At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

The 344 big plan, is this the rhythm of angering the world? [5/6, please subscribe]

that night

The fog is shrouded, and the door of light appears!

Ying Zheng, Chongzhen, Li Shimin, and Cao Cao came again one after another.

At this time, it was only a few days away from the last time in the small manor, but the four great dynasties had already spent half a year, and Ying Zheng and others had undergone considerable changes. Obviously, the past half year has been quite nourishing.

Among them, Cao Cao has changed the most. This guy is walking like a tiger, and he has a vaguely domineering arrogance. Obviously, his high position has given him a lot of courage.

"Hahaha, how are you doing recently, sir? After working so hard for so long, I finally have time to get together again. Today, I can't go home without getting drunk.

"That's right, right, right, everyone won't go home without getting drunk today.

"The delicious wine and food are still good here, sir, the cook in the palace is too stupid to make this taste.

Everyone laughed and joked, and they sat down on the dining table with ease, but they were not polite at all.

"You guys are thinking about eating and drinking every day, do you still look like an emperor?" Ji Han laughed dumbly and said 390: "Sit down, Yangzi has made a lot of fruit wine recently, which is very delicious, and I will drink more later. "

"Huh? This is rare!"

"Good wine and delicious food, I like it!"9

"The fruit of this fairyland must be made of fairy wine, we can have a good taste!"

Ying Zheng and others suddenly became interested!

When Yang Zi brought up a jar of freshly brewed fruit wine, a fragrant wine smell began to permeate the surroundings, which made everyone's eyes light up immediately.

"Drink, you're welcome.

Ji Han greeted casually, and everyone immediately tasted it with a smile, and was soon convinced by the taste of this fruit wine.

"Good wine, sir, I'll have to let me bring some back later, this wine is really good.

"Sir had a good life, but I am quite envious.

"Yeah, wine, food and beauty, it's really a fairy-like life."

Everyone sighed with envy again.

Ji Han said angrily: "Okay, don't flatter yourself, don't worry about eating and drinking, how are you guys developing recently?

"My Daqin is developing well!" Ying Zheng replied happily: "Recently, we have been consolidating overseas sites and expanding a lot. These foreigners have long been afraid of the wind, so it's not a cause for concern."

"Nowadays, overseas places can bring a large amount of food, materials, gold and silver taxes to my Daqin every month. It can be said that it is a piece of treasure land."

"Nowadays, the life of the people in Daqin is getting better and better. We have just held an imperial examination and selected a lot of talents. We are also planning to further reduce taxes and build infrastructure.

Ying Zheng's show-off attracted everyone's envy.

Li Shimin also said with a smile: "My Tang Dynasty is similar to the first emperor, it is really cool to enslave aliens, and it is developing and growing every moment."

"I am also moved by what you two said!" Chongzhen frowned and said: "Recently, the natural disasters in the Ming Dynasty have been much less, the country is prosperous and the people are safe, the food production in various places is also increasing and harvesting, the people live and work in peace, I also want to fight foreigners!"

"Fighting, what's the fear of starting a war with the strength of your Ming Dynasty?" Ji Han encouraged: "Now Lao Zhao and Lao Li are developing well, but you still have foreigners in Ming Dynasty, so hurry up and fight. Kill them quickly.

"Sir, what you said is justified!" Chongzhen nodded again and again, smiling confidently: "For the past six months, I have been adopting the business dumping plan mentioned by Mr., constantly hitting the economies of foreigners in various countries."

"In addition, I have more than 300 ironclad ships, all of which have been equipped with new artillery, and the entire army is equipped with Shenwei rifles. It should not be difficult to destroy foreigners."


Everyone secretly clicked their tongues.

Imagine the scene of hundreds of ironclad ships, together with hundreds of thousands of soldiers armed with Shenwei rifles, and everyone could not help but hold a moment of silence for the foreigners.

These unfortunate guys, even if they are unlucky when they meet the Ming Dynasty, I am afraid that this time the war will be easier than the abuse of Goryeo and Dongying.

"Get them as soon as possible!" Ji Han casually threw out a sentence while eating: "I'm going to make a big move soon, if you can't catch up, you won't be counted.

"Huh? 99

"Big move?"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they all stopped moving and looked at Ji Han. What was the big move in his mouth?

"Sir, what are you going to do?" Ying Zheng asked curiously, "Do you want to develop some new weapons? 35

"No no no, definitely not, maybe it's a new technology product!"

"Could it be that you want to fight aliens? No, the aliens around us, except for Lao Zhu, who haven't done anything yet, are all cleaned up."

Everyone was talking about it, and they all didn't understand what Ji Han wanted to do.

After he smiled slyly, he said in a rage: "Wrong, wrong, how can a big move be so simple? This time I will mobilize the army to kill other time and space.

"Oh? Mister is going to go to other worlds? What does this mean? Can you still make our army appear in other worlds?

"It's impossible, how is it possible?"

"Sir, don't be kidding, where do you want to fight?"

Everyone was shocked and shocked, even Diaochan, Zhen Mi and the others were also taken aback.

Everyone thought that Ji Han could bring people from all time and space to this fairyland.

If that's the case, then how shocking it is.

Doesn't this mean that everyone can represent other worlds, and from now on, the territory will no longer be limited to Kyushu and foreign races?

This is the rhythm of angering the heavens and the world!

Could it be that the soldiers and horses of the four great dynasties have to become something similar to the soldiers and generals of heaven, and can they fall from the sky at any time?

"Sir, are you kidding me?" Ying Zheng's eyes lit up and he said excitedly, "How many people do you want? I'll go back and dispatch troops immediately, I promise to have as many as you want! 99

"Don't get excited! 35 Ji Han chuckled: "A dynasty can send up to 100,000 troops.

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