At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

325 Guo Jia's advice, the ultimate strategy! 【4/6, please subscribe】

three days later

Cao Cao, Lu Bu, and Dian Wei's three-way army directly attacked several dozen miles outside Luoyang City, looking at this great Han imperial capital from a distance, all of them showing excitement.

The purpose of Cao Cao's personal expedition was to defeat the princes in one fell swoop, so that he would not have to fight in the east and west in the future, wasting time and energy.

"My lord, how should we fight this battle?" Lu Bu said with disdain: "How about giving the last 100,000 men, and I personally lead them to rush up and destroy them?"

"General Lu should not take it lightly. Guo Jia quickly advised: "The layout of Luoyang City is from the hands of a master at first sight. It must be guarded against, once a strong person falls into a siege, there is a risk of falling. We should not take it lightly. !


Everyone nodded in agreement!

Although this army of feudal lords is waste material, but the number is too large.

Not only was the city of Luoyang crowded, but there were also 108 Ubaos built around it. These Ubaos were all temporarily built, but they were made of wood and soil, and could hold two or three thousand soldiers. horse!

But they are like the eyes of the big formations pierced outside the city of Luoyang, surrounding the entire city of Luoyang. If you want to attack, you must pass through these Wubao.

Attack one place, and other places can support!

Invisibly, it seems to be colluding with the art of war, which is very troublesome.

Coupled with the large number of feudal lords, if Cao Cao's troops entered the Wubao Great Array, they would easily be divided and targeted, and it would be easy to fall into the crowd tactics.

But if you don't get rid of these Wubao, then it is impossible to conquer Luoyang City.

"Why don't you besiege!" Jia Xu said with a smile: "The million army in the city, plus more than one million people, the daily consumption of food and grass is almost uncountable, and the opponent will collapse within a month at most!

"No!" Cao Cao frowned and shook his head: "The longer it drags on, the more disadvantageous it will be for us. We must take a quick decision."

"The best way is to enter the battle to kill the enemy!" Guo Jia said with a half-smiling smile: "After killing tens of thousands of enemy troops, retreat, and then make sacrifices in public to make our people stronger. 35

"Fantastic!" Jia Xu laughed loudly: "In this way, our people will become stronger and stronger, but after this miracle, people in Luoyang City will panic and morale plummet, how can they compete with Your Majesty?

"This plan is good, the military division is really powerful!"

"Yeah, hahaha, in this way, who can stop us?"

"With the help of immortals and gods, this victory is over!""

Everyone was smiling, and their eyes lit up.

Cao Cao also burst into laughter, Guo Jia's proposal is really wonderful to the extreme.

Everyone was thinking about how to defeat the enemy, but he thought of treating the enemy as a piece of fat, constantly gnawing at the opponent to strengthen himself.

In this way, no matter how many men and horses there are on the opposite side, no matter how many fierce generals and top advisers there are, the result of this battle is already doomed to defeat.

Because behind Cao Cao stands an immortal god, which is beyond human power to contend with!

Therefore, there is no need for any conspiracy and tricks in this battle, just roll over it head-on.

"Pass my word!" Cao Cao drew his sword and roared: "Gather the drums, the whole army will kill the enemy, kill! 35

'Kill! 35

66 Kill!

"Kill! 95

The rumbling drums of war continued to sound.

Cao Cao's army of 350,000 people, except tens of thousands of people who stayed at the base camp, all attacked, and under the leadership of Lv Bu Dian, Wei Xia Hou Dun, Xu Chu and others, they crushed it mightily.

"Damn Cao thief, how dare they take the initiative to attack?"

"Is it so fast? Isn't it wrong?

On the city wall, the major princes trembled!

No one thought that Cao Cao would dare to be so ferocious, and he had already ordered a general attack before he even tried to test it, even before he set up a camp.

Is this guy crazy? Why the hurry?

"Quick!" Yuan Shao roared anxiously: "Fight, according to the original plan, all armies will guard Wubao!""

The war drums and command flags on the city wall also quickly commanded!

Millions of troops rushed out of the city in a mighty manner, and while stationed in one hundred and eight Ubaos, they formed formations in the open space between Ubaos.

· · Flowers ·

Coupled with the commanding command of many top advisors such as Tian Feng and Xu You, although this army of more than one million is a rabble, but in line with Wubao's favorable terrain, it is also well-founded.


Outside the city of Luoyang, the armies on both sides were strangling together frantically, like two torrents of frantic hedging.

If you look at it from a high altitude, you can easily see that Cao Cao's army is invincible, sweeping all the way, and the allied forces of the killed princes are retreating, and the corpses are everywhere!

But this Wubao Great Array is really powerful, they are like nails stuck to the ground, although Cao Cao's army has an absolute advantage, it is difficult to completely remove them.


The battle lasted from noon to evening, with casualties on both sides, and only then did Jin withdraw his troops.

However, just when the allied forces of the princes were preparing to celebrate and defend the offensive, they found that Cao Cao's army was happily cleaning the battlefield.

What are they doing? Are they trying to bury bodies?

But soon everyone was shocked again, because in front of everyone's eyes, Cao Cao's army actually set up an altar, and then they all knelt down and bowed frantically.


A strange divine light emerged from a statue on the altar, then swept across the audience, and after absorbing the blood of tens of thousands of corpses, enveloped Cao Cao's army.

The wounded soldiers recovered quickly and became stronger, and a strong aura began to rise.

In the sky above the crowd, there was a phantom of a god statue that made people feel peaceful, and all kinds of divine light filled the air, causing countless people to be stunned.

"What is this? How can this be? 99

"God, this is God, oh my God!"

"They are offering sacrifices to the gods, and they have also received the gifts of the gods?"

"Mummy, even those who were seriously injured can survive alive? What's the fun in this?

In the army of the feudal lords, all kinds of stormy waves were set off! Beg.

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