At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

345 Cao Cao's inner demon, Liu Guan Zhang's weakness! 【6/6, please subscribe】

"One dynasty, 100,000 people? Four dynasties, that's 400,000 people, right?"

"Although it is not an army of one million, it is a good military force if operated properly. 35

"If all were equipped with mortars, Shenwei cannons, and Shenwei rifles, then 400,000 people would be an astronomical number!

"I just don't know where sir is going to call? Can you tell me now? We'll be ready too!

Ying Zheng, etc. - People are talking about excitedly!

The information that Ji Han threw out immediately stimulated everyone.

After all, they are all ambitious people, especially people like Ying Zheng, who are very interested in the battle of conquering territory.

How can they not be interested when Ji Han wants to do something big?

"Actually, I haven't figured out where to fight yet. I just want to let you guys know in advance and let you prepare. Are you all okay?" Ji Han asked with a smile.

"No problem!" Ying Zheng answered first: "I have an army of one million in hand, and I can dispatch one hundred thousand of the most elite soldiers at any time. 9

"The same is true of the Tang Dynasty!" Li Shimin said quickly: "There has been no war recently, how easy it is to dispatch 100,000 people. 39

"It's okay to be here!" Chongzhen pondered for a moment, then said: "It is not too difficult to destroy the foreigners, so after I go back, I will seize the time to fight and defeat them as soon as possible.


Ji Han nodded with satisfaction and finally looked at Cao Cao.

This Cao Heizi seemed a little tangled at this time.

He naturally wanted to participate in Ji Han's big plan.

First, it can deepen the relationship with everyone, secondly, it can gain benefits through battles, and thirdly, it can also make its troops and horses stronger and stronger.

But Cao Cao had a lot of concerns at this moment.

"Sir, after defeating the allied forces of the princes half a year ago, I have already received their millions of soldiers, as well as the territories of all states in the world!"

"Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao and others are simply vulnerable, all the states in the world have been controlled by me, but I am not in the right position after all, so there are constantly rebellions everywhere!

"And the three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang have also disappeared. I sent many people to search and couldn't find them. I'm worried that if we don't get them out as soon as possible, there will be big problems in this world."5

Cao Cao expressed his concern.

Everyone immediately laughed.

"Hey, Lao Cao, you have such a skeptical temperament that you really have no courage, can you handle such trivial matters?

"Yeah, the world has already been in your hands, and it's not easy to stabilize the situation? Are all your advisors working hard?"

"What if Liu Guanzhang and the three of them can't find it? Could it be that they can make a big noise?

Everyone criticized with disdain.

Cao Cao's dark old face suddenly became embarrassed.

Ji Han chuckled lightly and said: "Don't laugh at Lao Cao, he is not easy, he has worked so hard to capture this great Han country, and most of the people in the world are dissatisfied with him, and he may mess up at any time, how dare he take it lightly?

"Sir, you still understand me!" Cao Cao said with emotion: "Now Cao is walking on thin ice, for fear that he will be pushed from the throne by the world when he wakes up, if not for Mr. Can't even sleep!


Everyone burst into laughter and sympathized!

Although Cao Cao said this exaggeratedly, the truth is true. Whoever sits in his position now has to be cautious and not dare to act recklessly.

"Actually, the situation is not as bad as you think!" Ji Han said with a chuckle: "You have top ministers such as Guo Jia, Jia Xu, Xun Yu, Xun You, etc. to advise you, and it is not difficult to stabilize the situation!"

"The reason why people don't accept you is mainly because you're not used to it. It's good to wait until you get used to it."

"Next, you only need to gradually reduce taxes, increase food production, resettle refugees, publicize holy temples, and occasionally I will perform a few miracles for you, so that you can quickly gain popular support!

Ji Han's advice immediately made Cao Cao smile!

He pondered for a moment and found that these simple measures are indeed inexhaustible. If the common people have enough food and clothing to live and work in peace and contentment, and with the blessing of the gods, the fools will rebel!

・・For flowers...  

At that time, Cao Cao's throne will not be too stable, and no one will want to take it away.

"Thank you sir! 39

Cao Cao bowed down and bowed excitedly, and his heart had already let go a lot.

"As for Liu Guan and Zhang, it's really nothing to worry about!" Ji Han shook his head disdainfully: "When your people's hearts are stabilized, what kind of waves will they make? 99

"Of course, if you don't worry about it, you can continue chasing and killing, after all, cutting grass and rooting is a good idea, and it is naturally better to clean up these three people.

"As for finding them, it's not difficult. Although the three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang seem to be more in love than Jin Jian, they actually have a fatal flaw!


"Fatal flaw?"

Everyone was very surprised, and they all came to be interested.

What are the flaws of Liu Guan and Zhang three? Why don't you know?

"What is the defect that Mr. said refers to? Please enlighten me!" Cao Cao quickly asked excitedly.

Ever since he knew that Liu Bei was his destiny's nemesis, he always wanted to pinch this guy to death. Even if Cao Cao now dominates the world, Liu Bei is still a second-rate without soldiers and power.

But he was still thinking about it, as if he was possessed by a demon, and he would never stop until he killed Liu Bei.

So when Ji Han revealed his big plan, Cao Cao seemed a little hesitant, because he couldn't understand his thoughts at this time.

He doesn't care if the world is unstable!

What he really wanted to do was to kill Liu Bei.

Ji Han obviously saw this, and he pointed directly: "The fatal flaw of Liu Guan and Zhang is Guan Yu, Liu Bei is a man of false benevolence, righteousness, ambition and talent, Zhang Fei is very loyal to him, and only Guan Yu has his own ideas. .

"If you try to separate the three of them, even if they hide in the deep mountains and forests, there will be infighting because of the breakup of the three brothers, and you will eventually catch them!"


When Cao Cao heard the words, his breathing accelerated immediately.

"Today Chapter Six, Asking for a Flower Evaluation Ticket" beg.

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