At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

308 This is really an awesome race! 【4/5, please subscribe】

Foreigners may not understand the thinking of Kyushu people!

In the face of Tan Weiqi's anger, they frowned and tried desperately to refute, but they couldn't say anything, they just felt a little shocked.

Is all this true?

Are these young lads voluntary?

"Captain Tan!" A blond female reporter couldn't help but said sourly: "What you said is quite pleasant, but how do we know, did you force these people?

"According to the International Bill of Rights, it is a heinous act to force someone to do a dangerous act!"

"Have these soldiers been subjected to unknown oppression and coercion? How can you prove that in this disaster relief, you have always maintained a fair, just and open behavior?"5

Facing the harassment of female reporters!

Tan Weiqi was completely enraged.

His eyes froze slightly, and he raised the loudspeaker in his hand and shouted: "Comrades, now is the most critical moment to strengthen the dam, I know you are all tired!"

"So if you want to rest, come down and rest immediately, and if you are hungry, come down to eat immediately, here is the hot fried noodle fried rice!"

"Tell me, are you hungry?

"Not hungry!

"Not hungry!

The young soldiers roared stubbornly, their voices were so loud that the rain seemed to be stagnant!

"Tell me, are you tired?" Tan Weiqi continued to ask.

"Not tired! 99

"Not tired!

Everyone roared again, everyone's tired faces seemed to be swept away, and they started to carry them hard again!

The shocked foreign reporters were stunned!

It also shocked everyone present in tears!

"See? This is our Kyushu spirit! Tan Weiqi said proudly: "We believe that manpower can overcome the sky, and we are willing to work hard~々!

"These people include soldiers with children, rich second-generation families with superior backgrounds, ordinary people, and college students. They are all volunteers!"

"In order to protect Yanjiang City, they have given everything of their own, which is absolutely not allowed to be desecrated and questioned by anyone! 99

"Reporters, if you have nothing to do, please go back, we will soon carry out a new round of reinforcement! 35

Tan Weiqi impatiently began to chase people away.

The reporters looked at each other but did not dare to say anything more.

All this has been obvious, the efforts of the soldiers and volunteers are not allowed to be questioned by anyone.

"No, the flood is coming!

"Quick, keep strengthening!"

"There is still a gap in the dam on the left, go!

Suddenly, there was a dense banging of gongs on the dam!

All the eyes on the scene are looking towards where.

I saw that the terrifying and terrifying flood surged again, and the flood water came down from the upper stream, constantly beating the river bank!

There's a gap on the left and a lot of floodwater has come in!

Everyone was so frightened that they rushed towards the dam. The dozens of soldiers didn't even think about it, they just stood side by side holding hands, blocking the gap.

They gritted their teeth, constantly facing the impact of the flood!

Their slender bodies could be swept away by the flood at any time, but they clenched their teeth and stood in place, blocking their rampage.

"Quick! Sandbags!


Tan Weiqi roared anxiously!

A large number of sandbags were quickly sent to the vicinity of the gap, and then smashed into the river, trying their best to stop the raging flood!

At the same time, Tan Weiqi did not shout to the rear: "Evacuate, quickly evacuate! The irrelevant people will be evacuated immediately, and all the volunteers will be evacuated, hurry up!

Too bad no one listens to him!

Everyone's eyes were red.

No matter how tired people are, they can't help but scream at this moment!

Everyone braved the heavy rain and rushed forward with sandbags on their shoulders. Even if they knew that once the dyke burst, everyone would be in danger, but at this moment, no one cared.

Everyone is like soldiers on the battlefield, knowing that people will die in front of them, but after killing the red eye, no one cares anymore!

No one has time to think too much!

There were even a few male reporters who dropped their microphones and rushed out, carrying sandbags and sending them forward!

At this moment, everyone perfectly interprets what it means to be united, and what it means to not be afraid of life and death!

Many reporters who witnessed this scene were moved to tears and speechless for a long time.

Even those foreigners who wanted to smear them all fell silent. Everyone suddenly felt an invisible power, and suddenly there was an answer in their minds!

Why is Kyushu as one of the four ancient civilizations, when other ancient civilizations have perished, they can still radiate new vitality, and they will continue to be strong from generation to generation!

Why has Kyushu experienced countless crises of national extermination and genocide in all dynasties, but they all survived and became stronger again!

Why in just a few decades, they have developed from a backward country to one of the best in the world!

All of this was previously thought to be an unsolved mystery!

No one can understand why!

Many Westerners find it inconceivable, and in addition to secretly envy, there is also a lot of hostility.

But the foreigners present now understand a lot!

Everything, I'm afraid it has something to do with their unity, fearlessness, fighting against the sky and the earth, and the bloodline power that is supported by all sides when one is in trouble!

"..this is really an awe-inspiring species (hao Zhaohao)!

"No! They are not a race, they are a civilization disguised as a nation!"

"Yes! This is a very scary civilization!"

"I think even at the end of the world, when we Westerners desperately want to commit suicide, they will rise up and resist!"

The foreigners were talking in horror, and everyone was filled with awe.

In this tense flood fighting and emergency rescue, more and more water flowed into the river embankments, and the last few embankments even showed signs of leakage.

"Oops!" Tan Weiqi roared desperately in fright: "The river bank on the right is leaking, and the sandbags are going there, hurry up!"

"Evacuate the unrelated personnel, the embankment is likely to collapse soon, hurry up!"

With a roar, the atmosphere in the audience suddenly became ten times tense.


"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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