At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

339 Turning hands into clouds and covering hands into rain, Ji Han's wrath! 【6/6, please subscr

The farce of vampires and werewolves did not last long!

Politicians from all over the world began to block the videos on the Internet, and unanimously declared that this was just a terrorist attack, and tried their best to stabilize the situation.

At the same time, they also began to release their goodwill to Yanjing from all aspects, hoping to resolve the matter peacefully.

This made the major families in Yanjing stunned, and they couldn't help but admire Mr. Lin a little more. This guy is right, no one in Dongshan City really can't be provoked.

"Mr. Ji, this matter has already made a lot of noise, and it's not easy to continue to make a fuss. Do you think it's more low-key?"

Dongshan City, in a small manor

After hearing about this, Mr. Lin immediately rushed over to meet Ji Han and expressed his thoughts.

Now that the goal has been achieved, all countries have wisely bowed their heads and surrendered, and even tried their best to cover up the matter.

If the persecution continued, it would have to trigger the third world war. Therefore, Mr. Lin was afraid that Ji Han would continue to order things to do things, so he tried to persuade him again and again.

"Don't worry!" Ji Han laughed dumbly, and said indifferently: "I just gave them a small lesson, just click on it, and finally come here and drink tea!"

"Yes, thank you sir!

Mr. Lin sat down cautiously, drank tea with Ji Han, and watched the beautiful scene of 390 in Wonderland, which made him envious.

This kind of method of turning hands into clouds and covering hands into rain is really like a fairy.

No one would have thought that a species that has been legendary in the West for thousands of years actually exists, and it is also Ji Han's subordinate. It is shocking to think about it.

"Although Mr.'s methods are too extreme this time, the effect is exceptionally good!" Mr. Lin praised with a smile: "Nowadays, everyone in the West is in a state of panic, and all sanctions have long since been subverted, Mr. is amazing!

"There is no need to say more about the touts! Luo Ji Han asked indifferently: "As far as I know, many Chinese people have also been affected by Chiyu this time, right? 99


Mr. Lin sneered, not knowing how to answer!

This is indeed inevitable, Ji Han suddenly made such a big move, even the legendary vampires and werewolves were made!

When they are mad, it is inevitable that they will accidentally hurt!

There are too many people in Kyushu now, there are Chinese and overseas Chinese (bbed) all over the world, and many yellow-skinned people in Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia look like Chinese, which also increases the difficulty of identification.

So many people have been accidentally injured this time!

These things shouldn't be under Ji Han's control, but thinking about it seriously, this is actually his responsibility, so he asked about it.

He doesn't care how many foreigners die, and he is not very happy when a Chinese dies.

"According to the information we got, a total of more than 80 Chinese were accidentally injured this time! 39 Mr. Lin frowned and said, "Most of them were affected, but there are more than 30 Chinese in the Great Eagle Empire. The foreign students, the red-eyed werewolf and the vampire were killed directly and brutally. "

"Ha ha!

Ji Han's eyes gleamed fiercely when he heard the words.

These damned guys are really wild and untamable, all this is actually his fault, he forgot to set rules for them.

"You go back first, I will handle this matter!" Ji Han ordered casually.


Mr. Lin was hesitant to say anything, but in the end he could only get up and retire!

He didn't know what Ji Han wanted to do, and he didn't know how to persuade him, so he could only leave silently, because the next thing was not something he could intervene.

It stands to reason that this matter should be over, and Ji Han's purpose has been achieved.

But the deaths and injuries of these dozens of Chinese made his anger soar, and his heart was filled with murderous intent towards these red-eyed vampires and werewolves.

"Do you dare to touch anything that is blinded by a dog's eyes?" Ji Han got angry and said directly, "Come in!"

Outside the small manor, Taoist Mao Qingfeng, who had already received the order to come, walked in respectfully.

"Honor God! 9

Mao Qingfeng respectfully salutes!

Ji Han waved his hand casually, and said, "Take someone to go, the Nicholas family and the Mutu family have done something very unsightly this time, I'm very dissatisfied and must be punished!

"How to punish? Please respect God's words!" Mao Qingfeng's eyes were filled with cold light.

"Those who kill Chinese by mistake, die!" Ji Han said coldly: "Those who deliberately kill Chinese will be slaughtered in public! Go ahead and do it beautifully!

"Follow the oracle!

Mao Qingfeng smiled sarcastically, turned and left here.

After a while, he took a team of Maoshan elites and quickly disappeared outside the small manor.

As for the Nicholas family and the Mutu family in the western hemisphere, they have also received the oracle again!

Ji Han ordered them all to rush to California to be screened by Mao Qingfeng and others. Maoshan has his own means to identify who killed the Chinese.

This made the two big families who had just experienced a bloody carnival overnight and had not had time to be happy completely stunned. No one expected that this matter would develop like this.

They have already tried their best to avoid contact with the Chinese. Who would have thought that they would end up with such an unwarranted disaster. This is the rhythm of a major event.

"Damn, you stupid pigs, how many times have I said, don't touch the Chinese, don't touch the Chinese, you just can't remember, you go crazy when you kill red eyes, right?"

"Is it alright now? The gods are angry, and now both of our two families have bad luck!"

"Damn idiots, all of you who have killed the Orientals, stand up for me!"

Inside the Nicholas family and the Mutu family, there were all kinds of terrified roars and roars. The twenty-four people who had lived for more than two thousand years were so frightened that their faces were pale and cold and sweaty!

They will never forget the oracle engraved in their bloodline - do not harm the bloodline of Kyushu, this is Ji Han's death order.

But their younger generation has forgotten this oracle, so punishment is about to come.

"Chapter 6 Today, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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