At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

326 This is no longer a level of battle! [5/6, please subscribe]

This move by Cao Cao's army really scared everyone.

From ordinary soldiers to princes of the Eighteenth Route, whether it is a civil servant or a top strategist, everyone was stunned by this scene.

How come no one thought that there is such a miraculous thing in this world, is this a god?

Everyone rubbed their eyes desperately, everyone thought they had hallucinations, how could this be possible?

"God! This is really God, oh my!

"How could this happen? Why does Cao Thief have the help of a fairy?"

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible!"

"How can we fight this? The more we fight, the more serious the casualties, the more powerful they fight. With the help of immortals and gods, who can beat them?

Luoyang City's "Three Nine Zeros" army of one million wailed in despair, all of them were terrified, and almost did not mutiny in an uproar.

As for the princes of the Eighteenth Route and the high-level officials of all parties, their expressions changed greatly. No one thought that Cao Cao would have such means.

Are the rumors circulating in Chang'an City lately true?

If this is really the case, then everyone is playing a fart and just surrender.

"What should I do? How could this happen?" Yuan Shao roared anxiously: "Who can tell me what the reason is?"

"Leader, don't worry!" Liu Bei said, "This Cao Cao must have used some kind of evil god technique to control the army. As long as we spread the word in the army, we can arouse the soldiers' hearts and minds."

"Fart, what if it is an evil god? How can we mortals compete with immortal gods?"

"That's right, why don't you, the three brothers Liu Bei, go up first?"9

"This battle cannot be fought! 39

The princes scolded and cursed, and they all became desperate!

And before everyone could figure out a way to deal with it, Cao Cao rested for a while, and after setting up camp, he launched an attack again.

By this time the sky was getting darker!

Soldiers in ancient times were generally night blind, and it was difficult to fight once it fell into the night, so everyone thought they could rest for a while.

But who knew that the physical fitness of Cao Cao's soldiers had already undergone earth-shaking changes, and the small trouble of night blindness did not exist at all.

Every 100,000 people are led by a general!

Earth-shattering shouts of killing continued to sound outside the city.

The princes of the Eighteenth Road were frightened, even if they desperately sent people to fight, and desperately sent people to set fires in all directions, but they still suffered heavy losses!

The night seems to have entered the home field of Cao Jun, and often several thousand soldiers and horses dare to attack more than 100,000 troops of the feudal lords.

Moreover, their strength is still powerful and scary. Facing a bunch of enemies who are afraid and have night blindness, Cao Jun's killing is easier than slaughtering pigs and dogs.

Every moment, the army of the lords suffered heavy losses!

All kinds of screams and mourning continued to sound, scaring the faces of the princes and making everyone look ugly.

An aura of despair began to permeate the crowd. Even the three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang who wanted to make a name for themselves couldn't help being stunned. Yuan Shao and the others were even more shocked.

How does this play? This kind of opponent is simply invincible.

No wonder Cao Mengde dared to lead the army to kill him. This guy is simply a devil. If he fights like this, it will be a problem whether he can defend it for three days!

"Come back, relying on the city wall, you must not fight with them outside the city!"

"What if you withdraw? Without the 108 Wubao, Luoyang City is just an isolated city, and it cannot be defended!"

"If you can't keep it, you have to keep it. It's better than spending your troops and horses outside the city in vain, right?"

After the feudal lords argued, in the end they could only hold their noses and order the troops and horses to withdraw, completely abandoning the Wubao outside the city!

The 108 Wubaos were quickly burned to ashes, and the 18 princes and millions of troops were completely trapped in Luoyang City.

Immediately afterwards, Cao's army began to attack the city!

In the face of absolute strength, all obstacles are rubbish, Cao Cao completely disdain to play any conspiracy and tricks, and directly ordered to prove that just...

One by one, Cao Jun's soldiers rushed towards the city wall excitedly as if they were going crazy. They were fast and vigorous, and rushed to the city wall with very little sacrifice, and had a bloody battle with the enemy!

Lu Bu, Dian Wei and other fierce generals even jumped up with grinning smiles and rushed to the city wall, carrying out various grass-cutting massacres on the enemy troops on the city wall.

Even if Yan Liangwen Chou and Zhang Fei and Guan Yu went up to block them, they were forced to retreat by Lu Bu's easy move, causing them to vomit blood again and again!

This is no longer a level battle!

This is like a battle between heaven and earth against ordinary mortals, and there is no suspense at all.

Even relying on the terrain advantage of the city wall, the army of the princes was beaten horribly, with heavy casualties, and the city wall was full of corpses!

Section after section of the city wall, gradually fell.

No matter how stupid the princes are at this time, they will realize that something is wrong. How can they stop them?

"Run away, you can't fight!

"If you fight again, the whole army will be wiped out, withdraw!"

"I don't care how you guys want to play, I have to withdraw!"

The princes were terrified, and they no longer had the intention to resist. Anyway, 4.3 was a mess, and at this time, everyone was thinking about how to escape.

As for how to resist Cao Cao in the future, this is not in everyone's current consideration, let's save your life.

Therefore, Yuan Shao, the leader of the alliance who wanted to continue to resist, turned around and rushed out from the other city gates with his elites, desperately trying to escape from here.

As a result, Cao Cao fell into the arms of Cao Cao, and the fleeing vassal army was chased and killed by 100,000 iron cavalry, with heavy casualties all the way!

Accompanied by the slogan that those who surrender will not kill, the entire Luoyang City, inside and outside the city, constantly have the army of lords kneeling to surrender, and there are also lords who are caught up and beheaded while fleeing!

This huge alliance of princes has not even held up overnight, it has already fallen apart, and the misery cannot be more miserable.

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