At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

322 The war begins, and the eighteen princes attack Cao Cao! [1/6, please subscribe]

The drama of the eighteen princes' crusade against Dong Zhuo is staged again!

However, this time the target of the crusade became Cao Cao, Yuan Shao shouted, and a piece of paper to punish the thieves spread throughout the prefectures, attracting the response of the princes all over the world.

For a time, the large and small princes of various states and capitals sent troops one after another!

Yuan Shao dispatched 400,000 troops, known as a million army!

Yuan Shu dispatched 300,000 troops, and he was known as 800,000 to the outside world!

Gongsun Zan sent an army of 150,000 troops, known to the public as a 500,000-strong army!

Ma Teng dispatched 100,000 troops, known as a 300,000-strong army!

Sun Jian sent 100,000 troops, Tao Qian appeared 150,000, Zhang Miao, Zhang Chao, Liu Biao and other minor princes also joined in the fun, each sending 350,000 to 780,000 troops.

In the past six months, the world has been in chaos, and the lords have only a lot of troops. If you don't recruit troops and buy horses, you won't feel safe.

It is also easy to recruit a large army these days, and a large number of refugees are willing to join the army for food. Therefore, the army from all walks of life can be described as strong and strong.

As a result, just counting the number of troops dispatched by the feudal lords has exceeded 1.5 million, which is even more powerful than the last crusade against Dong Zhuo11.

With the experience of the last crusade, Yuan Shao did not delay at all when he became the leader of the alliance, and immediately ordered all troops and horses to march from all directions, heading straight for Luoyang.

A mighty battle is about to begin!

An atmosphere of impending wind and rain also made all the prefectures in the world nervous.

Cao Cao is against the world this time, can he hold on?

Facing this kind of siege, Cao Cao naturally did not dare to neglect!

He also began to dispatch troops nervously, preparing in all directions.

This time, despite the large number of feudal lords, they were scattered. After it was discovered that the army of feudal lords would gather in Luoyang, Guo Jia, Jia Xu and other advisors held a meeting overnight and formulated two strategies!

One is to divide troops to attack and kill, and the other is to take the initiative to attack!

Divide troops to attack and kill is to send troops to kill two roads before the feudal army has converged, in order to achieve the purpose of shocking and weakening the enemy.

Taking the initiative to attack is to wait until the army of the feudal lords are huddled in Luoyang and dare not advance rashly, then take the initiative to kill them and wipe them out in one fell swoop.

This also achieved the real purpose of Cao Cao's battle - to clean up these princes at one time, and completely crippled them!

After a simple arrangement, Lü Bu and Dian Wei each led 50,000 cavalry to dispatch!

The 100,000 cavalry was already all Cao Cao's cavalry, and there was no more, but the 100,000 cavalry was already enough.

The goal of the two of them this time is to attack Gongsun Zan and Ma Teng. Both of them are quite strong, and they are all killed from the north, so it is difficult for them to join the army of the lords for a while, so it is best to kill them first!

As for the route of Ma Teng and Gongsun Zan, it is even easier to judge, because there is not much way for the two of them to go down from the north!

Ma Teng will definitely lead the army to Jieting and then to Anding!

Gongsun Zan will definitely pass through Tongguan.

Therefore, Lü Bu and Dian Wei each led 50,000 cavalry, roaring towards these two places, and set up an ambush early on. They were accompanied by Jia Xu and Guo Jia.

These two top strategists, in order to plan to kill the two great princes, used all the means, and made various arrangements early on.

ten days later

Ma Teng was the first to kill Jieting and arrive at Anding!

The road was not blocked by the army, which made Ma Teng a little more surprised.

"Jie Ting has been in the hands of Cao thief before, but I didn't expect that he would not send troops to fortify. Will this be a fraud?" Ma Teng frowned uncomfortably.

"Father!" Ma Chao, who was only fifteen years old at this time, sneered disdainfully: "Cao Thief was suddenly besieged by the princes of the world, and at this time he must have withdrawn his troops to the Chang'an area, this land of Liangzhou and Zhou, how dare he dare to do it again. Send troops on defense?

"That's right!" Ma Teng laughed dumbly: "Cao Thief has only 300,000 to 400,000 troops in his hands. If he dares to spread his defenses, facing the lords' army of several million, this is simply courting death!"

"Before my father, I was worried that I would fight all the way, but now it seems simple, just press the troops directly!"

"Come on! Order the army to enter the city to rest for the night, and we will set off again tomorrow afternoon! 35

Ma Chao was shocked when he heard it!

"Father, no!" Ma Chao said anxiously: "Although the Cao thief has already retreated, we can't be so careless. Who knows if there is an ambush for them in the city of Anding? It's better to set up camp outside the city and send someone later. Go into the city and scavenge for some food.

"Well, listen to you! 35

With a wave of Ma Teng's hand, an army of 100,000 people set up camp outside the city to cook rice.

The soldiers who had been on the road all day were tired and hungry, so naturally they began to rest happily.

As a result, just after the meal was ready, there was an earth-shattering scream of killing from the city of Anding.

390 "What's going on? Why are there shouts of killing?"

"Damn, there's an ambush!

Everyone's faces changed greatly with fright, and everyone immediately copied their weapons.

Ma Teng said even more angrily: "It must be that the soldiers and horses who entered the city to loot food were besieged. There is indeed an ambush in this city. Fortunately, my son reminded me, otherwise my army would be in danger!"

"Father, what should I do now?" Ma Chao asked.

"Go into the city! Ma Teng pulled out his long sword and roared: "The ambush that was discovered is no longer an ambush, there are still our brothers in the city, go in and kill Cao thief soldiers and horses! After killing the thieves, Back to swig!

"Kill kill kill!

Ma Teng's army of 100,000 people immediately got on his horse, screamed and slaughtered into the city of Anding.

As the prefect of Xiliang, Ma Teng had a lot of horses. Most of the 100,000 army was cavalry, and the soldiers and horses recruited from Xiliang were not weak.

The dense army rushed to the gate of the city, preparing to enter the city to clean up the enemy.

But no one thought of it!

Just as everyone was crowding at the gate of the city and preparing to enter the city, a group of cavalrymen rushed out from the mountains and forests in the distance, and slaughtered them fiercely the next moment.

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