At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

330 This is definitely a huge historical treasure house! [3/6, please subscribe]

eight o'clock in the morning

The grand formation outside the Longevity Museum quietly opened!

The fog has become much thinner, and a huge gate can be vaguely seen, as well as various pavilions and pavilions that are as beautiful as fairyland.

On the gate of the carved dragon and painted phoenix, a domineering and immortal golden plaque reads - the Longevity Museum in large characters.

"Wow! This, is this the Longevity Museum? It looks so beautiful!

"My God, this is like a fairyland."

"The mist is lingering, the pavilions and pavilions, if there are cranes humming together, and fairies flying, this is truly a fairyland.

"What do you want to eat? We can also enter the fairyland? There must be a fairyland in Dongshan City, but it is definitely not here.

Everyone was talking about it excitedly, and everyone's face was full of excitement. The reporters even raised their cameras and tried their best to film this scene.

Many netizens who can't buy tickets and don't have time to come here can only have an eye addiction through the Internet, and secretly pay attention to this place.

In full view!

Tang Zhengqing took Xu Chuyun out of here, and behind them were many soldiers with guns and live ammunition, as well as some staff from the Forbidden City who were urgently dispatched.

"Everyone, welcome to the Longevity Museum. The museum will officially open today, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm every day!"

"I am Tang Zhengqing temporarily serving as the curator. If you want to buy tickets, please make an appointment through the online real-name lottery system, then queue up to go through the security check, and then enter the museum to visit!"

Tang Zhengqing loudly announced the opening of the museum!

He was just a drudge who was temporarily hired to be in charge of management, and he was also qualified to do any ribbon-cutting ceremony, so let's keep things simple.

As soon as his voice fell behind, a large number of reporters surrounded him excitedly, and the long guns and short guns almost hit him in the face.

"Dr. Tang, when did you transfer here?"

"When was this museum built? As far as I know, it was an open space a few days ago, right?"

"How did you manage to build a huge museum in just a few days? Can you tell me?"

"Is it really the life-long collection of the legendary immortal stored here? Why did he release these things?""

One question after another keeps throwing up.

After Tang Zhengqing shrugged helplessly, he said, "Everyone, these questions are related to many secrets. I'm sorry I can't comment. Actually, I don't know too much!"

"I can only tell you that there are millions of precious cultural relics stored in this museum, many of which have a history of three to five thousand years, and cultural relics from all over the world can be seen!"

"There are the most complete, most brilliant, most diverse and most amazing treasures in the world!

"Everyone, please come in. There are currently more than 20 exhibition halls open, and you can visit freely!"

While explaining, Tang Zhengqing led everyone into the museum. When they stepped into this place in person and saw the pavilions and pavilions in this beautiful fairyland, many people were exclaimed and shocked.

"Oh my god, what a beautiful place. These buildings are so beautiful. Are these ancient buildings in Kyushu? They look so beautiful!"

"Daqin Pavilion? Dahan Pavilion? This is actually a branch of the dynasty, incredible! 35

"There is also the Tianzhu Pavilion, the Ancient Roman Pavilion, the Babylon Pavilion, and the trough, as long as it is all kinds of dynasties you can think of, you can find it here.

"I can't believe it, it's just unbelievable!

The tourists flocked in shock and stepped into various palaces to watch the exhibition. After entering, everyone found that each of these palaces was unusually huge!

Taking the Daqin Pavilion as an example, this palace has five floors, each floor is about 1,000 square meters, and dozens of rooms are enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people to watch the exhibition at the same time.

Tang Zhengqing and others placed a total of more than 100,000 antiques in the Daqin Pavilion, ranging from farm implements, earthenware pots, clay pots, common knives, weapons and crossbows in Qianshou, as well as various royal supplies, clothes, fabrics, etc. Wait, it's all there!

Anything that Daqin can find can be found here!

··For flowers......

Moreover, there are also a large number of Daqin classics and bamboo slips stored here, which are so detailed that they are outrageous!

When tourists enter here, it is as if they have entered the Daqin era.

Everything around you exudes an amazing historical atmosphere and heritage, making everyone dizzy and stunned!

These pieces of antiques do not require expert identification at all. Everyone can see that they are all genuine works. Each piece of antiques seems to be able to speak, bringing shocking enjoyment to every visitor.

"Oh my God, these antiques are too many and too detailed? Just take one out, and you won't have to worry about eating and drinking for the rest of your life!

"Look, this kind of clay pot was used to drink water in the Daqin era, and its shape is so beautiful! 35

"I have seen this kind of pottery pot in the Forbidden City, and it is still broken, but there are hundreds of them here, my God!

"Is this really what the Eternals have been collecting over thousands of years of history?"

"My God, if I can live for thousands of years, I have to try my best to collect these antiques. If I sell just a few pieces, I will be very rich!"

"Yes, the pottery pots and bronzes that were worthless in those days are now all worth a fortune!

The tourists had a lot of shocking discussions, and everyone took pictures and videos excitedly, and everyone could not help revealing various sounds of amazement.

Many foreigners are also stunned!

You never imagined that in modern society, you can see so many ancient objects, and these ancient objects are so complete and detailed, which really makes everyone have the illusion of traveling through time and space.

At the same time, the experts also burst into tears with excitement!

This is definitely a huge historical treasure house, and many things here have an extremely important influence on historical research.

Many authentic works of historical celebrities and many legendary books can be found here. If it wasn't blocked by bulletproof glass, everyone would have to rush to study it.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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