At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

329 Thousands of years of hidden treasures of immortals, exhibited in public? 【2/6, please subscribe

[Shock: The latest news in Dongshan City, the Longevity Museum will open in seven days! 】

【The collection of thousands of years of immortals is about to open for exhibition, the Longevity Museum is waiting for you?】

【The ranking of the world's largest museums is about to be rewritten, is all this true?】

One after another shocking news, quickly occupying the headlines on the Internet in all parts of Kyushu, this is obviously the propaganda ordered by Mr. Lin.

Although Ji Han didn't give detailed instructions or instructions about the matter of the Longevity Museum this time, an idiot could guess his intentions, so there's no need to say more.

Therefore, Mr. Lin naturally spares no effort to promote it!

After a while, the whole network suddenly became a sensation.

"Fuck, Longevity Museum? Do you want to exaggerate?

"The treasures that the Eternals have accumulated for thousands of years are displayed in public? 666, awesome!

"I heard that it seems to be true. The cousin of my eldest cousin's son's classmate was urgently transferred there. It is said that the collection in this museum is over one million! 35

"It's awesome, I was thinking before, if there is an immortal who has lived for 390 thousand years, there must be a lot of collections, I didn't expect to see it so soon!""

"I'm looking forward to it, I have to rush to Dongshan City, where is it? Who knows?

The netizens in Kyushu screamed with excitement.

The news quickly swept the screen and attracted huge attention.

After all, the news of the Eternals is still very attractive to everyone. In addition, you can observe the thousands of years of history of the Eternals up close, so how can you not be interested?

At the same time, this news quickly spread all over the world!

Many European and American netizens, media reporters, archaeologists, historians, and various scientists are all interested.

"The Museum of Longevity? Oh Maiga, what is this? Are these damned Orientals finally going to reveal the true secret of their immortals? 35

"Collection for thousands of years? Is it true? How do I feel like they're bragging?"

"God, this is a great opportunity to study history, absolutely (bbed) not to be missed!"

"Yes, you must not miss this opportunity!"

The foreigners reacted violently, and many people were very interested in it. The reporters and historians even booked plane tickets and flew directly to Dongshan City!

Because of this incident, Dongshan City once again ushered in a wave of tourist booms, with tens of thousands of tourists swarming here, crowding hotels and hotels all over the place.

In just seven days, all the preparations for the Longevity Museum have already been completed, and even everything around the museum has undergone tremendous changes.

In order to accommodate enough passengers, Mr. Lin urgently expropriated and leveled all the surrounding acres of land and houses, and then vigorously renovated it.

Now, in front of the museum, there is a huge square with hardened cement and some common flower beds, which is enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people to gather here.

At the same time, a super-large parking lot has been built on the left side of the museum, which is enough to accommodate thousands of vehicles.

On the right is a temporary military camp, which will continue to be built in the future, and will eventually become a place where a regiment of troops is permanently stationed.

Time is too hasty, it is already a miracle that this can be built in a half hour.

At the same time, this large-scale movement also inevitably exposed the location of the museum. Before the opening time, reporters were already surrounded by reporters nearby to take pictures!

There are also various news reports about this mysterious longevity museum constantly appearing on the Internet, attracting countless curious onlookers.

It is a pity that there are soldiers standing guard around the museum, and soldiers with live ammunition are not allowed to approach.

opening day

The museum is finally deregulating!

Many invited media, journalists, scientists, historians can bring people in, and 200,000 ordinary tourists can enter on the same day.

These tourists all need to buy tickets, and tickets are very difficult to buy, they must be booked on the Internet before they can be bought!

The ticket price is not expensive, only one or two hundred yuan!

Tickets must be purchased through the real-name system, which has also cut off the interference of scalpers.

Therefore, the opening day also attracted the arrival of countless tourists. The crowded scene blocked the square in front of the museum.

Everyone looked at the museum shrouded in mist in front of them, all with dazed expressions on their faces. Is this the legendary Longevity Museum?

"Damn it, why is there fog everywhere? It looks like it's blurry!"

"Nonsense, there must be some special way to cover it up, how can such a mysterious place be allowed to be viewed by ordinary people!

"That's right, maybe this is the legendary fairy formation!"

"How can there be no means for the place where the cultivators who have lived for thousands of years store their treasures? You are really making a fuss!

"When will the museum open, I got this ticket after staying up for a few days and nights, and I'm just waiting for it to show off on the circle of friends!

Everyone was talking excitedly, and there were a lot of foreigners in the crowd. It seemed that everyone was looking forward to it.

Inside the museum, Mr. Lin and the others looked at the watch anxiously, all of them were a little nervous.

"It's almost eight o'clock, why isn't Mr. Ji here yet?" Mr. Lin frowned.

"Don't wait!" Qin Tianshou said, "Sir won't come here. You can handle the operation of this museum. Our Qin family and Maoshan Daomen are only responsible for security, and you are responsible for the operation.

"Okay! 35 Mr. Lin nodded and said directly: "Old Tang, you will be the curator here from today, Xu Chuyun, you should be the deputy curator, Mr. Ji will be the shopkeeper, you have to get busy, go now. Hello everyone, open the exhibition! 35


Tang Zhengqing and Xu Chuyun nodded, their expressions solemn, and they walked towards the crowd a little nervously!

Today's opening will shock countless people.

The responsibilities they bear are so heavy that when they become the curator and deputy curator, neither of them dares to be surprised for too long.

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