At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

338 Are there really vampires and werewolves in this world? 【5/6, please subscribe】

[Shocked: Thirteen terrorist attacks broke out in Dongying overnight, with thousands of casualties. No terrorist organization is currently responsible for this. 】

[Insanity, the land of California was attacked by unknown creatures, and the scene was severely injured! 】

[Werewolves? Vampires? There have been more than 20 mass murders in Tianzhu, and the murderers are not normal people? 】

After a night, all kinds of news are flying all over the sky!

Countries all over the world were in a state of embarrassment, and hundreds of horrific massacres began to occur in various places.

The scalps of the top leaders of various countries were numb, and the people were stunned. When various shocking videos appeared on the Internet, many people were stunned for a while.

"God, how could this be? What the hell happened last night? How could there be werewolves killing people in the downtown area?"

"Look, vampires, they are really vampires, and they will turn into bats!

"Damn, how could this be? Are there really vampires and werewolves in this world?"

"Impossible, it's impossible, are they crazy? Why are they killing people everywhere?"

"Is it the end of the world?"

Netizens all over the world made a sensation!

When one incident after another was revealed, a panic began to spread.

No one knows where these vampires and werewolves came from. Maybe some people think it's fake, but the truth is right in front of them. Hundreds of bloody incidents happened overnight, and tens of thousands of people were killed and injured. , this is definitely not a trivial matter!

This is also a fact that cannot be faked.

Could it be that someone opened the gates of hell and released vampires and werewolves to destroy all mankind?

After the news came out, U.S. stock markets, European stock markets, and stock markets in various countries plummeted, and trillions of dollars of wealth evaporated.

Governments of various countries also quickly entered a state of martial law, and everyone was overwhelmed by the sudden attack.

Whether you admit it or not, everyone is shocked to discover the fact that there are really vampires and werewolves in this world.

And careful netizens soon discovered that there was no Kyushu in this attack. Even if all parts of Southeast Asia were attacked, vampires and werewolves did not dare to go wild in Kyushu.

If you make a schematic diagram of the attack, you can see that the whole world is red, only Kyushu is empty, and there is no massacre!

This can not help but shocked many people secretly.

"Oh Maiga, what's going on? It's not scientific, why hasn't an attack happened in Kyushu~々?"

"Damn vampires and werewolves don't dare to bully the soft and fear the hard, don't they dare to kill people in Kyushu? What is the reason for all this?

"What are they afraid of? Why are people all over the world killing people, but they dare not go to Kyushu?39

"Can anyone give me an explanation? It's not fair!"

Countless foreigners were maddened and forced, and Kyushu netizens couldn't help but be stunned!

Aren't vampires and werewolves the product of foreigners? Why do they kill people everywhere?

Why do they dare not enter Kyushu again?

Are they really scared? Impossible?

One doubt after another, everyone couldn't help being stunned, and a strange atmosphere began to envelope the world, so that many people thought that the end of the world was coming!


Hundreds of military and political leaders stared at the information in their hands with ugly expressions, and they couldn't help but tremble in their hearts!

"Last night, there were 684 massacres in our fifty states, 5,124 people have been killed and countless injured!""

"The stock market plummeted 8 points after the market opened this morning, evaporating a full $3.2 trillion!"

"Now all places are panicking, it has been confirmed that vampires and werewolves are killing people everywhere, and it is very likely that the Orientals are instigating, what do you say now?

"What about the person who clamored for war before? The person who clamored for sanctions? Speak!"

The blond white man who was presiding over the meeting roared angrily and clapped the table. Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and no one dared to say a word.

The existence of vampires and werewolves is actually known to many high-level officials. Although these things are hidden from ordinary people, they cannot be hidden from them.

But no one thought that these terrifying species that control the power of darkness, who have always been low-key, would suddenly go crazy. What the hell is going on?

Is all this really controlled by the Orientals?

It is said in the West that werewolves and vampires who have existed for thousands of years are also under his control?

This is too incredible, right?

This is a revenge, a revenge against sanctions!

Many people who once clamored for war, fell silent and started a shitty war.

Wasn't the warning enough this time around?

People haven't exerted their strength yet. You must know that the vampire and werewolf families can control countless wealth behind them. Many big financial groups are at the helm of their race. Who dares to oppose them?

The ones who died now are some ordinary people, but if they are no longer wise, they will be the ones who will die next time.

In the face of these elusive vampires and werewolves, who is confident that they can be absolutely safe? Who is confident that they dare to go to war with them?

".. Abolish the sanctions agreement and show it to Yanjing immediately!" A fat white man said bitterly: "This is not an enemy we can deal with (good promises), and we can use terrorist attacks to prevaricate what is happening now. In the past, but if such incidents continue to occur, we will not be able to bear it!"5

"With this terrible guy here, the rise of the East has become unstoppable, and everyone should learn to adjust their mentality!

"Even if we have the most powerful army, even if we have the most nuclear bombs, it is useless in the face of this inhuman!

"The world is changing, and if we don't change our thinking, we will be eliminated eventually! God promises, I don't want to provoke these damn Orientals again!"

Everyone looked at each other, although most of them were not convinced!

But in the end it had to acquiesce.

A mighty sanction campaign has suffered various blows before it officially started, and was forced to abort.

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