At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

347 Ji Han's great gift, the method of sacrifice is popularized! 【2/6, please subscribe】

After making this expedition plan

Chongzhen couldn't help but have a hint of pride and ambition in his heart, and the whole person also seemed very excited, and he looked like he was gearing up for a big job.

After drinking a few glasses of wine in a row, he continued to sigh: "If I can change the shameful moment of my dynasty, I would be willing to die even if I were to die, thank you sir for being perfect. 35

"If I can come to the orthodox period, I have to advise Zhu Qizhen to Yingzong. The drawbacks of this orthodox period are also not small, the traitorous ministers are the eunuchs and the power, alas! 55

Chongzhen sighed, his expression a little darker.

He suddenly thought of himself, if it wasn't for Ji Han's guidance, wouldn't it be the same in the Ming Dynasty at this time?

"Old Zhu, you don't have to do this." Ji Han smiled and comforted: "Now that you have completely changed your destiny, I believe that your expedition this time will also change Zhu Qizhen's destiny. 35

"Yes!" After Chongzhen nodded, he began to secretly figure out how to change the shortcomings of the orthodox years.

What 11 things should he bring to Zhu Qizhen?

Obviously Ji Han did not intend to let Zhu Qizhen have the qualification to enter and leave the fairyland, which means that this battle is likely to be the only time in his life to contact the orthodoxy, and the only chance to change the orthodoxy.

Chongzhen thought silently, all kinds of ideas kept bursting out, and there was a glimmer of hope on his face again.

Ji Han glanced at it and smiled indifferently: "Actually, the hardships suffered by Kyushu in the history are more than the changes in Tumubao? The Northern Song Dynasty Jin Army broke through the city of Tokyo, captured Song Huizong, Song Qinzong and his son, as well as a large number of Zhao's royal family, There are more than 3,000 people including concubines and concubines in the harem, nobles, courtiers, etc. This is a shame for Jingkang!

"At that time, after the Jin people looted the two emperors to Yanjing, they not only raped the concubines and maids of the harem who were brought there, but also performed a sheep-pulling ceremony for them.

"It's just stripping off their shirts, putting on sheepskins, with ropes tied around their necks, and being led like livestock on three knees and nine knocks."

"During the period of the two Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Five Husbands were in chaos, and the foreign races regarded our Han people as sheep with two legs and slaughtered them at will, and the number of our Han people in Kyushu was less than a few million, almost genocide.

"How dare we forget these hatreds? How can we let go of these alien races? 39

Ji Han questioned in a loud voice, and everyone was shocked, and it also made everyone look murderous.

"Sir is right, this damn alien must not be spared.

"Take your time, you must kill them."

Everyone expressed their anger.

Ji Han nodded before continuing: "Haven't you always envied Lao Cao's soldiers and horses being able to sacrifice and become stronger? This time is the same, I allow your three dynasties' soldiers and horses to sacrifice and become stronger. At the same time, I also allow Lao Cao's soldiers and horses to sacrifice and become stronger. The great Wei of Cao opened the technology tree and produced firearms from then on."5


"Sir didn't you joke?"

Ying Zheng's four eyes widened in surprise.

No one expected that Ji Han would suddenly give such a big gift.

Lao Zhao, Lao Zhu and the others have always admired the soldiers of the Great Wei Dynasty. They can be as fierce as tigers and leopards, and as fierce as wolves.

And Lao Cao is envious of the benefits of this firearm!

It's a pity that Ji Han has never allowed everyone to interfere with each other, and now the ban has been lifted suddenly. This is a rhythm to take off quickly.

Imagine a soldier with strong physique, vigorous movements, and heavy lifting, holding a Shenwei rifle in his hand. What would it be like?

This combat power will definitely skyrocket dozens of times.

If they were fighting in the mountains and forests, these soldiers would have to kill a hundred times the number of enemies, and each and every one of them was the material of special forces and sharpshooters.

Just throw a grenade and they can throw it farther than others. Ordinary people throw 30 to 50 meters, they have to throw 100 to 200 meters, and they can also be used as human-shaped artillery at critical moments.

It's exciting to think about it!

"Hahaha, I have long been envious of Lao Cao's fierce generals like clouds, soldiers like tigers, thank you sir for your gift."

"This is a big happy event, I have to choose my troops and horses well when I go back, and prepare for the battle as soon as possible!

Everyone's eyes lit up with excitement.

Cao Cao smiled even more, raised his glass and said, "Three brothers, the method of sacrifice can make your soldiers stronger easily, but don't forget to help and support the younger brother, this firearm can be sold to me. "

"Selling, of course, has to be sold, I will show you how to make firearms when I look back, and help you set up your own firearms bureau as soon as possible!

"Yes! I will give you 3,000 Shenwei rifles, and I will guarantee that you will be turned upside down!

"Also, this mortar is also a must-have for a war. It can be carried around with one hand and can absolutely kill any enemy.

Chongzhen, Ying Zheng, and Li Shimin all agreed to help, and Cao Cao was immediately happy.

Recently, both the Qin Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty are imitating the Shenwei rifle of Chongzhen, and they have formed a production line of firearms, producing a large number of firearms and shells every day.

All this made Cao Cao envious. If the Great Wei Dynasty also had a firearms bureau and an artillery bureau, then he would have to die of laughter.

"In short!" Ji Han continued to exhort: "From now on, I hope the four dynasties will work together, make progress together, and become stronger together. Do you have any opinions?

"No! 99

"Only on the orders of Mr.

Everyone agreed, and the atmosphere became a lot more eager.

With Ji Han mediating in this, the relationship between the four dynasties can be described as intimate, and there will never be any suspicion or conspiracy.

In the next expedition, everyone will only become stronger!

Tonight's banquet, Ji Han and the others drank until the middle of the night. After discussing various matters about sending troops, everyone quietly retreated drunk in the middle of the night.

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