disaster relief is the biggest, and the safety of the lives of millions of people is more important than rest, don't you know?"

"We don't talk about human rights here, we only talk about tasks, and ensuring the safety of people's lives is our biggest mission!

Tan Weiqi's righteous words made everyone look at each other in shock.

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