At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

354 The second-level light gate opens, and the four dynasties gather! 【3/6, please subscribe】

"His Majesty!

After the divine light disappeared.

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu also met Cao Cao with interest.

Of course, anyone could see that it was Cao Cao who surrendered on the surface, but in their hearts, it was because of the immortals that they were willing to serve.

Cao Cao doesn't mind this, anyway, with the help of the Immortal Master, it is impossible for these two to betray, and they can use it with confidence.

"Hahaha!" Cao Cao laughed and supported Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, and said, "Two generals, although you and I were enemies before, but now we are all our own people, so there is no need to be so polite!"

"Thank you my lord! 99

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu thanked him again and again.

As the emperor chosen by the immortals, they still have to give enough respect, even if everyone used to be enemies, now everything is in the past.

"Okay!" Cao Cao was quite satisfied with their behavior and said with a smile: "From now on, the two generals who protect the country of our Great Wei Dynasty, the official residence of the second rank, will be given a mansion, three hundred servants, and three hundred maids, each leading an army! "

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu clasped their fists in thanks, and at the same time they both breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

Cao Cao attaches so much importance to them, but it also makes them strip away the relationship between 407 and Liu Bei, and it is appropriate to work for the Wei Dynasty from now on.

As for the Han Dynasty? Forget it!

Immortals and gods all help Great Wei, this world has come to the time when it has to change the dynasty, the Great Han Dynasty is long gone.

"Come here, take General Guan and General Zhang to their mansion to rest for a while.

"You two, raise your spirits first, and there may be a war tonight!"

Cao Cao arranged it casually, but Zhang Fei and Guan Yu immediately became interested.

Both of them are military generals, and they took the position of generals of the town without taking any credit. To be honest, they were a little uneasy.

So as soon as I heard that there was a battle, I immediately woke up!

"Who is Your Majesty going to fight? Isn't the world at peace now? Why is there still a war?" Guan Yu asked curiously.

"What about him!" Zhang Fei waved his hand and said excitedly: "No matter who your majesty fights, please let my second brother and I go up, how can we stand in this Chang'an city? Please do your majesty!

"Third brother is right!" Guan Yu nodded again and again: "I also ask Your Majesty to fulfill it."

Liu Bei is dead, and the theory of cutting robes and breaking justice no longer exists.

The relationship between Zhang Fei and Guan Yu has also eased a lot. In addition, they joined Cao Cao together. The brotherhood is as strong as before, which made Cao Cao secretly appreciate it.

"Don't worry, the exact time has not been decided yet, maybe tonight, maybe we have to wait for a while!" Cao Cao reassured: "When there is a war, I will definitely let the two brothers fight.

"Good! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"My two brothers, we are waiting for His Majesty's dispatch."

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu were overjoyed, so he went to rest in peace.

After Lu Budian, Wei Xuchu and other generals knew that the two had taken refuge, they were excited to come to the door to discuss.

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu can be regarded as official, and he integrated into the circle of Wei upstarts in Chang'an City and became a general under Cao Cao.

that night

If it was as Cao Cao said, the army began to mobilize urgently.

The 100,000 soldiers who had already been selected and trained began to gather in the palace square. Lu Bu, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu and others were all there. As for Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren and others, they stayed behind in Chang'an.

This time, Cao Cao selected many elites, because he would never allow himself to embarrass Ji Han. This was the first time that the four dynasties jointly sent troops.

The 100,000 troops were neatly arranged, all exuding a terrifying aura, but no one knew what they were bbeding down for.

Even Lu Bu Dianwei couldn't help frowning secretly.

Cao Cao rode a sweaty horse and wore a set of black armor, which also looked majestic.

He didn't say a word, which brought enormous pressure to the crowd.

Just when everyone was speculating about what to do next, a huge door of light appeared strangely in front of everyone.

This gate of light is ten times larger than the gate of light that Cao Cao usually enters and exits. It can accommodate a hundred people to pass through quickly, and you can vaguely see that the opposite is like a grassland.

"Old Cao, gather! 35 Ji Han's voice reached Cao Cao's ears through the communication function of the trading ring.

Cao Cao drew his sword out of its sheath, and immediately roared: "Generals, the gods and gods have ordered me to send troops to attack foreign races, and kill them with me!"

"Kill! 99


"Kill! 55

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers screamed in excitement. Those who witnessed this miracle with their own eyes heard that the immortals had ordered them, and they immediately became extremely frenzied, and they were not afraid of death!

The 100,000 iron cavalry quickly followed Cao Cao to kill the Guangmen, and soon appeared in an unfamiliar world. There were endless mountains in all directions, and everyone was located in a large open space under the mountains.

There are three gates of light in the distance, among them, a large number of soldiers are coming out continuously, and they seem to be quite extraordinary.

"Who is this? Array, hurry up and prepare to meet the enemy.

"Be careful, protect Your Majesty!

After a riot, the army quickly prepared to form a battle formation to meet the enemy.

Pairs of tiger eyes stared at the other three enemies who appeared in the gate of light. These people were dressed in different clothes, and their armor was not the style that could be found around the Han Dynasty, and they also carried a lot of strange weapons.

This made Lu Bu, Zhang Fei and the others all nervous.

Only Cao Cao laughed, because he knew that this was the army of Daqin, Datang, and Daming, and he also saw Ying Zheng Chongzhen and others among them.

And in the middle of the four gates of light, Ji Han with long hair and a shawl is standing right now.

He just stood there like this, but his whole body exuded a divine light that people dared not look directly at. Behind him was Wang Mushi holding a sword and following him, looking like a fairy descended to the earth.

"Cao Mengde of the Great Wei Dynasty, was ordered to come here to meet the Immortal Master!

Cao Cao stood up and dismounted from his horse, and knelt down on one knee and shouted. This scared the army of 100,000 behind him, all rolled over and dismounted, knelt down on one knee and shouted.

"Meet the Immortal Master!"

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