At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

311 Don't you defile the heroes, okay? [2/6, please subscribe]

Hua Jicang's exposed identity

Let everyone present be stunned and in an uproar!

If it was before, everyone would have laughed like crazy when they heard these introductions. Isn't this a joke?

But since the Jiaolong incident and the mysterious existences such as Han Ye, Qinjia Village, Maoshan Daomen, etc. exposed on the Internet, everyone can't help being secretly shocked when they hear the existence that has been passed down for thousands of years.

"Isn't this old man joking? Is there really a descendant of the genius doctor Hua Tuo?"

"How come we have never heard of it for so many years? The Hua family is not famous either!"

"It's a hidden family, do you understand? It's okay to jump out and jump around, is that a hidden family?

"Yes, our Kyushu traditional Chinese medicine has been passed down for so many years, so there is no real ability!

"Maybe the people like "Three Seven Three" are really experts in traditional Chinese medicine. People don't bother to take the test for medical qualification certificate!"

Everyone was talking about it excitedly, and everyone's eyes sparked a ray of light.

The myths and legends over and over again made everyone believe in the treasures left by the ancestors, so the identity of Hua Jicang also made everyone believe 80%.

"Nonsense!" Li Xiangwan said angrily and paranoid: "I have been a doctor for more than ten years, and I have seen countless Chinese medicine practitioners. Which one is not deceived, and you don't sully heroes here, okay? 35

"Doctor Li, let's go!"

"They shouldn't be liars, try it!"

"That's right! Anyway, no matter how bad the result is, it can't be worse. 39

The people around are talking and supporting!

Li Xiangwan looked angry and hated iron but not steel: "Okay, it's up to you, if you don't believe it, just try it! What age is this and feudal superstition is promoted, we Kyushu people have been deceived by Chinese medicine for thousands of years, okay? !99


Hua Jicang shook his head disdainfully, and was too lazy to explain too much, some things were unclear.

Under the eyes of the public, he glanced at him with his hands on his back, and suddenly said, "Liu Liu, get out of the queue!"


A twelve- or thirteen-year-old boy hurried out of the queue.

He has a head and a head and is very cute, but his face is always tense, and there is an indescribable aura.

"A grandfather will test you today!" Hua Jicang asked calmly, "What is this person's condition now? How to treat him?

"Return to Grandpa!" After the little boy bowed his hands and saluted, he said with a straight face: "This man has no breath, blood on his nose and mouth, and his body is blue. This is a sign that he has been drowning for too long."

"From various superficial features, he is truly dead, but in fact he is only in a state of deep suspended animation, and his three souls are still intact! 55

"As long as the corpse is kept at low temperature, it can still be rescued within seven days. It is only necessary to use the method of burning mountain fire to pierce Qifengchi, Zhongfu, Tiantu, Qihai, Shuiquan, Taibai, Shenmen and other seven acupoints. , to wake it up.

The little boy talks freely, confidently and freely!

This eloquent aura instantly made the audience's eyes brighten.

"This little boy has some skills, he can be medical at such a young age?"

"The family is a family of traditional Chinese medicine, how can anyone not understand this? It must have been cultivated since childhood! 35

"Oh my God, such a small child is so strict, the Hua family's tutoring is really awesome!

"Who said that there are no real nobles in our Kyushu, these people are nobles who have passed on for dozens of generations, they are extravagant and strict in etiquette!

Everyone was amazed by the discussion!

Hua Jicang also nodded with satisfaction.

The Hua family pays the most attention to the cultivation of future generations. Any Hua family descendants must understand etiquette, medical skills, and advance and retreat!

"That's right, cure him!" Hua Jicang ordered.


After the little boy bowed and agreed, he took out a box of gold needles from the medicine box he was carrying.

The little boy took out an alcohol lamp, lit it and put it aside!

The golden needle was sterilized in a strict manner, and the next moment it was decisively plunged into Tan Weiqi's Tianchi acupoint.

I saw him hurriedly or slowly, or lifting or pulling, or flicking or twisting, constantly manipulating the golden needle to stimulate the acupoints in all directions.

And one after another, the gold needles fell quickly.

This little boy with a big head and a big brain seems to be the most professional doctor, and he can easily implement a series of acupuncture and moxibustion programs.

It can be seen that he must have received professional training since he was a child, and there is absolutely no way to fake it.

The tens of thousands of people present held their breaths, not even daring to take a breath.

The reporters even took their own cameras to capture this magical scene.

Under everyone's attention, after just one or two minutes of acupuncture, the little boy calmly put away his golden needles, then bowed to Hua Jicang and said, "Grandpa Zu, fortunately not to be disgraced!"

"Yes, Not Bad!

Hua Jicang nodded with satisfaction!

The other Hua family members also smiled, obviously very satisfied with the little boy's technique.

But everyone couldn't help but be stunned!

"Fuck, what's going on? Is this the end?"

"Do you want to play with wool and make fun of me?"

"What about saving people? No one is moving. Is this saved?

Everyone was in an uproar, all of them had a feeling of doubting life, and a sense of absurdity welled up in everyone's heart.

You're not being fooled, are you?

These people who claim to be from a thousand-year-old family of traditional Chinese medicine are not liars, are they here to play tricks?

"I said it long ago!" Li Xiangwan said proudly: "They are liars!

"Humph! You are the one who lied to the 4.3 child!"

The little boy snorted in dissatisfaction, he raised his little hand and slapped Tan Weiqi's heart.

The man who had been lying stiff on the emergency bed suddenly coughed violently, a burst of dirty water spurted out of his mouth, and he woke up the next moment.


"Old Tan! 35

Everyone exclaimed in unison, and everyone was shocked and stunned!

Many people surrounded the past in surprise and joy, and they found that Tan Weiqi had woken up, his eyes had been opened, and he was looking at everyone blankly.

"Hahaha, really alive, really alive!"

“So good, so good!”

Everyone's excitement was incoherent, and many people burst into tears again.

Only Li Xiangwan, who kept speaking to stop her, suddenly became embarrassed.

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