At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

349 Sixty thousand artillery salvos? The moment of collapse of foreigners! 【4/6, please subscribe】

The war is imminent!

This was the biggest and craziest naval battle in the 16th century, and it was a battle that was enough to go down in history.

The outcome of this naval battle is enough to determine the status of countries around the world for hundreds of years to come!

Either defeat the Ming Dynasty or be enslaved, everyone has no third choice.

Therefore, hundreds of thousands of Europeans seemed to be very crazy, one by one on the big ship, they were constantly gathering and running, and tens of thousands of artillery began to be loaded and ready to be fired.

"General Li, how do you fight this battle?"

On the deck of an ironclad ship in Daming, Zheng Chenggong and Li Dingguo looked relaxed and didn't take each other seriously.

"Haha!" Li Dingguo put down the binoculars in his hand and sneered disdainfully: "This kind of stuff is really ridiculous, why do you need General Zheng to take action, it's enough for my town navy regiment to fight.

"No no no, how can this be done, let me overturn the naval regiment to fight!" Zheng Chenggong hurriedly scrambled.


The two looked at each other and laughed!

This is an extraordinary feat. In the future, it will be enough to be a prince and a general. Who is willing to let the other side fight?

"Let's go together!

"Okay, smash them all at once!"

After the two compromised, they decisively ordered their own troops to prepare for battle.

After the flag-bearers conveyed the order, the three hundred ironclad ships of the two major legions and one thousand, four hundred and seventy-seven thousand ships were lined up in three layers.

This is the rhythm to hedge head-on!

This kind of contempt also made the opposite Yang Yi scream in anger.

"The whole army has them, and the guns are loaded!


After the order was given, when the two warships were seven or eight nautical miles apart, the thousands of Shenwei cannons with the longest range and largest caliber on the three hundred ironclad ships were already firing frantically.


A round of artillery shells drew a perfect parabola and smashed into the opposite side. Thousands of large and small ships of the enemy gathered together, which was completely a target.

The next moment, the cannonball fell.

Thousands of heavy artillery shells hit many ships, or smashed into the water, and there was a bbed explosion.

Boom boom boom!

A deafening explosion that lit up the sky directly blew up hundreds of thousands of foreigners.

Hundreds of large and small ships were bombed on the spot with sawdust flying, black smoke billowing, and soldiers were killed and injured heavily!

A large number of artillery shells exploded underwater, setting off all kinds of stormy waves, scaring everyone to stunned.

Many foreigners who have never seen a blooming bomb were suddenly scared to pee!

"What the hell, how did this happen? Why did their shells go off?"

"Wait, this is a burst bomb? Fake, we're still seven or eight nautical miles away from them, why can their artillery shoot so far?

"Fight the fire, put out the fire!

"Accelerate, you must close the distance, fast!"

"Spread out, all disperse, damn it!

In a riot, the foreign warships began to advance under artillery fire!

They thought that after carrying three rounds of artillery shells, they could approach the Ming Navy and launch a counterattack.

However, they underestimated the power of Shenwei cannons. They did not need to rest for an hour after firing three shots like ordinary old-fashioned artillery, and they could fire continuously.

Boom boom boom!

Waves of shells continued to fall.

The foreign troops were immediately baptized by artillery fire. They were killed and injured heavily, and their bodies were scattered everywhere.

"Fire and fight back!"

When the foreign warship approached five nautical miles, Enriquez finally ordered to fight back.

There was a roar of artillery, and black smoke billowed from the Yangyi battleship, and rounds of solid shells smashed over in a parabola.

At this time, the strongest artillery in Europe can hit five miles away, but this is only the longest distance.

In fact, most of the shells smashed into the sea, thumping and thumping a small piece of spray, and dozens of rounds hit the ironclad ship with precision, but they only smashed into pits, which did not cause much damage to the ironclad ship at all.


"That's it?

"Is that too weak?"

There were bursts of laughter in the Ming army.

"Damn, damn!" Enriquez roared angrily: "The artillery continues to fire!

Boom boom boom!

Another series of solid shells smashed, and the foreign gunners tried out all their strengths, but the results were quite ridiculous.

Most of the shells still fell into the water. Occasionally, some hit the ironclad ship, and they didn't hurt anyone at all. The huge ironclad ship didn't care about the bombardment of one or two solid iron balls.

When the Yangyi three-round artillery has finished firing, it begins to turn the cabin and prepare to fire with the artillery on the other side.

Li Dingguo and Zheng Chenggong simultaneously began to order: "Fire, the whole army fires!

"Go ahead and crush them!


With a roar, the Daming Navy began to show its strongest firepower.

There are a total of 40,000 to 50,000 Shenwei artillery pieces on the 300 ironclad ships, and all of them are placed on the deck, which can be freely turned and fired at 360 degrees anytime, anywhere without dead ends.

One thousand five hundred thousand-material ships, each equipped with about a dozen Shenwei cannons, and dozens of old solid cannons.

Not to mention these old cannons, there are more than 20,000 Shenwei cannons on this thousand-five hundred thousand-material ship alone.

This is also because the production capacity of the Artillery Bureau is limited, and it is temporarily unable to equip so many artillery pieces. If the production capacity of the Artillery Bureau keeps up, at least 100,000 Shenwei cannons will not be launched this time.

Boom boom boom!

The earth-shattering artillery salvo stunned foreigners!

I saw 60,000 or 70,000 Shenwei cannons firing frantically, and the shells fell like raindrops.

The opponent only has two or three thousand warships!

On average, a warship has to be bombarded by dozens of shells.

"Fake, Fake!"

"Oh no, God, help!

"How come there are so many shells, be careful!

"Turn the rudder, fast!"

The foreigners screamed in terror, and everyone's expression changed.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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