At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

312 Faith shakes, is there really a God in this world? 【3/6, please subscribe】

Li Xiangwan's state of mind at this time is really not enough for outsiders!

Just now, she also swore that these Hua family members were all liars, but the truth is in front of her eyes, Chinese medicine is really useful!

And a little boy is stronger than her.

This relaxed attitude made her secretly embarrassed and ashamed.

"I'm sorry old gentleman!" Li Xiangwan blushed and apologized, "I studied abroad in my early years, my thinking was a bit pedantic, and I didn't have much knowledge, please don't take it offense!"

"It's okay!" Hua Jicang shook his head indifferently and said with a smile: "It is the doctor's job to help the world and save people. Over the years, traditional Chinese medicine has been silent, and there are many people who make up for it. This is our fault, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Thank you for the large amount of old gentlemen." Li Xiangwan breathed a sigh of relief, with gratitude and admiration on her face.

At this moment, she has already aroused a strong interest in Chinese medicine!

11 Even people who are certain to die can be easily rescued. This is by no means comparable to ordinary medical skills. If one could learn one trick and a half, how many more people would be saved.

"Mr. Hua, are you really a descendant of Hua Tuo?"

"Why haven't you family members of traditional Chinese medicine showed up for so many years?"

"What do you think about the current situation of traditional Chinese medicine?

At this time, the reporters have also responded!

Whether it was Kyushu reporters or foreign reporters, their eyes lit up with excitement, surrounded Hua Jicang and refused to let it go, vowing not to interview him.

Jiaolong everyone dare not touch, and dare not approach!

But the news of the family of traditional Chinese medicine must not be missed, it will definitely attract the attention of countless people and cause huge traffic.

So how can you let go of this excellent news material?

Facing the reporters' questioning, Hua Jicang didn't want to answer, because he is not a person who likes high profile.

However, when he remembered the words "The Power of Chinese Medicine" in the oracle, he had to stay where he was.

"Everyone, there are actually quite a few families of traditional Chinese medicine in Kyushu, but because truly mature Chinese medicine needs to be cultivated from an early age, the process is extremely complicated, so the number of people is very small!"

"Our Hua family has indeed passed down to Hua Tuo in the Three Kingdoms period. For more than a thousand years, in order to avoid wars and chaos, he has been hiding in the world to protect himself and conscientiously researching medical techniques! 95

"Over the years, Guotai Min'an has gradually appeared in front of the world, and this time I came to Yanjiang City to contribute to disaster relief!"

Hua Jicang has reason and evidence, and briefly explained the cause and effect.

"So Mr. Hua!" A reporter couldn't help but ask: "Many people in China believe that traditional Chinese medicine is a hoax, why didn't you come out and argue it earlier?"

"What is clear is clear, and what is turbid is clear, so why refute it?" Hua Jicang smiled: "We don't have much ability, we are just an ordinary barefoot doctor who saves patients when we encounter them, and can't handle much!

"Do you think Chinese medicine and Western medicine are stronger or weaker?" a foreigner asked deliberately.

"Everyone is different!" Hua Jicang said solemnly: "Many methods of Western medicine are worth learning from, and Chinese medicine also has its strengths. Western medicine is good at treating emergency patients with trauma, while Chinese medicine is good at regulating internal organs and treating slow diseases. But cut off the root.

Immediately afterwards, the reporters asked a lot of tricky questions!

Hua Jicang also answered neither humble nor arrogant, not only fully answering everyone's many doubts, but also confirming his identity.

Next, everyone in the Hua family began to scatter to save people!

Many injured and sick people in hard-hit areas, as well as victims whose legs were broken or buried in landslides, received comprehensive treatment from them.

All this was recorded by reporters.

A pregnant woman who was pregnant for ten months, unfortunately the fetal position was not correct and needed to give birth. When it was too late to be sent to the hospital, the children of the Hua family anaesthetized her with powerful Mafei San, and then easily opened her belly and rescued the two babies.

The three victims were buried by the landslide, and the breath lasted for more than three hours, but they were rescued by a special medicated bath stimulation method of the Hua family.

A 90-year-old man accidentally broke his right foot and was easily cured by the Hua family's children using the bone-setting method.

One patient after another!

One after another incredible traditional Chinese medicine skills are constantly displayed in front of the world.

When the reporters exposed everything that happened in Yanjiang City, whether it was the Jiaolong incident or the TCM Huajia incident, it caused an uproar and sensation among countless netizens around the world.

No one expected that so many thrilling things happened in the disaster area of ​​Yanjiang City, and all of them were filmed.

When the video was circulated on major websites, countless netizens were shocked and their scalps went numb.

Not only the excited eyes of netizens in Kyushu lit up, but even netizens from all over the world became envious, jealous and hated.

"God, this still makes it impossible for people to live? We also had a typhoon here, and a lot of people died.

"It's not fair, it's not fair, why can they have the protection of dragons? What about our God and Angel 373? Why don't they show up?"

"Fake, these damn oriental people, their ancestors left too many good things? Why is this kind of Chinese medicine so magical? This is not scientific!

Countless foreigners are complaining all kinds of sour!

Many staunch believers are shaken, is there really a God in this world?

Why doesn't their god appear? And Kyushu has the protection of the dragon, what is this?

It's too jealous, isn't it?

"Hahaha, it's awesome, it's too awesome, Brother Jiaolong, it's great!

"If the embankment breaks this time, there must be heavy casualties. Fortunately, there is a flood of dragons to protect us. Our Kyushu's national fortune is prosperous. Who wouldn't be envious!"

"Also, the Chinese family of Chinese medicine is so awesome, whoever tells Lao Tzu that TCM is a liar in the future, Lao Tzu will slap his dog's face!

"I'm so proud, I'm glad I was born in Kyushu in this life, and I'll be a Kyushu in the next life!"

"Our ancestors are so awesome, and it is strongly recommended to promote traditional Chinese medicine culture nationwide!"

Countless Kyushu netizens were full of tears of excitement and their blood boiled!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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