At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

351 The dog who lost his family, Liu Guan and Zhang became enemies! 【6/6, please subscribe】

Great Wei Dynasty

Xuzhou, Langya County

In the lively county town, there is a lot of traffic and merchants gather!

Years of war have not spread to this place, and the prosperity of this land by the sea has made many outsiders linger.

At this moment in a restaurant, a middle-aged storyteller is holding a folding fan, slapping the gavel, and speaking in a cadence!

"Speaking of which day there were three heroes and heroes in the Hulaoguan Grand formation. Who are these three people? Everyone must have heard of them. They are the three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang who are in Taoyuan! 99

"These three brothers are not simple, the eldest brother Liu Bei is white and thin, he was poor since he was a child, and he likes to cheat everywhere. After claiming to be King Jing of Zhongshan, he actually cheated on two heroes.

"Liu Bei studied under Lu Zhi back then, "407" and our current sage are good friends, but they eat and drink all day long, harassing their classmates, and several times, Mr. Lu Zhi wanted to expel him from his division!

Mr. Storyteller's eloquent talk attracted the attention of the audience below.

While bragging about Guan Yu's amazing combat power, he frantically belittled Liu Bei, mixed with true or false remarks, which aroused the secret indignation of the audience below.

You must know that all the things the storyteller said were portrayed by Cao Cao himself. He knew Liu Bei extremely well, and many of his words revealed his unknown side.

In just one or two months, these contents were continuously sung in all the states of the world, and similar storytelling could be heard in any restaurant, which made Liu Bei's reputation completely rotten.

"A good Guan Yu, who can fight against Lv Bu with a single sword for dozens of moves without losing the slightest. He deserves to be a tiger general in the world!"

"It's a pity, these tiger generals were deceived and sworn to a villain like Liu Bei."

"Liu Xuande, the despicable villain, is really disgusting, don't let me see him, or I have to beat him up."

"Yeah, such despicable villains are also worthy of classmates with the Holy One? How shameless!"

There is a lot of discussion in the restaurant!

No one noticed that the faces of the three men sitting in the corner had turned ashen.

The three of them were all dressed up in disguise and looked like they were traders in the past, but they were actually Liu Guanzhang and the three who had been absconding.

Although Liu Bei was a lifeless person in history, he also rose to become the emperor of a country in the later period. Who would have thought that the current Three Kingdoms would end early, and the Great Wei Dynasty was already in full swing.

And his Liu Bei's ambition has also become a bereaved dog!

Now not only are they fleeing in embarrassment, but there is no hope of recovery at all.

The most important thing is that Liu Bei couldn't understand why Cao Cao kept chasing him, obviously he was just an inconspicuous little prince.

Why did Cao Cao make such a big move?

"Cao Mengde, you are not giving me a way to live!" Liu Bei was desperate.

"Big brother, let's fight this bastard!" Zhang Fei growled angrily: "Cao thief spread rumors and slander brother all over the world, this is tolerable or unbearable, let's kill Chang'an and this dog thief Desperately."5

"Third brother is not allowed!" Guan Yu lowered his voice and said: "Cao Thief is powerful, and now he has a million army in his hand, how can the three of us be rivals? If we go there, I am afraid that we can't even assassinate him, and eventually he will be killed. Killed easily!

"Haha!" Zhang Fei sneered disdainfully: "Why not die? Is the second brother afraid?"

"You bastard, why should I be afraid?" Guan Yu said angrily, "It's just that we swore to help the Han family, how can we easily die if our eldest brother has not accomplished his great career?

"It sounds nice, but isn't it afraid of death?" Zhang Fei sneered and said: "If the second brother is afraid of death, he can go to the Cao thief. Presumably because the Cao thief appreciates you, he will definitely reward you with high officials and nobles. I didn't listen. Did Cao thief send people around to flatter you?

"Insolent, what do you mean, third brother?" Guan Yu's face flushed with anger: "How can Guan be the kind of person who backs the Lord and seeks glory? We have sworn a blood oath in Taoyuan!

"Second brother, don't get excited." Liu Bei quickly advised: "Third brother is also unintentional, he definitely doesn't mean it, you calm down for a while. Third brother, you are too, don't talk too much."


Zhang Fei snorted coldly when he heard the words, and he didn't say any more.

However, Guan Yu was trembling with anger, and his heart gradually cooled down.

Over the years, he and Zhang Fei have been at odds, and the two have quarreled not once or twice.

If Guan Yu usually doesn't think much about it, forbearance will pass!

It's a pity that at this moment, the more he thinks about it, the more chilling his heart becomes. He left his wife and son to flee with Liu Bei, and was so bullied. How could he be reconciled?

"Okay!" Guan Yu gritted his teeth and sneered: "Since the eldest brother and the third brother don't believe me, then Guan must leave. From now on, you and I will cut off robes and righteousness.

"Second brother, why is this?" Liu Bei exclaimed.

At this time, he is already like a lost dog. If Guan Yu leaves again, then he really has nothing.

So Liu Bei suddenly became anxious.

"Brother, look!" Zhang Fei stood aside, saying, "Isn't this guy wanting to defect to Cao Thief? If he wants to cut his robe and cut his righteousness in just a few words, his heart can be punished! 35

"Fart!" Guan Yu finally couldn't help but slapped the case and said angrily: "Zhang Yide, don't insult me ​​too much, when did Guan want to defect to Cao Thief?

"Come on, a certain family is still afraid that you won't succeed?" 4.3

"court death!"

The more they talked, the more angry they became. In the end, they drew their swords and slashed, frantically venting the anger and grievances they had accumulated from being hunted and killed in the past few months and hiding in Tibet.

After a chaotic battle, the surrounding is in a mess!

The diners in the tavern screamed and fled in fright, and the scene became chaotic.

"Oops!" Liu Bei roared anxiously: "Second brother and third brother don't fight, this is Cao thief's territory, leave quickly!

"Go away, the dog thief pays his life!"

"If you want to kill me, you are still tender!"

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu were red-eyed when they killed them, and they were madly beheading each other.

"Chapter Six, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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