At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

317 The bad habit of binding feet? How can such aesthetics be accepted! [2/6, please subscribe]

"Feminism is a rights movement developed in later generations. It is a movement to pursue equality between men and women, encourage women to join social construction, and work in labor!"

"This is essentially a very good move, because the status of women in ancient times was too low, and many women were no different from livestock, and they lived a miserable life after marrying a woman!"

"And there are very few jobs women can do, so they sew and mend and starch their clothes at home. This is very wasteful for a huge dynasty, and it means that tens of millions of women are idle!

"If you can encourage them to join the construction of the dynasty, it will be very beneficial to you all."

Ji Han's series of comments made everyone look at each other!

Ying Zheng, Chongzhen and others were silent, obviously not very interested in this proposal.

After all, they are emperors in the era of patriarchy, and their support for men's rights is natural. They will never allow any woman to step on a man's head!

In fact, no matter how high the status of women is, it is given by men, and they do not want to make any changes to these.

On the other hand, Princess Changping and Diaochan and other women were trembling in their hearts. They looked at Ji Han in shock. They never expected him to say such words, and these words really spoke to their hearts.

The status of ancient women is indeed too low and too low, it can be said that it is not an exaggeration to be a slave or a maid, even if it is the existence of a princess, the status often depends on whether she is favored or not.

When a man holds you, you will not worry about food and clothing!

If a man doesn't hold you, you are worse than shit, and any subordinate can bully you.

If it can really improve the status of women, this is a great thing for many women.

"Sir, how does the feminist movement you speak of unfold?"

"Yeah, this matter sounds quite beneficial, please speak clearly, sir."

Diao Chan and other girls started talking one after another, hoping that Ji Han would continue to talk about these topics.

Because they are also eager to help many girls.

But Ying Zheng and others had some resistance to this.

As emperors in a male-dominated society, they have no interest in this proposal at all.

"You can't do this, Lao Zhao!" Ji Han chuckled and shook his head: "Women are also human beings, and they are also of Kyushu blood. If a dynasty is prosperous, but the women at the bottom live like pigs and dogs, how long can this dynasty flourish? "

"How can there be a man without a woman? How can there be a child without a mother? It's all interdependent!

"No matter how powerful a male-dominated society is, it still has to give women some basic survival guarantees, so that they can shine? How can this be done if you look down on your compatriots like slaves?

Ji Han's series of lessons made Diaochan and others burst into tears and moved.

It also shocked Ying Zheng and the others, and secretly frowned.

Everyone was thinking about the intention of his words, but Li Shimin was the first to agree.

"Sir is right!" Li Shimin nodded and said, "Women are also our sisters, so they should be treated better and not be easily bullied.

The atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty was relatively open, and the status of women was not bad, so Li Shimin could also accept these ideas.

After thinking for a moment, Ying Zheng and others also agreed with these statements.

Because as Ji Han said, if women can be encouraged to join the construction of the dynasty, then the benefits are very great.

Take the Ming Dynasty as an example, there were at least 30 million middle-aged women, and the labor force participation rate of these people was less than 10%, which was a huge waste.

There are so many people in each family. If they can be encouraged to participate in labor construction, this will be a new blood for the dynasty.

Therefore, Ying Zheng and others can accept it, and everyone has also asked.

"That's right! It's true, the woman is my countryman and should be raised in status.""

"However, how to implement it and how to control it, please enlighten me sir!"

After shrugging, Ji Han said, "Actually, it's not difficult. It's just that some policies are introduced to encourage women to participate in labor. Once they obtain wealth with their own hands, won't their social status improve?"

"For example, you can let them enter textile factories, dyeing and spinning, and paper mills, and encourage them to grow mulberries and silkworms, raise ordinary livestock, and so on!

"Introduce a series of laws and regulations to protect the status of women, such as the prohibition of abduction and trafficking of women, the prohibition of foot binding, etc.!99

"In this way, the status of women can be improved a lot, and although they will not be equal to men, it will also ensure that they will not be bullied."

After Ji Han finished speaking, Ying Zheng and others couldn't help but be puzzled!

Foot binding? What is foot binding?

"Foot binding only appeared in the Song Dynasty!" Chongzhen explained with a wry smile: "This is a deformed aesthetic proposed to control women, wrapping women's feet to prevent their feet from developing, so that after adulthood their feet become It's small and beautiful, but it can't travel far, and it will be painful to walk a few steps.

After finishing speaking, Chongzhen pointed to the busy woman 373 in the small manor. Some of the women who were sent from the Ming Dynasty had their feet obviously smaller, and they would walk more gracefully and gracefully.

Princess Changping also had feet bound. The feet of women with bound feet are really good-looking, small and exquisite, not ugly as later generations say, but have a kind of beauty like jade feet.

But all of this is based on the suffering of women.

A woman who has bound her feet since she was a child has no idea how much pain she will suffer.

And when they grow up, they can't work, can't walk long distances, and have to take a sedan chair when they go out.

If it is an official family, it is fine, if it is an ordinary family, this woman is basically useless, it is equivalent to a vase!

"This, this is too exaggerated? How can such an aesthetic be acceptable?

"Old Zhu, how serious is this woman's foot-binding ethos in the Ming Dynasty?"

"This bad habit must be abolished!"

Everyone criticized one after another, and Chongzhen nodded secretly.

This is indeed the case. It is impossible to abolish foot binding. This is not only binding the feet of women, but also binding the feet of the Ming Dynasty.

"But remember, you must grasp a certain degree when improving the status of women!" Ji Han reminded seriously: "You must not hold the status of women too high, otherwise disasters will occur!"

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