At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

357 Terrible, epoch-making weapon crushing! [6/6, please subscribe]

"Old Zhu, how do you want to fight this battle?"

"Sir said it, you are in charge of this battle, and we all listen to you!"

"Hahaha, the appearance of the thorns is strange, they don't run, they are really brave.

In the army camp!

Ji Han and Wang Mushi rode on this ferocious tiger, condescendingly, enjoying the reverence and fanatical gazes of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, as elegant and free as immortals.

Ying Zheng and the others pointed at the Tashi people for a while.

The impatient Li Shimin even said: "Old Zhu, can you do it? Why don't you let me come, my Great Tang soldiers and horses, they will be wiped out in one charge. 35

"Fart!" Chongzhen said angrily: "Sir said that I will command, what kind of merit do you, Lao Li, grab? These tiles only have tens of thousands of people, so can they withstand the charge of your army of 100,000 people?

"Hahaha! 39

Everyone laughed loudly, and the atmosphere in the army was unusually light. Obviously, everyone didn't take these tens of thousands of watts in their eyes.

In fact, it is true, the four dynasties are currently very terrifying in combat power, and just 11,000 people can defeat this group of thorns.

"Let's do it!" Chongzhen said: "Old Cao's soldiers and horses have never seen the scene of modern firearms combat. Later, I will send a division to defeat them head-on and show everyone a show.

"When the enemy army collapses and wants to flee, how about Lao Cao's cavalry to chase and kill? When it comes to fighting with cold weapons, you are the masters!

"In the future, there will still be more opportunities for our four dynasties to fight together, so it's always right to cooperate with each other.

"it is good!"

"Well said! 35

"Just do it! 9

When Cao Cao saw this, he immediately agreed with ecstasy.

He doesn't care so much, it's a big happy event to have the opportunity to make a move. If he finally comes and doesn't kill some people, his soldiers will have opinions.

The two hit it off and start fighting quickly!

After Chongzhen waved his hand casually, Cao Bianjiao immediately led a division of soldiers and horses into battle.

Ten thousand people lined up in a mighty line, just standing on the bank of the river, the bullets were loaded, and they assumed a defensive posture.


The Valais are stunned!

The defenders of Tumu Fort not far away were also stunned.

Everyone thought they would see a scene where 400,000 people were dispatched to attack and kill the army of tile thorns, but who would have thought that they would only send 10,000 people?

Is this careless underestimating the enemy? Or is it deliberately humiliating the Tashi people?

The most important thing is that they also dismounted to fight and set up a one-word battle formation. Who are they looking down on?

"Damn Han Chinese, they are humiliating us? 35

"Ten thousand people want to fight with us? Who gave them the courage?

"These bastards, they'll die horribly, I promise! 35

"Kill the past and trample these bright dogs to death! 35

"What if there are too many people? When did the Minggou not collapse quickly? Kill them!"

The army of tens of thousands of thorns is furious!

When these simple-minded aliens saw this scene, they were already in a state of anger, and they were unstoppable, and tens of thousands of cavalrymen rushed over.

The stream separating the two armies was so shallow that the cavalry could easily cross it, so they slaughtered and slaughtered.

"Mortar formation, attack!"

"The rest wait, free fire. 35

Cao Bianjiao let out a roar, and the Great Ming division immediately went crazy. In the face of an opponent like the tile thorn, everyone didn't even bother to aim, and they fired wildly!

Boom boom boom!

More than a thousand mortars fired wildly.

A round of artillery shells smashed into the army of tile thorns in a perfect parabola, and then an earth-shattering explosion occurred.

bang bang bang!

Thousands of Shenwei rifles fired a dense rain of bullets. On average, the gun could fire once in a fraction of a second, and tens of thousands of bullets were fired at the crowd!

"Ah ah ah!

A shrill scream rang out from the army of Watts.

Many people were shot in the head or in the body, or the horses were pierced by bullets, and the scene was a mess.

This is absolutely a massacre!

The range of the Shenwei Rifle has reached 600 to 800 steps, and this distance is enough to become a nightmare for the Tashi people.

Their war horses fled in panic, completely losing the ability to charge, and a bullet penetrated through them, often killing three or four people.

A shell fell, and the surrounding ten meters were even more tragic!

This kind of epoch-making weapon slaughter should not be too exaggerated, and it completely knocked the Tashi people out in one fell swoop.

Zhu Qizhen and others who were watching the battle at Tumu Fort were also stunned. They all had firearms in their hands, but how could their firearms have such power?

This looks terrifying!

The 100,000-strong army of the Great Wei Dynasty from top to bottom, including Cao Cao, Lu Bu, Zhang Fei, and others, were also stunned.

No one thought that this firearm would be so terrifying. Everyone imagine that if 407 encounters such an opponent, he is afraid that he will be killed by random guns before he gets close.

No matter how strong you are, how fierce your sword is, or how strong your horse is, you are all scum in front of this firearm.

At this moment, Lu Bu and the others were even more passionate about this firearm.

Moreover, they also noticed that there was a group of people in the Ming army who seemed to be sharpshooters. They were scattered all over the place, specializing in killing officers in the Tashi army.

Headshots with guns are extremely terrifying.

"Who can withstand this kind of army?" Lu Bu sighed in horror: "If we fought against it, we would have to be maimed on the spot.

"Yeah!" Guan Yu also sucked in a breath of cold air: "I can't afford it, these should all be gifts from the Immortal Master, I wonder when we will be able to afford this thing?

"This thing is called a firearm." Dian Weihan said with a smile: "Your Majesty has a batch in his hands, and I heard that in the future our army of the Great Wei Dynasty will also distribute it to all members. 99

"Really? Your Majesty really said that?"

"Hahaha, so good, so good! 35

Lu Bu and the others' eyes lit up with excitement, and they were all excited.

"Chapter 6 Today, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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