At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

340 Your people seem to be a little disobedient! [1/6, please subscribe]

three days later

Inside a sprawling old estate in suburban California!

Thousands of vampires and werewolves gathered in awe, all of them silently waiting for the unknown punishment to come.

In front of them, there are seven or eight old Taoist priests in linen, and these are naturally Mao Qingfeng and others.

They just arrived here, looking at the densely packed dark creatures, a sneer flashed in the eyes of Mao Qingfeng and the others.

Maybe in the eyes of ordinary people, these are very terrifying existences, but in the eyes of Taoist Maoshan people, these are low-level creatures, not even the most rubbish walking corpses.

If the Zombie King is dispatched, one can destroy them all.

"Everyone, is this all your clansmen?" Mao Qingfeng asked with a smile, looking directly at the Twelve Vampire Princes and the Twelve Werewolf Elders.

"Yes, venerable angel."

"Our ethnicity is already here~ here!"

“We are extremely sorry for this accidental injury to the people of Kyushu. 35

The princes and elders answered respectfully in fluent Chinese. They have learned a lot of skills over the past two thousand years, and Chinese is not difficult for them.

At the same time, they dare not disrespect these old Taoists!

First, this is the person sent by Ji Han, and secondly, they all exude the breath of vampires and werewolves, and this is their nemesis.

"Good! It's work!"

Mao Qingfeng smiled slightly and waved his hands to signal everyone to do things.

One by one Taoist priests raised their hands and turned over, and soon a gossip plate appeared in their hands, and they began to read and test them.

This is a specially made True Spirit Dharma Plate, which can detect the number of remaining souls in each person, and can easily identify who they are probably killing.

After a series of tests, the faces of the Taoists turned ugly, and they raised their fingers and pointed at the pile of people: "You, you, you, and you, get out!"

"What? Me? Fake, what does this have to do with me?"

"Those damn yellow-skinned monkeys look the same as Southeast Asians, what if we killed a few by mistake?"

"What is this? Damn it, why are we out there?"

Several selected vampires and werewolves roared in exasperation.

They are all after the fifth generation, the bloodline is relatively thin, the fierceness in the body is more difficult to control, and they all appear very manic.

That is to say, their reverence for the so-called gods is not as strong as that of the Twelve Princes and Elders, and they believe in their own strength more.

This is similar to Xiaobing only obeying the orders of the generals and not paying much attention to the emperor, because all this is too far away from him, and they have no idea how terrifying God is with their eyes.

"Hehehe!" Mao Qingfeng smiled sarcastically, looked at the princes and elders and said, "Everyone, your people seem to be a little disobedient, no wonder the Venerable God is not satisfied.

"Damn bastard, get out of here!"

"You guys, get out!

The princes were so frightened that their faces changed greatly, and they appeared ghostly beside these people as soon as they moved, grabbed their necks viciously, and then threw them out.


Mao Qingfeng nodded in satisfaction.

With their cooperation, the screening work becomes easier.

One after another, the vampires and werewolves who once killed the Chinese were pulled out. This is absolutely not wrong, because the remnants of the Chinese have been detected from them.

It was obvious that it was self-evident to wait for their end, so these unlucky bastards all shivered with fright.

"Damn, we can't just sit still!

"Why should we die? Why?"

"We just killed a few yellow-skinned monkeys by mistake, what is this?"

"Run! We must run! If we don't run, we will die! 39

"Damn it, run away!"

They were frightened and nervous, and after whispering a few words, they resolutely fled in all directions.

They know that once the screening is completed, they will all die, and it is impossible for these people to come all the way to joke with them.

・・For flowers...  

So if you want to live, you have to run away!

Even if they escaped and faced the pursuit of vampires and werewolf families, they had to escape, after all, no one wanted to die.

I saw these dozens of werewolves and vampires, speeding very fast, dashing into the distance like ghosts, and they were about to escape from the manor.

This scene caught everyone off guard!

The vampires and werewolves around were either out of selfishness or didn't want to kill each other, so they didn't try to stop them, they just watched them flee.


Mao Qingfeng snorted as expected, sneered and shook his head in disdain, and the next moment he stepped on the footsteps and roared: "The heaven and the earth are light, thunder and lightning, destroy!"



Dark clouds suddenly appeared in the sky, and the next moment was all kinds of thunder and lightning flashes. Mao Shan Dao's lightning-inducing technique was exerted to the extreme by Mao Qingfeng, and one after another sky thunder fell like a shadow.


Vampires and werewolves trying to escape, how can they be faster than lightning?

When they saw the thunder and lightning fell, they screamed and screamed on the spot.

Boom boom boom!

Another series of thunderbolts fell.

This time, the power of thunder and lightning was even more powerful, with a vague power of destroying the world, and it easily suppressed the power of their bloodlines and completely smashed them into pieces.


"What kind of means is this?

Everyone gasped in fright!

Even the Twelve Princes and Elders were so frightened that their scalps went numb.

This Mao Qingfeng looks weak, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful, and he really deserves to be an envoy.

"What are you running, you have to waste my spells to chase and kill." Mao Qingfeng said dissatisfiedly: "Continue to screen, there are a few guys who deliberately murdered the blood of Kyushu and must be found out."5


All the Taoists agreed in unison!

The vampires and werewolves present trembled with fright, and they all dared not move and beg.

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