At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

350 Nima, these eastern demons are too bullying! [5/6, please subscribe]

Thousands of Shenwei artillery fire

It has already made the foreigners tremble with fear, life is better than death!

They thought they could at least counterattack after they approached within five nautical miles, right?

But they never imagined that they were about to face the madness of tens of thousands of Shenwei cannons.

"Do not!"

The screams, despair and wailing were quickly covered up by the explosion of artillery fire.

Boom boom boom!

The earth-shattering explosion and sea of ​​fire quickly enveloped the entire ten nautical miles ahead, and the scene of a single salvo shot all thousands of foreign warships.

This terrifying scene scared the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty to smack their tongues secretly, because no one thought that this volley of artillery fire would be so terrifying.

It's already turned into a hell ahead!

All kinds of artillery fire continued to roar, and the screams of explosions were incessant. Between the flames, a large number of ships were torn apart, and countless foreigners were killed by the bombing.

Wait until after this round of artillery fire is over!

The foreign warship corps in the distance has long been destroyed.

More than 90 percent of thousands of warships have been destroyed, and the remaining hundreds are also crumbling with black smoke, and may be silent at any time.

The sea is full of wooden planks floating and burning!

A large number of corpses and blood stained the sea.

Hundreds of thousands of foreigners died tragically on the spot, but only one percent survived, and most of them were still full of despair and misery.

"So unscathed?

Li Dingguo was also dumbfounded.

He had thought about the incompetence of the foreign navy, but he never expected it to be so incompetent.

Killed it all in one salvo? Shouldn't it be so weak?

"How about we play a few more rounds?" Zheng Chenggong sneered and reminded: "I won so easily, I always feel uneasy, and the battle report is not easy to write."

"Yes! Play a few more rounds!" Li Dingguo drew his sword and roared: "The whole army aims and shoots in salvo!


Another series of artillery salvos.

The foreigners who survived on the opposite side were about to cry in fear.

Nima, these eastern demons are too bullying.

One round of artillery salvos crippled all the warships of various countries.

Is this too many shells or too shameless?

After seven or eight rounds of salvo, there was not a single living person on the opposite side, and even a single living fish was lost for dozens of nautical miles!

Thousands of warships were all turned into scraps of wood, and hundreds of thousands of foreign corpses were buried in the belly of the fish.

The results of the war were already recorded by the scouts from various countries watching the battle on the coastline, and they were quickly sent back to the country.

The result, of course, was a sensation across Europe.

As a sea power country, European countries are ridiculously small, and they can urinate their land in the urine.

All of their most elite soldiers were completely lost in this battle, and the remaining defeated soldiers in the country, plus the pitiful country, how could they resist the hundreds of thousands of Ming legions?

So when Li Dingguo and Zheng Chenggong led the army to log in from the Porto coastline, they easily swept the whole of Europe, and all the countries they passed along the way looked down and bowed down to welcome the Ming army!

They didn't even encounter any decent resistance, which made everyone laugh and cry!

After the news returned to the capital.

Chongzhen immediately laughed excitedly in the Qianqing Palace. Although he knew that this battle would be easy, he never expected it to be so easy.

Before he knew it, the strength of the Ming Dynasty could easily crush the foreigners, so how could he not be surprised?

"Okay, okay, okay!" Chongzhen laughed excitedly: "Li Dingguo Zheng Chenggong did a good job, easily defeating the foreign and barbarian coalition forces, and showing my great power, very good!

"Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor!" Wang Chengen happily congratulated: "The success of this battle, our Ming Dynasty is a huge shock to the whole world, scared the foreigners from all over the world to tremble, the future will definitely be the coming of all nations!" All nations come to the DPRK? No, no, no!" Chongzhen waved his hand domineeringly: "I don't want all nations to come to the DPRK, what I want is to incorporate every corner of the world into the territory of my Ming Dynasty, and let these foreigners be enslaved by my Ming Dynasty forever. .

·For flowers·

"Your Majesty is domineering!

"The old slave admires. 95

Wang Chengen was flattering for a while again, and Chongzhen immediately smiled and was in a good mood.

"Your Majesty!" Wang Chengen asked curiously, "Should you order Li Dingguo and others to return to the court?"

"Why are the teachers returning to the DPRK? The foreigners have just been defeated. Naturally, they must pursue the victory and completely destroy their living strength, so that they will no longer have the strength to resist!

"The decree will reward the soldiers and soldiers of the expeditionary army, and all of them will be rewarded!" Chongzhen took a deep breath and instructed: "I will then order Li Dingguo, Zheng Chenggong, Zuo Liangyu, and Lu Xiangsheng to divide their troops to collect and suppress them. Within three months, I want to see the dignitaries of various countries kneeling in the capital of the Ming Dynasty."5



Wang Chengen quickly nodded and agreed!

"Cao Bianjiao's department is coming again!" Chongzhen continued to order: "Start to assemble and train immediately, listen to orders at any time, prepare more food and drinking water, and immediately set off once the immortal master is summoned. "5


Wang Chengen agreed again solemnly.

He also knew about this matter, after all, Chongzhen had been preparing for this matter since his return.

This was a major event for the Ming Dynasty, and it was definitely much more serious than the expedition against foreigners, and Chongzhen chose Cao Bianjiao, who was the most capable of expedition and good warfare.

For this battle, Chongzhen also prepared a lot!

All kinds of shells, firearms, bullets, food, and drinking water filled his trading ring.

The people and horses have been assembled, and they are ready to go out at any time!

Now that the army of foreigners has also been defeated, and there is no other force in the world that can compete with the Ming Dynasty, it is only necessary to slowly enslave them according to the previous routine!

Chongzhen, who has no worries at all, is looking forward to Ji Han's big plan.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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