At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

337 The world is in chaos, fangs in the dark! 【4/6, please subscribe】

"What, what does this mean? The world is in chaos? Does the Venerable God want the whole world to be in chaos?"

"This oracle is too brief, what are we going to do?"

The senior leaders of the two major families were all stunned!

They wanted to ask what they were going to do, but found that the radiance of the statue had disappeared, and a faint divine might had been locked on them all the time, bringing them enormous pressure.

Apparently their god didn't want to say much!

This brief oracle has already explained everything.

There must be chaos in the world in three days. This is the will of the irresistible. If they cannot do it, they will face the wrath of God.

This also means that the time of leisure and sleep has passed, and they must go from behind the scenes to the front desk, and then officially appear in front of the world, revealing their hideousness.

This is the real reason why God created them!

In fact, the two major families also have the ability to cause chaos in the world.

For more than two thousand years, they have not just been sleeping. According to Ji Han's first oracle, they have been secretly developing their own power.

Today, the vampire family has a total of more than 3,000 ethnic groups, all of which are hidden in various places and control the political, commercial and military forces in various countries.

Many ancient and huge financial groups are actually controlled by the Nicholas family behind their backs, and their power can definitely scare the world.

As for the werewolf Mutu family, it is not easy!

Their ethnic group has grown to more than 8,000 people, and they also control a large number of warlords, underworld, and killer organizations, and their financial resources are quite strong.

This is also the result of the low-key development of the two major families. If they are high-profile, they can expand their ethnicity more than ten times in minutes, shrouding all mankind in the fear of the night.

But now they have a problem now, what does this oracle mean?

The world will be in chaos in three days? What kind of chaos will the law be?

"What happened recently? Send the information right away!"

The two big family leaders are also old and sophisticated, and they immediately thought of the key to the problem. The key point is that they always remember that the god who created them seems to be an oriental.

There must be something that made him angry, and everyone will receive this kind of oracle, otherwise it would never be possible to say the words "the world is in chaos".

After a while, there was a large stack of detailed information in the hands of everyone, and most of the recent events were recorded on the record.

Of the things that happened recently, the words Dongshan City appeared most frequently.

At this point, no matter how stupid they are, they know what happened!

The god in their hearts has always been in Dongshan City, and there has been such a big commotion, they have been sleeping, so they only know now.

So God's anger means to sanction the incident?

With the power of the two major families, with just one sentence, the major chaebols under their command can exert their efforts to quell these sanctions.

After all, in capitalist countries, sometimes the power of the chaebols is really powerful, and the world has more than it seems.

But does this really satisfy Ji Han?

Obviously it's impossible, and it's not related to the words "Great Chaos in the World".

"The matter must be escalated, otherwise the Revered God will not be satisfied, and order the ethnic groups in various places to recover!""

"As soon as the night falls, it is our world, and immediately there will be chaos everywhere!

The twenty-four oldest beings from the two major families decisively joined forces to issue the craziest order,

Countless vampires and werewolves all over the place received orders one after another.

The fierceness they had suppressed for a long time was instantly released!

They were like terrifying beasts that had lost the control of their shackles, all showing their hideous fangs.

This time they didn't have a specific task. The order given to them by the Twelve Princes of Vampires and the Twelve Elders of Werewolf was only one sentence, that is, kill, cause trouble, and release nature!

So when the night falls, the countries are in chaos!!

Lundun urban area

Densely crowded tourists are hanging out near Lundun Square, and the beautiful nightlife here makes everyone linger!

But in the dark night, the murderous intention suddenly came!

More than a dozen strong men were on the high-rise buildings, roaring wildly in the face of the moonlight, and the next moment, strange wolf feathers appeared all over their bodies!

After turning into werewolves, they jumped down into the crowd.

The terrifying sharp claws slaughtered the crowd of people around, scaring countless people to scream, chaos and noise!


a large beach dance

A large number of blond men and women twisted their bodies in the music, did all kinds of wild things, anesthetized themselves with alcohol.

However, a vampire with scarlet eyes suddenly turned into tens of thousands of bats, rushing into the crowd crazily.

Everyone screamed and panicked!

Many were tragically drained of blood by bats.

The whole beach was messed up into a pot of porridge 390.

East Ying

a downtown street

The red light and wine green men and women are happily living the night life.

But a werewolf full of bad taste had already placed a lot of explosives here, and pressed the detonator in his hand.


A series of terrifying explosions directly blew the street into ruins, and countless people screamed and were swallowed by the sea of ​​fire. The scene was terrifying!

Scenarios like this are happening all over the place.

One after another, the vampires, who usually looked gentle and elegant, hid in the crowd, showing their fangs, and suddenly violently murdered.

A large number of young girls were slaughtered in bars, KTVs, and streets of dark nights in various countries. Vampires full of evil tastes killed their hearts together, naturally selected the most delicious prey, and drained their blood.

As for the brainless werewolf, it is even more violent!

They transformed wildly under the moonlit night, and then appeared in major cities, killing people when they saw them, directly using their claws to shred all the creatures they saw, creating chaos again and again!

They used their own violent aesthetics to interpret the four words of chaos in the world, and overnight, it seemed that the whole world was in chaos.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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