At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

324 Anger turned into anger, a great reversal of the situation! 【3/6, please subscribe】

just today

Gongsun Zan and Ma Teng were defeated one after another!

When the news came out, the world was shocked, and countless people were stunned.

Because no one thought that Cao Cao would dare to take the initiative to send troops, and the results were so brilliant.

Ma Teng and Gongsun Zan were both veteran princes, and not all of them were new recruits.

But such a powerful army was easily defeated, which is incredible, right?

After the news came to Luoyang, the faces of the various princes who had just assembled in Luoyang became extremely ugly.

No one expected such a big reversal of the situation, and this situation is troublesome.

"What a Cao thief, to be so fierce, this is even more terrifying than Dong Zhuo!"

"How can the dog thief be so cruel?"

"I heard that Ma Teng and Gongsun Zan's troops have been defeated, and both of them have surrendered. The prestige of the alliance of our princes has been greatly reduced!""

"Cao Thief is so powerful, what can we do?"

In the Luoyang Imperial Palace, Yuan Shao and other dozen princes scratched their ears and scratched their cheeks in a fidgety mess.

Everyone knows that Cao Cao is fierce, and his subordinates also took over all the soldiers and horses of Dong Zhuo before, but everyone did not expect him to be so ferocious.

Half a year ago, this guy was a humble little prince with thousands of soldiers and horses in his hand, but now he has become the number one prince in the world, and he dares to openly proclaim himself emperor.

All this is nothing short of a miracle!

"The thief Cao is so cruel, we should work together to clean him up!" Yuan Shao said angrily: "Otherwise, within a few years, this world must become the world of the Great Wei!

"Who doesn't understand the truth!" Yuan Shu sneered: "But now Cao thief's troops are so fierce, how can we be our opponents? How can we defeat them? Are you sure?"

When everyone heard the words, they fell silent!

Grab a ball, everyone knows their own business!

Most of the troops in everyone's hands are recruits who have been recruited for less than half a year. After this period of turmoil, they can barely be regarded as regular troops, and their real combat power is not strong.

If you encounter Cao Cao's soldiers and horses alone, you have to be maimed on the spot, and so many people gather together, and everyone will have a little sense of security.

"Everyone!" Sun Jian reminded with a frown, "It's better for us to send troops together, so that we can have a chance of winning. This Cao thief has become unpredictable now."


Everyone nodded, clearly agreeing with this statement.

However, just when everyone was discussing that they wanted to send troops together, a soldier rushed into the hall anxiously, knelt on one knee and then clasped his fists and shouted: "Report to the leader, Chang'an City will send troops! 35

"What?" Yuan Shao was shocked and exclaimed: "What's going on? Tell me now!"

"According to the information we have detected with our eyes and ears!" It's the thief Cao!

"Hi! 35

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, and they were all stunned and stunned. No one thought that this would be the case.

Is this guy Cao Cao going crazy?

This Luoyang City now has an army of more than one million people, and he dares to bring people to kill him directly. Is this the rhythm of going head-to-head?

"Crazy, crazy, this Cao Thief Jue (bbed) is crazy.

"Crazy, this guy is so arrogant, does he think that with an army of 350,000, he can fight against us three or four times?"

"Well, I don't need to say more this time, let's fight to the death directly in this Luoyang City!"

The princes were angry and angry, and everyone was excited!

If you want to go on an expedition to Chang'an City, everyone may have to diligently prepare for a month or two, and they are also worried that they will be attacked by Cao Cao.

But now that Cao Cao has taken the initiative to kill him, there is no other way for everyone to choose. They must fight, even if they want to escape, it is too late.

"Let's fight!" Yuan Shao said with a sneer: "He Cao Mengde dared to kill only 350,000 troops alone. We have the advantages of the city of Luoyang and the advantage of a million troops, why should we be afraid of him? 35

"Yes! Why should you be afraid of him if you take care of yourself?""

"We will win this battle!"

All the princes burst out laughing!

However, Liu Bei, who was behind the crowd, flashed a trace of trouble.

For the past six months, he has been wandering around. He originally wanted to go to Gongsun Zan, but then he went to Tao Qian and became a meritorious officer, secretly developing thousands of soldiers and horses.

Seeing that Cao Cao, who used to be a small prince, has become so fierce now, Liu Bei can't help but secretly envy, jealous, and hate. At the same time, he also feels that the situation of the army of princes this time is not very good!

It's a pity that he couldn't tell what was wrong!

"Big brother!" Zhang Fei asked in surprise: "You seem to be worried? Why is this?

"The thief Cao's army is only more than 300,000 people, and the combined army of the princes is one or two million people. This camp outside Luoyang has been established for dozens of miles!" Guan Yu sneered: "Why should you worry about it?

"The truth is such a truth, but I always feel that Cao Thief is not easy!" Liu Bei said solemnly: "Second brother, third brother, we must try our best to show the limelight in this battle, so that we can stand out as soon as possible. Wonderful, let's hurry up and leave."

"Don't worry, brother, this time we will definitely be able to show off the limelight!"

"Yes! Guan Mou will cut off Cao Thief's head for the eldest brother, are you still worried about our powerful eldest brother? 35


Liu Bei breathed a sigh of relief!

He watched the various scenes of the princes discussing and fighting, and he couldn't help sneering secretly, this battle should be chaotic, the more chaotic the better.

Why can the feudal lords have hundreds of thousands of troops, and he worked so hard to amass a few thousand troops, this is not fair!

One day, he will also rule the world and trample everyone under his feet.

In Liu Bei's eyes, an astonishing ambition burst forth.

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