At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

316 The culprit that led to the death of the five generations of the Cao family? 【1/6, please subscr

"After obtaining the sacrificial method, the fierce generals and legions under your hands can easily crush any prince, and these are still princes that have not yet developed, so there is nothing to worry about!"

"But it is easy to conquer the world and it is difficult to defend the world. Even after you dominate the world, there will still be many people in this Han Dynasty who are nostalgic, and there will even be people who want to do things in secret in an attempt to subvert your rule."

"So what you should worry about is not how to conquer the world, but how to kill these people in advance!

Ji Han explained what he meant in a succinct way!

Then he continued: "I don't need to say more about this person Xun Yu? Now he is your advisor and has contributed a lot."

"But you should be able to see that he is very loyal to the Han family. His loyalty to you is like a bet, and he will definitely spare no effort to persuade you to welcome a new emperor, right? 35


Cao Cao's face turned black in a flash!

What Ji Han said was really good. Xun Yu did mention that he wanted to welcome the new emperor many times. At that time, Cao Cao only thought that he wanted to learn from other princes, so he didn't think much about it.

But thinking about it now, I'm afraid this problem is very serious!

When all the feudal lords in the world were ambitious and wanted to govern themselves, Xun Yu actually fell in love with the old Han Dynasty and wanted to restore the rule of the Han Dynasty.

This is definitely not a good thing for Cao Cao!

Moreover, Xun Yu is now in charge of all the logistical affairs in Cao Cao's territory, and the Xun family is a super clan. If he really wants to do things, it will definitely be a headache for Cao Cao.

Even if he doesn't know and doesn't want to do things, this guy and Cao Cao are not in the same mind, so he has to be on guard.

After all, any flaw is enough to become the target of the enemy's use, but this has to be careful.

"As for Sima Yi, there is no need to say more!" Ji Han laughed dumbly and said, "In history, he was originally a counselor under your Cao family, and he has been dormant and low-key, and finally he held the power and rebelled, causing the death of five generations of your Cao family. 35

"Sima Yi?

Cao Cao's complexion changed greatly. This is a disciple of the Sima family of Guanzhong, and he has a good relationship with the Sima family.

Is Sima Yi the culprit that caused the death of the five generations of his Cao family?

This can't help but make Cao Cao can't help but get angry!

How could he be convinced that the country he had worked so hard to conquer would be defeated in the hands of such villains?

"Sima's family, you are all waiting!" Cao Cao gritted his teeth and said, "Sooner or later, one day, I will destroy you. 35

"The last person is Zhuge Liang!" Ji Han continued to talk eloquently: "Zhuge Liang is resourceful and highly skilled. In history, he contributed to the situation of the Three Kingdoms."

"When talking about Zhuge Liang, I have to mention Liu Bei. Although this guy has been defeated many times, he has been able to defeat and fight again and again. He is indeed an unbeatable little powerhouse!

"In addition to Zhang Fei and Guan Yu's force, if these people get together, they will definitely cause you a lot of trouble in the future. If you can kill them, kill them!"

"You are too cherished for talent, if this is a fatal flaw, if someone takes advantage of you and lurks beside you in secret, it will definitely cause big trouble.

Ji Han said seriously!

Cao Cao nodded again and again, secretly killing Zhuge Liang and others in his heart.

"If there is a chance, I will kill it." Cao Cao sneered and whispered.


Ji Han nodded in satisfaction, and then he had nothing to point out.

As he said before, in the face of absolute power, all conspiracies and tricks are scum.

Even if the princes of the Eighteenth Route gathered together again, they would only serve food to Cao Cao, and the overall situation of the world could be determined!

The Three Kingdoms will soon become the Great Wei Dynasty, and then Cao Heizi will truly be qualified to sit with everyone and blow it.

Because this is the meeting of the emperor!

"Old Zhu, how have you been recently?" Ji Han looked at Chongzhen and asked, "Have you completely controlled the situation between Goryeo and Dongying in the last half year of development?

"Of course!" Chongzhen sneered disdainfully: "These alien races are cheap, the better they are, the more troublesome they will be. After killing a few waves of rebels, they all become honest."

"With the current strength of the Ming Dynasty, it is not difficult to suppress two small indigenous countries!" Ji Han pointed out: "Each place is equipped with some simple Ming garrison troops, and then equipped with ten times as many slave soldiers as one's own, you can control it. This huge land!

"Indeed!" Chongzhen nodded and said, "Recently, I am engaged in overseas trade. As Mr. said, there are ironclad ships of the Ming Dynasty escorting the caravan, and no foreigner dares to be presumptuous on the sea. Our caravan can be described as a prestigious name. Broadcast far and wide! 35

"When you go to any country, you can get the warm welcome of the local dynasty, and actively clear customs and trade, and no one dares to provoke us at will, after all, the horror of this ironclad ship is visible to the naked eye!

"At the same time, the trade in the Ming Dynasty also had a big impact on foreigners. First, tea, ceramics and other items made huge profits. Second, the luxury goods of the Royal Group also made great profits. Third, the low-priced dumping of cotton yarns The pillar industries of European countries have caused a devastating blow.

“If this development continues, within a year or two, it will lead to a situation in which the Ming Dynasty is strong and the foreigners are disadvantaged.99

Chongzhen was like a family treasure, and he told some of his own development, which made Ying Zheng and others secretly envious.

"Not bad!" Ji Han praised 4.3 with satisfaction: "But this is not enough, the dumping of cotton yarn must be intensified, and it is better to completely destroy their economy! 35

"Increase the intensity?" Chongzhen frowned secretly, and said in disbelief: "Sir, I'm afraid this is not easy. Although there are steam textile machines now, the output has not been able to increase. How can we increase the intensity?

"It's not easy!" Ji Han chuckled and said, "If the productivity doesn't go up, start the feminist movement, liberate the productivity, and make sure you have enough manpower!"

"Feminist Movement?

"what is this?

Everyone was confused and learned a new term.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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