At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

327 Longevity Museum, various layouts and arrangements! [6/6, please subscribe]

After a night of war

Cao Cao captured more than 800,000 troops!

Seven or eight minor princes including Tao Qian, Liu Biao, Zhang Chao, and Zhang Miao were beheaded. In the end, only Liu Bei, Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, and Sun Jian escaped.

Cao Cao didn't care about their escape at all!

This time, the allied forces of the princes were defeated, and there was no existence in the world that could compete with him. The next step was to send troops to the state capitals.

As for Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao and others? It's just trash!

How can they compete with Cao Cao with the few soldiers and horses they have left in various places?

Even if you want to urgently recruit an army, it is too late!

Therefore, the overall situation of the world is already doomed, and the next step is to take time and effort to conquer all places, and then want Liu Bei and others.

All of this, the people under my own hands are busy!

Cao Cao stood on the city wall of Luoyang City, looking at the mess on the ground and the soldiers who were kneeling on the ground and surrendered, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Sir, I have lived up to expectations!" Cao Cao whispered secretly: "Today, I finally have the confidence to sit with you. In the future, the Great Wei Dynasty will also carry out various infrastructure constructions, and the world will become better!

In Higashiyama City

Ji Han was busy at this time.

He is a man of his word, and since he has the idea of ​​building a museum, let's do it.

Because now in the trading space, there are countless antiques every day, which are all collected by Lao Zhao and the others.

If Ji Han doesn't take out these antiques for exhibition, these things will lose their meaning of existence, and many of them are very interesting, and once they are exhibited, they will definitely make a sensation in the world.

Therefore, this museum must be established, and it must be larger.

The first is the location of the museum. It must be in Dongshan City, and the transportation must be convenient and the place is large enough. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome once it becomes popular, and the traffic jam alone will cause headaches.

In the end, Ji Han settled on a piece of land near Xishan Park!

It belongs to the suburbs of Dongshan City. There are expressways and secondary roads nearby, so the traffic is very convenient.

Secondly, the land is vast and sparsely populated, and a large piece of land is being prepared for construction and development. As Ji Han, he gave an order in one sentence, and immediately got a vast land of about one or two thousand mu.

After mobilizing bulldozers to flatten the land overnight, Ji Han took advantage of the night to come here, waved his hand, and enveloped the place with a formation plate exchanged from the system.

The two thousand acres of land immediately became foggy and hazy, and anyone who broke in without permission would be blocked by the psychedelic formation.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Han picked and choosed in the system mall, and finally consumed 50,000 correction points to exchange for a low-end version of the Asgard template.

This thing comes with dozens of palaces, various steps, pavilions, rockeries and waterside pavilions. It is similar to Ji Han's small manor and fairy palace, but it is not as beautiful.

But this is a world-shattering wonderland!

Of course, the Spirit Gathering Array has no effect, this is just a place where people can live and place treasures!

Each palace also has its own small formation, which can achieve the effects of anti-theft, waterproof, fire prevention, lightning protection, etc., even if it is attacked by missiles, it can be safe.

In this way, the museum in Ji Han's mind can be easily built!

Next, you only need to place these antiques in each museum, and then open the door for people to visit. Of course, Ji Han does not need to worry about it himself.

After all, he is also a powerful man now.

"come in!"

Ji Han raised his hand and waved, and a portal appeared in the foggy formation. The three elders of Qinjia Village and a few Taoists from Maoshan, who had been waiting outside, walked in respectfully!

Everyone saw that this place that was just empty space suddenly became like a fairyland, covered with various palaces, and their scalps could not help but feel numb.

But thinking about the immortal's means, everyone is relieved!

"From now on, this place will be called the Longevity Museum!"

"Some of my collections will be collected here and will be exhibited. 95

"The Qin family sent people here to be responsible for 24-hour patrols and public security maintenance!

"Maoshan sent people here to control the formations, is there any problem?

Ji Han ordered casually, and everyone quickly bowed and shouted: "Relax God, no problem! 35

"Hmm! 35

Ji Han nodded in satisfaction!

With their presence, there will be absolutely no problem with the security and order here. As for how to operate it, it will be left to the major families.

In the end, Ji Han put out a large box of antiques that had been sorted into different categories in the trading space, and then piled them up on the white marble square in front of the palace!

"Notify the major families to send people over to deal with it, seven days from now the opening will be opened at 8:00 in the morning, and let them come up with a charter as soon as possible, so as not to delay my important affairs!

Ji Han ordered casually, and everyone agreed again and again.

Although everyone doesn't know what he wants to do, Ji Han's 390 order is the imperial edict, who dares not to obey?

Soon the major families in Yanjing received this order. All the old men were so frightened that they flew over from Yanjing on a chartered plane overnight!

When everyone saw the mountains of antiques, they were all dumbfounded. Where did these things come from?

Ji Han only let them do it within seven days, and didn't tell them what to do?

"Wait? Antiques? Longevity Museum?"

"Mr. Ji is trying to make this place a museum that can open its doors and welcome visitors for exhibitions?"

"My God, isn't this too big? This isn't Mr. Ji's collection for thousands of years, is it?"

"Not necessarily, I think these things are at most the tip of the iceberg in his collection!"

"It doesn't matter, just do it quickly, the time is tight and the task is heavy, find more people you can trust to come and fight!"

"Yes! This is the top priority, and another regiment of troops will be stationed here all year round, and the station will be arranged next to it. Be sure to ensure the safety of this place!

"Just do it, hurry up!"

Mr. Lin and the others briefly discussed for a while, and soon they were busy with all their firepower.

"Chapter 6 Today, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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