At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

346 luxury lineup, all equipped with Shenwei rifles! 【1/6, please subscribe】

"To alienate Liu Guan and Zhang three? How to alienate them?"

"Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are loyal to Liu Bei. 35

"However, as the master said, Liu Bei is a man of hypocrisy, arrogance, ambition, and talent. Guan Yu must have been dissatisfied long ago, right? But how to provoke them? 35

Everyone, every word I say, is all interested in this matter!

The way of the emperor is to play with people's hearts, Ying Zheng and others are all masters of this way, and everyone thought of many ways in an instant.

However, these methods were quickly overturned by everyone. After all, it was really not easy to separate these three people.

In other words, it is really not easy for Cao Cao to erase his inner demon. Even if Liu Bei has such and such shortcomings, his advantages are very obvious "three nines".

He is an uncle who occupies the commanding heights of righteousness. Even if his identity as an uncle may not be true, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu will definitely not abandon him.

"Actually, it's not difficult to make the three brothers turn against each other!" Ji Han laughed dumbly and pointed: "You just need to have people make up a few stories to humiliate Liu Bei, and then make up a few stories to flatter Guan Yu!"

"Then let the world's storytellers sing around, guess what? Liu Bei's reputation will be trampled down, and Zhang Fei will be furious and want to kill! 35

"Guan Yu is more secure and definitely doesn't want to make him crazy, but if the storyteller brags about him again, Zhang Fei will think that Guan Yu is selfish, and the two will have to fight.

"Guess Liu Bei's situation at this time will not be very embarrassing? Help Zhang Fei, Guan Yu turns against his eyes, help Guan Yu, it will hurt Zhang Fei's heart, this is called alienation, understand? 95

Ji Han's eloquent advice immediately made everyone's eyes light up, and Cao Cao was even more excited and stunned.

"Okay, sir, this is a great plan, hahaha!"

"This grasp of people's hearts can be described as a first-class wonderful."

"No matter how powerful the three of Liu Guanzhang are, they can't escape the calculations of Mr.

Everyone laughed, and Cao Cao immediately let go of all his worries.

"Thank you for your advice, sir." Cao Cao laughed loudly, "Why worry about Liu Bei's death if you have such a plan? In this way, I feel much more at ease. My master's big plan counts for me, and my great Wei also sends 100,000 troops.""5

"it is good!"

Ji Han suddenly smiled with satisfaction.

The four dynasties sent troops together, this curiosity is obvious, and the power is quite terrifying.

"The Great Wei Dynasty dispatched 100,000 troops and selected the most elite 100,000 iron cavalry, led by generals Lü Bu and Dian Wei, ready to listen to orders.

"The Ming Dynasty sent 100,000 troops to choose the most elite army, equipped with all kinds of firearms and Shenwei rifles!"

"The same is true of Daqin and Datang. Soldiers must be equipped with Shenwei rifles. If they are not enough, they can borrow some from Lao Zhu. 35

Ji Han's face was serious, and he immediately ordered coldly.

This is the first time to conquer other time and space, and there is absolutely no room for loss.

"Relax, Immortal Master, we will obey!"

The four Ying Zheng stood up and shouted quickly, and everyone's heart was full of enthusiasm. This is the four dynasties sending troops together. Thinking about it makes people excited.

Daqin, Datang, and Daming are all equipped with Shenwei rifles and various artillery, and the firepower is ferocious.

Although Da Wei did not have firearms, all of them were ferocious. Every soldier was an existence that could lift a thousand jins. If they were cavalry to attack, why should the enemy not die?

Against any enemy with this lineup, everyone has the confidence to win.

"Sir!" Li Shimin asked curiously, "Which time and space are you planning to attack? When will you be dispatched? Can you tell me?

"Eh?" Ji Han shrugged and said with a smile, "Actually, I'm not sure yet, so I won't wait for you to discuss it.


"Not sure yet?

Everyone's faces were stunned, and thunder rolled in their hearts.

Holy crap, you said so passionately, you told me that I'm still not sure who to hit? What is this?

"Don't worry about these details, let's discuss it together!" Ji Han said indifferently: "I have a few ideas for you to take a look at. Since all four dynasties have emerged, it is natural that this dispatch of troops will support all dynasties in Kyushu.."

"For example, the weak Song Dynasty, such as the Five Husbands' period of chaos in China, such as the shame of Jingkang, such as the change of Tumubao!"

"As long as you want the period, I can airdrop the army over and easily change the situation of the battle.

Does this work?

When everyone heard the words, they smacked their tongues secretly!

Chongzhen's eyes were even brighter. The change in Tumubao was a turning point for them to turn from prosperity to decline. Which battle made them lose all face.

If it can change history, it is exciting to think about it.

"Sir!" Chongzhen got up excitedly, and said, "Let's go to the Orthodox years. My Emperor Ming was captured. This is a shame for all generations. If you can dedicate your strength to this battle, the Ming Dynasty will lose millions of troops. It is also at all costs. 99

"Hehe, why do you need to lose a million troops to kill a thorn?" Ji Han shook his head disdainfully and said, "It's easy to take care of them. Since you have this wish, what's the way for me to accompany you for a while?"

"Well, sir, well said!

"Since Lao Zhu wants to walk away, let's fight! 35

"Hahaha, when the four dynasties go into action, any thorns will be crippled."

Everyone burst into laughter. The destination of this first battle was set, and it was set to directly intervene in the change of Tumu Fort during the 4.3 years of the orthodox Ming Dynasty.

In this regard, Chongzhen is naturally ecstatic.

He never expected Ji Han to agree to his request, which made him secretly excited.

"Sir, an army of 100,000 is too few!" Chongzhen said excitedly: "Why don't I go back and mobilize an army of 300,000, and then I will completely exterminate the tribe in one fell swoop.

"No, each dynasty is only allowed to send 100,000 troops." Ji Han said angrily: "You should go back and destroy the foreigners as soon as possible. We will wait for you for a month or two at most. If you don't get it done, we can execute it ourselves. It's a big plan."

"Don't worry, sir, if you can't beat the foreigners within a month, I will come to see you. Chongzhen desperately patted his heart to promise.

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