At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

352 Cut the robe and break the righteousness, Liu Bei's true face! 【1/6, please subscribe】

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are wanted by Cao Cao!

Therefore, they did not carry their own weapons with them, and the two slashed wildly with big swords, but they fought vigorously.

After a while, the two of them were on fire.

No matter how Liu Bei shouted, the two of them turned a deaf ear, waving their long swords and colliding wildly, and the restaurant was a mess.

A large number of onlookers have already gathered outside the restaurant!

Everyone pointed and pointed in amazement, and many people recognized the identities of Liu Guanzhang and the three people at once.

Seeing this, Liu Bei said anxiously: "Second brother, third brother, don't fight, we have been tricked, this is Cao thief's trick, hurry up!

"Hehe, can you go? 35

A loud shout came from a distance, and the next moment, a large number of soldiers and horses surrounded him from all directions, and the leader was a tall and strong man wearing a set of black armor, majestic and majestic.

11 "Cao Ren?"

Liu Bei's face changed wildly. He naturally knew this person. Isn't this Cao Cao's clan brother? He is actually here?

All of this is really a game, Liu Guan and Zhang have already made a plan.

After Cao Cao got Ji Han's guidance, he let people go around to tell stories and sings, and at the same time ordered his great generals to lead the troops to the major counties and towns to guard.

Once the traces of Liu Guanzhang and the others are found, they can immediately be rounded up.

Now, as expected, Liu Bei's trail was caught, and the army surrounded him here.

This time Cao Ren brought not many troops, only 3,000 people, but these 3,000 people were all Cao Cao's old team, and all of them had undergone many sacrifices to strengthen.

Each of them was as tall as a giant brown bear with a height of more than two meters, wearing heavy armor, any one of them could lift a thousand jins, and could easily kill Dong Zhuo's Flying Bear Army.

If any of these people are placed in the ordinary army, they are all enemies of thousands, and they are not afraid of death. Therefore, Cao Ren brought these three thousand people here, and Liu Guanzhang and the three basically could not escape.

"Surrender, Liu Bei!" Cao Ren sighed and said, "Your Majesty wants your life, you two brothers can live.

"Fart!" Zhang Fei roared furiously: "Cao Thief is also worthy of my brother's life? If you have the ability, come to fight and see if a certain family is afraid of you."


Cao Ren waved his hand.

The dense army was slaughtered.

"Kill kill kill!"

"Get away from me!

"Brother, let's go!

Zhang Fei and Liu Bei fought with these soldiers back-to-back, and the two quickly fell into a disadvantage. Facing the swords that fell from all directions, Zhang Fei could barely resist, and Liu Bei was almost killed on the spot.

The soldiers and horses brought by Cao Ren were not only powerful in individual combat, but also good at forming formations. Often when Zhang Feipi flew out, more people would fill his positions, making it difficult for him to rush out.

If it goes on like this, they will have to be hacked to death here with a stick of incense.


Guan Yu snorted coldly, looking a little tangled.

He knew that all of this was Cao Cao's calculations, but he was still quite annoyed at Zhang Fei and Liu Bei's attitude. In addition, he had already said that he would cut his robe and cut his righteousness, so he didn't know whether he should help Liu Bei Zhang Fei or not. fly.

"General Guan, Your Majesty has always respected you very much, saying that you are a kind and righteous man!" Cao Ren continued: "Your Majesty once said that if you meet General Guan, please come to Chang'an City for a chat.

"No need!" Guan Yu said impatiently: "Guan does not want to go to Chang'an."

"No, no, you'll think about it!" Cao Ren smiled and said, "If you agree to go to Chang'an, then Liu Bei and Zhang Fei will live alone, and His Majesty has said that he will not force you to serve him."5

"Huh? Really?"

Guan Yu couldn't help but be moved.

Although he and Liu Bei and Zhang Fei had already cut their robes, but after so many years of being brothers, he naturally did not want to see these two tragically die here.

Seeing that Liu Bei had several more wounds on his body and could be killed at any time, he immediately said: "I will go to Chang'an and save them both.

"No!" Cao Ren shook his head and refused: "You can only keep one, there is no room for bargaining, if you refuse to go to Chang'an, both of them will die.

"Okay, I'll go!"

Guan Yu reluctantly nodded in agreement!

Cao Ren sneered, then waved his hand to stop everyone.

When the densely packed soldiers and horses stopped moving and surrounded everyone, Liu Bei and Zhang Fei were already covered in scars and looked quite embarrassed.

Regarding the dialogue between Guan Yu and Cao Ren, the two have already heard it, and they looked at Guan Yu with tangled faces, and their moods had already become extremely complicated.

They thought they would definitely die, but who knew that they could rely on Guan Yu to survive alone, which made them feel inexplicably sad.

"Second brother!" Zhang Fei clasped his fists and roared, "I'm sorry, Yide was offended a lot just now, please take good care of eldest brother in the future, please!

After speaking, Zhang Fei Hengjian wanted to wipe his neck!

Obviously he was going to leave the chance to live to Liu Bei.

But Cao Ren sneered and said, "Wait a minute! It doesn't count if you kill yourself. Whoever lives or dies must be chosen by Liu."


Everyone took a deep breath!

No one would have thought that Cao Ren would have such a show. It must have been instructed by Cao Cao. He clearly wanted to ruin Liu Bei's reputation.

He chooses to die by himself, and he can still leave a name in the history, so that Zhang Fei and Guan Yu will miss him all his life.

But if he dared to choose to let Zhang Fei die, his reputation would be completely stinky, and Zhang Fei Guan Yu had to be completely detached from his virtue.

This is a real act of humiliation.

But Liu Bei had no choice.

His face was full of grief, but in the end he couldn't escape the cowardice in his heart, he didn't dare to look up at Zhang Fei, but gritted his teeth and said, "General Cao, I want to live!

"Hahaha!" 9

Cao Ren couldn't stop laughing. He looked at Zhang Fei and Guan Yu's face, and knew that Cao Cao's arrangement had taken effect.

This hypocritical hypocrite has completely exposed his character. Looking at Zhang Fei and Guan Yu's appearance, I'm afraid he didn't expect him to be like this.

"Take them all and send them to Chang'an for His Majesty's disposal!"

Cao Ren gave the order with a big smile, but there was a hint of joking in his eyes.

Liu Bei wants to live? What about dreaming?

If he goes to Chang'an, he will be delayed!

This time Zhang Fei and Guan Yu are also detached from him, and no one can help him.

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