At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

310 thousand-year-old family of traditional Chinese medicine, appeared to save people! 【1/6, please

Jiaolong came forward, and the flood gradually subsided!

This majestic torrential rain seems to have become weak.

When the Jiaolong continued to kill upstream, everyone discovered that there was a figure buried in the mud in the ruins of the gap.

Obviously this is Tan Weiqi who jumped off just now. His body was submerged in the flood for a few minutes, and then rushed into the river bank along the gap. Now he is covered in mud and mud, and it looks like he has no life.

"Save people, hurry up! 9


Everyone rushed over anxiously, digging desperately with both hands, even if the blood was dripping, they didn't care.

After a while, Tan Weiqi was dug out!

Even if he had lost his breath, everyone was unwilling to lift him up and rushed directly to the pavilion.

"Quick, get out of the way, get out of the way! 99

"Where's the doctor? The doctor!"

"Save him, save him! 35

Everyone roared anxiously, and the pavilion was quickly transformed into a temporary first aid center. A stretcher bed and several emergency doctors rushed over, and they quickly and professionally cleaned up the mud from Tan Weiqi's mouth and nose.

"The patient has lost his heartbeat and his pupils have been dilated!"

"Quick, give a cardiac injection!

"Continue to rescue!"

The doctors anxiously pressed Tan Weiqi's heart and lungs, and kept trying to save him, but he had been submerged underwater for so long, how could he be saved?

After ten minutes of first aid!

The doctors did their best, and in the end they all stopped silently!

The people around were all silent with tears in their eyes, and everyone no longer wanted to say anything, because everyone could see that it was hopeless.

A minute or two of drowning can save you!

But now that so much time has passed, how can we save it?

It's all in vain!

"Salute! 35

A roar of grief and pain resounded!


Around tens of thousands of soldiers, tens of thousands of volunteers, including every reporter present, raised their hands with tears on their faces and saluted silently.

Everyone used their most sincere eyes to bid farewell to this hero who died heroically, and everyone just wanted to look at him a few more times.

But right now!

An old voice came from far away: "People are not dead yet, why are you crying? Get out of the way!


The crowd couldn't help but stare at each other angrily.

I saw a group of people wearing black cotton-padded coats coming from a distance, looking like a person.

There were a large number of them, about thirty people, men, women and children of all ages, and many of them were already gray-haired.

The leader should be in his 80s or 90s, full of silver hair, full of energy, walking with wind, and he doesn't even need a cane!

They are of course Chinese!

After getting the oracle, Hua Jicang brought people to kill him, and happened to encounter this scene.

Witnessing Tan Weiqi jumping into the river, witnessing Jiaolong appearing, and witnessing everyone rescuing the hero.

Hua Jicang knew that he had to make a move, otherwise he would fail this oracle, as well as the medical skills that the Hua family had inherited for more than a thousand years.

He came with people on foot!

With an invisible momentum, everyone inexplicably shocked everyone out of the way.

"Get out of the way!" Hua Ji Canghu glared at him and said, "This old man is here to save him!

"Wait!" The female doctor in charge of the rescue, Li Xiangwan, stood in front of him and said dissatisfiedly: "This old gentleman, I don't know who you are, but please don't disturb the deceased?

"His heartbeat has been cut off for more than fifteen minutes, his breathing has stopped, his pupils have dilated, and all kinds of vital signs have disappeared, and even gods can't save him!

"He is a hero and should be respected and loved by everyone. Please don't disturb his long sleep, okay?"

The more Li Xiangwan spoke, the more excited she became. Looking at Hua Jicang and the others, there was a hint of resistance in her eyes.

She is 36 years old this year. She was a top student at Harvard Medical School. After returning to China, she has been serving as the director of the emergency department of Yanjing People's Hospital. This time, she came here to serve as a volunteer for disaster relief.

Using her professional judgment, she was 100% sure that Tan Weiqi was dead, so why bother him again?

・・For flowers.....

Therefore, Li Xiangwan was very opposed to Hua Jicang and his party.

Judging from their clothes, they should all be Chinese medicine practitioners.

In addition to this kind of traditional Chinese medicine who likes to wear a coat, Li Xiangwan can't guess anyone who dares to say that Tan Weiqi is saved.

"Who told you to stop breathing, stop heartbeat, and dilated pupils, you are really dead?" Hua Jicang frowned and said unhappily: "You girl is too arbitrary, haven't you heard of morgues in ancient times? A seven-day tradition?"

"Those who die again may have their spirits returned to the sun. How can they talk about life and death like this before the seven-day period?"

"Get out of the way, if he doesn't get out of the way, he's really dead! 35

Hua Jicang's convincing remarks immediately caused an uproar in the audience.

What does this mean? Could he really save people?

"Nonsense, grandstanding!" Li Xiangwan trembled with anger: "After seven days of mortification, the corpse stinks, how can it be saved? Are you here to be funny, sir? Right? Show me your medical certificate! 99

"Medical license?

The Hua family's group suddenly became embarrassed!

They have Mao's qualification certificate. It is reasonable to say that it is not difficult for the Hua family to take the medical qualification certificate, but they disdain to take the examination, so they are all uncertified.

"What?" Li Xiangwan sneered immediately upon seeing this: "You don't even have a medical qualification certificate, where are you a barefoot doctor, leave immediately, it is illegal to practice medicine without a license, do you still want me to call the police? "

"Girl, we just want to save people!" Hua Jicang angrily scolded: "Our Hua family has been passed down for more than a thousand years. One generation of ancestors was Hua Tuo, a genius doctor. I am the forty-third generation grandson of Hua Tuo. What does the qualification certificate have to do with me? If you don't let it go, this person will really not be able to survive!"

"Hua Tuo? The Hua family?

"Fuck, that won't work, right? 35

The crowd was in an uproar again.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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