At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

353 Zhang Fei and Guan Yu surrender, Cao Cao's bad taste! 【2/6, please subscribe】

seven days later

Liu Guan and Zhang were escorted to Chang'an City overnight by Cao Ren!

At this time, the capital of the Great Wei Dynasty had already been set in Chang'an. As for Luoyang, the old capital of the Han Dynasty, it was completely reduced to an ordinary county town.

After some renovations, the ancient capital of Chang'an has become more domineering and mighty. There are many holy temples inside and outside the city, and pilgrims gather.

Merchants and dignitaries from all over the place constantly come and go in Chang'an, and the incomparable bustling and hustle and bustle set off here, there is a kind of vitality that has never been seen in the Han Dynasty.

Liu Guanzhang and the others looked at the scene in front of them, all secretly envious, and could not help but yearn for it.

After entering the palace, they were summoned by Cao Cao!

When he saw the domineering Cao Cao on the dragon chair, Liu Bei suddenly fell to his knees on the ground and shouted in fear: "Liu Xuande, the grassman, meet your majesty!"

In the face of everyone's contempt.

Liu Bei didn't care at all.

Ever since he revealed his true face at the juncture of life and death, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu have secretly despised him, and he didn't even bother to say a word to him.

Right now, he just wanted to live.

"Your Majesty, you and I used to be good friends!" Liu Bei begged anxiously: "Xuande has never opposed you? The last time I participated in the alliance of princes, I was only coerced by others. Please forgive me. 99



Zhang Fei and Guan Yu scolded him endlessly. Facing this hypocritical guy who was greedy for life and fear of death, both of them could not wait to cut him with their knives.

When they thought that they had been married to this kind of person in Taoyuan, and they had been together for so many years, both of them felt that they were blind, and they couldn't see his true face clearly.

"Brother Xuande, why is this?

Cao Cao laughed, and neither ordered Liu Bei to kill Liu Bei in public, nor did he ask Zhang Fei and Guan Yu to surrender.

Instead, he stepped off the dragon chair and helped Liu Bei up!

Lu Bu and Dian Wei on the side stared sharply at Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, to prevent them from making trouble, and Liu Bei was so flattered and helped up.

"Brother Xuande, you said that we are good friends, how can these good friends fight each other so much? Come, come, get up and talk~々! Cao Cao couldn't stop laughing.


Everyone was stunned!

Did Cao Cao kill Liu Bei?

So why is this whole world hunting down?

Is it just for fun?

"Your Majesty won't kill me?"

Liu Bei was a little flattered.

"Of course you want to kill!" Cao Cao replied with a smile, and Liu Bei was so frightened that his face turned pale again.

This devil, kill people, kill people, why do you have to do so many routines?

Gives hope and makes people despair, this is to play his rhythm.

Liu Bei was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, he forced a wry smile, and said: "Your Majesty is joking, joking, how can Caomin He Dehe make you think about it, you should treat me as a fart and let it go, Caomin is mad at the Great Wei Dynasty. Be respectful, and never dare to have the slightest disobedience.

"Bastard, brazen!"

"Fake benevolence and righteousness, despicable and filthy! 55

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu were furious and scolded, but Liu Bei turned a deaf ear.

"Hahaha!" Cao Cao laughed again: "Brother Xuande doesn't have to do this, come and come, let's go to the holy temple to worship, if the immortal is willing to spare your life, I will not kill you, and even guarantee you a lifetime of wealth and honor. !"

After he finished speaking, Cao Cao waved his hand and let people set up the holy temple!

At this time, the largest holy temple in the city has been cleared, a large number of soldiers are waiting in battle, and hundreds of pigs, cattle and sheep have been beheaded.

Cao Cao personally lit incense and worshipped!

After a while, a divine light burst out from the statue and began to cover the entire holy temple.

Cao Cao and the others had long seen this scene, but Liu Guan and Zhang were so frightened that they gasped.

God? Sure enough!

Cao Cao really has the help of immortals and gods!

No wonder he can sweep the world in just over a year, no wonder he can be so arrogant, everything is helped by this fairy behind.

Liu Bei's face was full of bitterness, and he knew that he was not wronged.

No matter how ambitious and capable he was, even if he had ten or eight Zhang Fei and Guan Yu to help him, it would be useless in front of this immortal god, everything was already doomed.

"Liu Xuande, the grass-man, meet the immortals!

"I don't know the destiny, I dare to fight against the gods and gods, and please forgive the lives of the grass people!"

Liu Bei fell to his knees in horror and begged.

However, a red light actually emerged from the statue, and the next moment he was scorched by the divine fire, and the whole person screamed miserably.

"no, do not want!"

Ah ah ah, save me, the second brother and the third brother save me!

Liu Bei was burned to the ground and howled bitterly. He fell to the ground and tumbled desperately, his appearance was very miserable.

This is naturally Ji Han's hand!

Cao Cao is a person who cherishes talents. He thinks that Zhang Fei and Guan Yu have great talents, but he is not easy to conquer, so he asked Ji Han to play this play.

Instead of killing Liu Bei himself, he asked Ji Han to do it himself!

First, it proves that Liu Bei really deserves to die, and secondly, it wasn't him who killed Liu Bei. Zhang Fei and Guan Yu could never hate him.

Three, you can also take the opportunity to deter these two.

In a series of screams, Liu Bei was burned alive to ashes, and finally even his soul was taken away by the light of sacrifice.

Ji Han's majestic and domineering voice also came from the statue: "Liu Bei

He is already dead, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu will be under Cao Mengde's command in the future, can you wait? 55


Zhang Fei and Guan Yu are completely stunned!

They never imagined that the legendary god (Zhao) actually killed Liu Bei, and let them take refuge in Cao Cao!

They don't care about Liu Bei's death. Anyway, they have seen through Liu Bei's true colors, and they won't continue to follow him even if he doesn't die.

On the contrary, they could not help but keep silent about taking refuge in Cao Cao!

After struggling for a long time, the two looked at each other and immediately knelt down on one knee and shouted, "We will obey the orders of the gods."

"Hmm! 35

Ji Han smiled with satisfaction!

The next moment, the power of sacrifice surged, and a large amount of divine light enveloped Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, and their bodies were rapidly transformed.

A vigorous force began to pour into the two bodies, making them crazy and stronger.


Zhang Fei and Guan Yu were stunned and stunned.

A kind of admiration and fanaticism from the depths of their souls made them completely worship this unknown fairy.

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