At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

348 The Ming Dynasty sent troops to sweep the overseas countries! 【3/6, please subscribe】

After the four Ying Zheng returned to their respective dynasties.

They began to quickly dispatch troops, dispatched elite troops and horses to prepare for battle, and were ready to go out at Ji Han's orders.

As for Chongzhen and Cao Cao, they also started to get busy quickly!

The two of them had to solve their last troubles before they set off on the expedition. One wanted to destroy the foreigners and the other wanted to clean up Liu Guanzhang, so they were busy keeping their feet on the ground.

The first is Chongzhen!

After he returned, he immediately convened a meeting of the military officials under his command, and then issued a combat order.

In fact, more than half a year ago, he had nothing to do, and he had already made no less than seven or eight versions of the war plan, so it was easy to fight.

In this battle, Chongzhen dispatched the Fu Navy Corps, the Zhen Navy Corps, as well as the Mighty Corps and the Tianxiong Corps 400,000 troops.

This war must be resolved quickly, and the European countries must be quickly cleaned up.

As soon as the news came out, it was earth-shattering.

Not only were countless people in the Ming Dynasty shocked by the uproar, but even the foreigners were terrified.

The trade for more than a year has made all countries aware of the strength of the Ming Dynasty, and the sudden war at this time naturally caught them by surprise.

Moreover, the Ming Dynasty had already passed the trade sea route, and had a clear understanding of the routes, territories, and military deployment of European countries. This battle was an irresistible massacre!

Three hundred ironclad ships and fifteen hundred thousand-material ships, carrying 400,000 troops, slaughtered mightily along the coastline.

On the eighth day, we arrived in Luzon, Siam, Annan and other places.

After a few shells easily defeated the ridiculously weak navy of the opponent, they began to log in to fight. They swept the whole territory in just three days, defeated their strongest army resistance force, and occupied their capital.

On the fifteenth day, when he encountered a fleet of fifteen ships in Spain, Li Dingguo, full of wickedness, did not fire a single shot, and rammed it with dozens of ironclad ships.

As a result, the Hippanese ship was rammed into pieces, and the foreigners screamed and fell into the water to their deaths.

When the caravans sent the news back to Europe, there was an uproar from various countries, they hurriedly united, and then sent troops together to prepare to fight against the Ming Dynasty.

Twenty days later, the Tianxiong Corps landed on the coast of East India and quickly defeated the local colonial army.

A month later, the mighty army led by Zuo Liangyu landed on the Arabian coastline and went all the way north, directly defeating the Ottoman army!

Fifty days later, the Daming expedition navy finally encountered a tough battle!

Angry European countries formed a naval alliance with more than 2,000 large ships, including seven or eight countries such as the Portuguese, the Greeks, and the Great Eagle Empire. Their total number of ships was as high as 2,300 ships. There are more than a thousand small warships.

The densely packed large ships appeared overwhelmingly near the North Atlantic Ocean, directly blocking the way of the Daming Expedition Navy, and decided to fight them to the death.

The European countries in the 16th century have long realized that it is now the era of sea power, and any dynasty that loses control of the sea will quickly disappear.

The two armies of the Ming Dynasty raging in South Asia have proved with guns and cannons that once they lose control of the sea, the invincible army guns of the Ming Dynasty will easily push them down.

Therefore, all countries were angry and gathered all their navies to attack.

The number of navies dispatched this time is as high as more than 100,000 people, which is already the entire wealth of European countries.

On a huge Karak warship, more than a dozen blond and blue-eyed foreigners held monocular glasses and observed the situation of the Ming Navy from a distance.

Since going to sea, the Daming Navy has never fought a decent battle, but the sailor has become more and more powerful. More than a thousand warships are waiting in battle, looking menacing.

The three hundred ironclad ships alone are enough to make the foreigners daunted.

"Damn the Orientals, how did they develop so fast in the past few years? They used to use lucky boats in the past, how did this ironclad boat come out~々?"

"God, how will this battle be fought? Our ships may be crushed by them before they approach?"

"Is this Armageddon really necessary? I think we should be careful!"

The foreigners were panicking and talking, and everyone was beating drums in their hearts, because everyone could see that this battle was going to be lost.

"Everyone!" The commander-in-chief of the league, Portuguese Enriquez frowned and roared: "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of these damn yellow monkeys? God will bless us, won't you? If you don't even have the courage to go to war, then Is it worthy of the title of a maritime power?"5

"Of course, these oriental people are really terrible, they have enslaved Korea and the East, Luzon, Siam, and their next step is to enslave the world!

"These goddamn demons, they have caused so much war, we must stop them!"

"Once they are allowed to occupy the ocean, we can only be beaten passively from now on. Are you sure you can defeat their hundreds of thousands of troops?"

Enriquez preached desperately, and everyone rolled their eyes subconsciously, who didn't understand the truth.

Fools all know these truths, but everyone still doesn't believe Zhao's heart.

"Please, they are not invincible!" Enriquez continued to preach: "We have an advantage in the number of ships, and we have more advanced naval warfare technology. Once our boats are close, we can log in to fight, and we can defeat them!"

"Pray up everyone, let's pray for ourselves and get ready for war!

Enriquez is screaming and screaming!

Whether you like it or not, and whether you have confidence or not, this battle is unavoidable, because the battleships of the Ming Dynasty are approaching.

"Damn, get ready to fight!"

"Clean up the barrels, we have to teach these eastern demons a lesson!"

"God bless us, let's fight!"

All the blond foreigners roared hysterically and got busy.

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