At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

331 The Credential Letter from the King of Tianzhu to the Tang Dynasty! 【4/6, please subscribe】

The vast collection of the Longevity Museum

It brought countless shocks to the first batch of Chinese and foreign tourists who entered the museum, and everyone lingered in this long river of history and could not extricate themselves from it!

Especially in this kind of exhibition, it is extremely convenient to put the development and changes in China and abroad in front of you. The Kyushu Dynasty has a dazzling array of silks, ceramics, and advanced weapons and treasures!

These are in stark contrast to foreign pavilions!

Everyone who has visited here is shocked by the cultural heritage of Kyushu, and also by the strong contrast!

Many foreign tourists have been immersed in this historical background for a long time. They are shocked by the Kyushu culture and feel envious and awe.

However, during this mighty "Three Nine Zeros" tour, there was some commotion in the Tianzhu Pavilion, which attracted many people around.

It turned out that several experts from Tianzhu Kingdom came here excitedly, wanting to observe the treasures left by their ancestors.

At the beginning, they did see countless good things from Tianzhu Kingdom one or two thousand years ago, and all kinds of antiquities made them linger and tremble with excitement.

But they soon found out that something was wrong!

In the hall of Tianzhu Pavilion, dozens of strange treasures were placed in the most conspicuous position!

For example, the national letter of the king of Tianzhu begging to the Tang Dynasty!

For example, the picture of Brahmin monk kneeling down!

For example, the Tianzhu Kingdom symbolizes the supreme scepter of domination.

For example, the intimate clothing of this certain Tianzhu saint.

All of this points to the same meaning, that is, Tianzhu Kingdom was once invaded by Tang Dynasty, and was plundered and enslaved very miserably.

This pile of antiquities is a testimony!

How could the experts in Tianzhu bear such humiliation? They roared in exasperation!

"Damn, what's going on? Damn Kyushu people, what are you guys?

"This is a fake antiquities, it's not true, you actually put fakes on display, are you trying to humiliate us in Tianzhu?"

"Who's in charge? Get out of here, don't give me an explanation, I'll smash you here! 99

The exasperated swearing and swearing of Tianzhu experts attracted a large number of curious onlookers.

But before they could make any move, more than a dozen soldiers with live ammunition pointed their guns at them.

This is the Longevity Museum!

The military region has specially ordered that noise, fights, and disturbances are strictly prohibited here, and they are all managed in accordance with military regulations!

A large number of cameras were set up in these four places, and soldiers of a regiment were scattered all over the museum to stand guard, all with guns and ammunition. If someone caused trouble, they had the right to open fire on the spot.

Therefore, these Tianzhu people immediately became stunned!

Tang Zhengqing rushed over with a frown and asked, "Everyone, what are you doing?"

Reporters also arrived one after another, and various cameras aimed at this tense scene.

"You are the person in charge, right? Well, explain what these things are? When did Tang Dynasty invade Tianzhu? How powerful is our Tianzhu, are you opponents?

"Shameless, ridiculous, these are all fakes and fakes, you shameless Kyushu people, I ask you to remove these collections immediately!

"Yes, the antiques in the entire Tianzhu Pavilion are still treasures of our Tianzhu, you must return them immediately!

"Damn bastard, these dozens of things must be destroyed immediately, immediately!

Seeing so many people present, the Tianzhu experts immediately felt confident, and they began to scream when facing the muzzle of the gun.

When everyone heard it, they immediately became interested and looked at these dozens of special exhibits. As a result, there was an uproar in the crowd!

"Fuck, f*ck, these exhibits have material, hahaha!

"The king of Tianzhu begging for the national letter? 666, awesome!"

"It can't be true, can it? If it is true, then this history will be rewritten, hahaha!

"I think it must be true. Immortal cultivators who have lived for thousands of years must have personally witnessed this history. Even if the Tianzhu people deleted this history from the history books, these are evidence!"5

"Hahaha, this time is really worth it! 35

The tourists are excited to talk about it!

Tang Zhengqing couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He had known for a long time that there would be such a big disturbance, because these were all arranged by him.

Originally, for the sake of various international relations, he didn't want to put these things out, but Mr. Lin figured out Ji Han's thoughts, so he asked that they must be displayed, and they must be placed in the most conspicuous place.

So this scene happened!

Facing the angry eyes of Tianzhu experts, Tang Zhengqing shrugged helplessly: "I'm sorry everyone, these things are genuine, and it's not something I can withdraw if I want, please continue to watch the exhibition, if anyone wants to make trouble, there will be someone Please get out!

"Bastards, you people from Kyushu, shameless!

"You wait for me, this is not over!

"You false things must all be destroyed!"

Tianzhu experts scolded and cursed, but the final result was that they were dragged out by soldiers with live ammunition.

But this matter 4.3 is not over yet!

In addition to these exciting antiquities and treasures in the Tianzhu Pavilion, the Ancient Roman Pavilion, the Korean Pavilion, the Dongying Pavilion, the Macedonian Pavilion, the Babylonian Pavilion, the French Pavilion, the Arabian Pavilion and so on, all these collections that subverted history appeared!

One by one, the foreign experts were stimulated to curse on the spot!

Several groups of people even started smashing the display cabinets on the spot, hoping to destroy these exhibits immediately, but unfortunately they were soon suppressed by force and forced to take away.

This scene quickly aroused the curiosity of reporters, and all kinds of eye-catching videos and news headlines appeared on the Internet all over the world in a short while, and caused a sensation among hundreds of millions of netizens.

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