At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

355 Wouldn’t it be fun to ride a tiger? 【4/6, please subscribe】

"Meet the sorcerer!

"Meet the Immortal Master!"

The 400,000 troops of the four great dynasties, along with Cao Cao, Ying Zheng and others, knelt down on one knee and saluted.

This scene naturally made everyone understand that the man in front of him was the legendary immortal master. Judging from his awe-inspiring appearance, it also matched the image of immortal gods in everyone's hearts.

Therefore, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers are extremely religious and fanatical.

"No gift, get up!"

Ji Han spoke indifferently, his voice spread from all sides, and an invisible force seemed to be irresistible, forcing everyone to stand up.

"Hahaha, sir, you don't like to be too polite, so get up!

"Sir, where is this place?

"Could this be the orthodox years? 35

Ying Zheng and others greeted each other and gathered together with their generals.

This time Ying Zheng brought Li Xin, Tu Sui and others, Li Shimin brought Cheng Yaojin, Li Jing, Qin Qiong, and Chongzhen only brought Cao Bianjiao.

It's not that he doesn't want to bring a few more. As long as there are no strong generals in the Ming Dynasty, of course he doesn't need to bring any strong generals. His firearms are the biggest confidence.

"This is the place near Peiping and Juyongguan during the orthodox years." Ji Han casually introduced: "At this time, the army of Waza has besieged Tumu Fort, and the defeat of Tumu Fort will begin in a day or two. 99


Chongzhen gasped in surprise and joy, and immediately became excited.

Everyone has really come to the orthodox era, and the immortal master Ji Han will not deceive me. Now you have to play!

"Everyone, you probably don't understand the battle of Tumu Fort." Chongzhen pressed his excitement, looked at Ying Zheng and others and introduced: "This battle is a war between the Tashi aliens and the Ming Dynasty attacking us from the north! 35

"Under the bewitchment of the eunuch Wang Zhen, Emperor Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, led an army of several hundred thousand to march in person, but he was defeated by the army of Tashi, and was later blocked in this civil fort!

"Tumubao is not far from Juyongguan Pass. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack but has a fatal flaw - no water! This level is also fifteen miles away from the water source!"

"In history, Yingzong sent troops out to fetch water after being besieged for two days, but he was ambushed and defeated, and the Ming Dynasty suffered heavy losses.

"This is the greatest humiliation of our Ming Dynasty since the founding of the country, and it is also a black spot that the Ming Dynasty will never be able to erase. Now the immortal master has sent us here with great magic power. Please join us in destroying the thorns. I am grateful!

After speaking, Chongzhen bowed his body and clasped his fists in a humble attitude!

Naturally, Ying Zheng and the others did not dare to accept this ceremony, and hurriedly helped him up.

"Don't worry, Lao Zhu, we will definitely help you. 35

"Yes, this alien race is really hateful and must be destroyed! 35

"Damn the Vassars, they have to go back and forth today.

Everyone was murderous, and after figuring out the cause and effect of this, everyone couldn't help but have murderous intentions against the Tashi army.

Ji Han summoned everyone here to kill people, none of these alien races wanted to escape, and everyone not only wanted to kill them all, but also chased and killed their clan on the grasslands.

"This battle will be directed by Lao Zhu!" Ji Han urged, "We have ten days, and we must return after ten days, is there any problem?


Everyone agreed!

In ten days, many things can be done.

This time, everyone came here on horseback. This place is not far from Tumu Fort, which is only 60 to 70 miles away. You can arrive in a while.

After destroying the leading army of Wa Thorn and then rushing into the grasslands, ten days is enough to slaughter all these damn aliens, and not a single cow or sheep will be spared.

"Many thanks, sir!" Chongzhen clasped his fists to thank him, and immediately said: "If that's the case, then I'll be rude, and take command. 55

"This time the four dynasties are fighting together, it is really overkill to deal with a small thorn, but the alien race is in front of it, but it must be destroyed!"

"We dispatched the army and went straight to the Tumu Fort. After destroying the Tumu Fort's Tashi people, we rushed into the grassland and swept all the way!"

"There is no need for any strategy in this battle, it is up to me, the Ming Dynasty army, to open the way, and the big army of you brothers can follow. 99

"it is good!"

"That's it!

Everyone agreed, and after Chongzhen gave the order, Cao Bianjiao immediately sent a large number of scouts to the north!

・・For flowers...  

At the same time, the army of the Ming Dynasty also began to move forward, and a large number of cavalry rushed to attack, and went straight to Tumu Fort to kill.

As for the soldiers and horses of Daqin, Datang, and Dawei, they followed behind with mighty force, while Ji Han, Yingzheng and others followed a large number of elite soldiers and horses at any time.

Seeing the army set out, Ji Han suddenly remembered something!

He didn't have a mount. Seeing everyone riding on horses, he and Wang Mushi couldn't help but look at each other.

So embarrassing, do you run with your feet?

This is too outrageous, isn't it?

"Sir!" Ying Zheng sneered and reminded: "Will I give you my mount? Or I will go back and bring the subframe!


"Need not!

Ji Han shook his head, decisively rejecting Ying Zheng's kindness.

He didn't want to ride a horse, it was too low, and it was inconvenient to ride in a carriage, and there were all mountain roads in front of him.

If he wanted to, he could completely exchange for a few Land Rovers in the system mall, which was better than a carriage and sedan.

But this mountain road is rough, and these vehicles are not easy to drive.

"Well, let's grab a strong man temporarily."

Ji Han chuckled lightly, the god-level beast-controlling technique was fully dispersed, and his divine sense quickly locked onto all the snakes, worms, rats, ants, and all kinds of beasts in the mountains and forests within a few dozen miles.

Two tigers, a male and a female, quickly caught his eye.

"It's you!

Ji Han was overjoyed and directly controlled them out of the forest. After a while, two ferocious tigers roared and appeared in front of everyone.

"Don't panic, this is my mount.

Ji Han stopped Lu Bu and the others casually, lest they kill the tiger, and then exchanged a few Rank Nine Beast Spirit Pills and threw them away.

After swallowing the Nine-Turn Beast Spirit Pill, the two tigers roared excitedly up to the sky, and their bodies suddenly grew larger, appearing domineering and terrifying.

At the same time, their intelligence also opened up a lot, their eyes became very smart, and they rubbed at Ji Han very sensible, and their faces were full of flattery.

"Okay! Hahaha!" Ji Han smiled with satisfaction: "Let's go, Mu Shi, wouldn't it be fun to ride a tiger?" Beg.

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