At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

323 Simple and rude, can this calculation be considered poisonous? 【2/6, please subscribe】

"Kill kill kill! 99


"Brothers, kill them!

Lü Bu took the lead, rushing frantically with an army of 50,000 people, and roaring to the front of Ma Teng's army.

This time, he brought 50,000 Bingzhou iron cavalry. These soldiers and horses are all his old subordinates. All of them have experienced hundreds of battles, and after sacrifice and baptism, their per capita strength is comparable to that of middle-level generals.

With such soldiers and horses paired with Lu Bu, a tiger general, who else in the world can stop him?

Although Ma Teng's army of 100,000 soldiers was also a soldier of the Western Liang Dynasty, and with a little training, he could be comparable to Dong Zhuo's previous soldiers of the Western Liang Dynasty, but Lu Bu never took him seriously!

Originally, Lu Bu wanted to kill Ma Teng face to face, but Guo Jia, who came with the army, did not agree, so he did a little trick.

A single sound slammed from the east to the west to lead the snake out of the hole, and made a little noise in the city, and blocked Ma Teng's army at the gate of the city.

At this time, the cavalry rushed forward, which was quite unfavorable to Ma Teng.

"Damn, the enemy attacked!" Ma Teng screamed desperately: "Don't enter the city, come out to fight, the cavalry and the prefect rushed over. 35

Ma Teng is also experienced.

He knew the situation was very bad for him right now.

His troops and horses were blocked at the gate of this city, and they couldn't advance or retreat. It was quite embarrassing. He couldn't even form a battle formation.

Therefore, the experienced man slammed his horse and went out, bringing tens of thousands of cavalry around him to meet Lv Bu, preparing to buy time for his troops and horses to form a battle.

"Boom! 99



There was a roar of horses' hooves, and after the earth-shattering shouts of killing, the two cavalrymen collided fiercely.

The result is obvious!

On one side is the ferocious Lu Bu army, and they have accumulated enough strength in the charge, fully exerting the presence of the cavalry power.

On the one hand, they are fighting in a hurry, their speed has not yet picked up, and their hearts are also uneasy soldiers and horses!

The gap between the two is too great.

With one impact, Ma Teng's men and horses were madly chopped down, and a large number of cavalrymen screamed and were cut in half, or the men and horses were hit, and the scene was tragic.

"Damn, stop them~々!

Ma Teng roared anxiously, raised his big spear and attacked Lu Bu. He knew that he had to fight, but he had to fight if he couldn't, otherwise the formation would really be overrun.

The cavalry battle is so simple and rough!

It's like two stones hitting each other hard, whoever is hard enough will survive, and the one who is not hard enough will be crushed into slag on the spot.

This is a war with no way out!


Ma Teng roared, and the silver spear whistled towards Lu Bu.

But the next moment, he was so frightened that his heart was broken, because Lu Bu grinned and waved the Fang Tianhua halberd, which had already slashed.

At this moment, Lu Bu had already been sacrificed many times, and his strength was frighteningly powerful. With a single halberd, he swept out a force that seemed to weigh 100,000 kilograms, and even the air was squeezed frantically.

Where has Ma Teng seen such terrifying enemies?


After a sound of gold and iron, the silver spear in his hand was cut off on the spot, and the horse was also divided on the spot.

And Ma Teng flew upside down more than ten meters after screaming. If it wasn't for Lu Bu's mercy, this knife would have killed him on the spot.


Ma Teng vomited blood, never expected that he would lose so miserably in one move.

"Father! 35

Ma Chao anxiously caught him, slapped the horse and retreated.

With Ma Teng's defeat, the war has become less suspenseful. The morale of the soldiers in Xiliang plummeted, and the blood of the soldiers killed by Bingzhou was in a river!

The 50,000 Bingzhou iron cavalry under the leadership of Lu Bu were like sharp knives, mercilessly plunged into the enemy's army, crushing them all the way, no one could stop them!

Outside the city of Anding, the ground is already full of corpses and blood!

Ma Teng and Ma Chao wanted to escape, but were chased and killed by Lu Bu, and finally got stuck under the city wall.

"Ma Teng Ma Chao, my emperor once said that your Ma family is loyal, are you willing to surrender?

"If you don't come down, Lu will send you on your way."

Lu Bu's domineering roar continued. At this time, his blood was like a demon, scaring everyone's hearts.

Ma Teng and his son looked at each other, trying to be tough but unable to say a word.

In the face of such terrifying soldiers and horses, who does not despair?

They can see clearly, from the beginning to the end, the state army did not lose 100 people, but they killed their soldiers and horses with heavy casualties.

If Cao Cao's men are all this kind of soldiers, then the army of the lords will not be enough for them to kill tens of millions of people!

.Ma Teng is willing to surrender!"

In the end, Ma Teng bitterly chose to surrender!

This powerful army of lords was easily wiped out and surrendered less than ten days after sending troops, and the speed was terrifying.

at the same time

Tongguan has become a sea of ​​fire!

Jia Xu, who was dispatched with Dian Wei, was worthy of his reputation as a poison fighter. He easily laid a small trap, led Gongsun Zan's 150,000 army into Tongguan, and then used fire to attack.

Gongsun Zan's soldiers and horses wailed in the sea of ​​fire!

Jia Xu did not lose a single soldier or soldier from the beginning to the end, but Gongsun Zan, who was killed only by letting someone shoot arrows on the city wall, suffered heavy losses and grief was everywhere.

"How about General Dian, is this calculation still complacent?" Jia Xu asked with a smile.

"Teacher, you are too poisonous!" Dian Wei sneered: "A fire will burn at least ten (good promises) ten thousand people, Gongsun Zan will be mad at you, but I still like real swords and real guns. dry.

"Isn't this better?" Jia Xu pointed at Gongsun Zan, who was in a state of embarrassment among the chaotic army, with a light smile, and said, "At this time, there are not many enemy troops left, and the fire has been extinguished. Please take a walk, General!"

"it is good!"

Dian Wei nodded and led people directly into Tongguan!

At this time, there were corpses everywhere, and the whole place was burnt to black, and the scene was like hell.

"The descendants do not kill, all kneel down!"

Dian Wei let out an angry roar, and the people who were directly shocked were trembling, even Gongsun Zan had no intention of resisting.

In the face of such terrifying enemies, he finally became dejected and chose to surrender, and the remaining tens of thousands of troops were quickly drawn back.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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