At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

358 This combat power is really daunting! [1/6, please subscribe]

The battle between Daming and Tashi

It was destined to be a massacre from the start!

After a teacher of Cao Bianjiao frantically gave out a cup of tea time, the Tashi people were beaten and collapsed!

More than half of them died tragically on the opposite side of the river bank, and the rest were wounded and disabled, one by one struggling and then retreating in panic, trying to escape the battlefield.

"Demon, these are demons!"

"Escape, escape!"

"They are all devils who have crawled out of hell, get out!""

The sturdy Tashi people's defense line completely collapsed.

They fled back in a panic, only resenting that their parents didn't give them more legs.

Once they escaped the range of Daming firearms, they could flee northwards, and finally escape back to their hometown on the prairie.

But at this time, the cavalry of the Great Wei was already ready.


Cao Cao gave an order, and Lü Bu, Dian Wei, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu and the others rushed out excitedly with 10,000 cavalry.


The terrifying hoofs roared like a thunder roar.

In the Great Wei Dynasty, not only the soldiers had been strengthened by sacrifice, but even the war horses had been strengthened, all of which had ferocious muscles and strong legs.

This scene of thousands of horses galloping is like an arrow that breaks away from the string, and it seems to be like a mountain and a tsunami rushing towards the opposite side.

"Brothers, kill me!"

"Hahaha, alien child, give your life to a certain family!"


Lu Bu, Zhang Fei and the others excitedly caught up with the Tashi people, slashing furiously all the way, and the people on the opposite side of the killing turned on their backs.

With a wave of their hands, more than a dozen people were often knocked out, and their bodies were torn to shreds by the terrifying energy, and the ground was covered with stumps and broken arms.

Under their leadership, ten thousand iron cavalry, like hungry wolves, easily crushed and trampled, and the blood of the people who slaughtered was blood.

This scene not only made the Vassars scream in despair!

It also made the scalps of Zhu Qizhen and the others on the wall of Tumu Fort feel numb. Where did this army come from, how could it be so ferocious and terrifying?

This combat power is truly daunting!

Half of the Waja people were easily defeated by firearms, and then 10,000 iron cavalry crushed them, and easily swept the remaining Waja people.

Looking at the army of 400,000 people on the other side of the river, everyone instinctively raised a chill, these are definitely the demon army.

Tens of thousands of Wataru people forced more than 200,000 soldiers of the Ming Dynasty to retreat to the Tumu Fort, but the opponent sent 20,000 troops at random, and they smashed and wiped out the tiles with almost zero casualties.

It's horrifying to think about how big the gap is.

If they turn their guns on Tumu Fort later, how should everyone deal with it?

Can you all stop it?

It's just so hard!

Or in other words, there is no hope that it can be resisted, even if the opponent only sends 20,000 people, the Tumu Fort defender will have to be crippled.

Thinking of this, Zhu Qizhen couldn't help but panic.

"Wang Panpan, haven't you determined their identities yet? Where did they come from~々?" Zhu Qizhen couldn't help but ask.

"Your Majesty, the old slave doesn't know either." Wang Zhen said bitterly: "We didn't have such a strong army in the Ming Dynasty, it's not like you don't know, but these people's appearances are not aliens, they really make the old slave Can't figure it out.

"Damn it!

Zhu Qizhen scolded secretly, he also knew that what Wang Zhen said was the truth, but it still made him quite anxious.

It's hard for him to go on an expedition in person. The Vassars can bully him, and the army that comes out of nowhere can also threaten him. What the emperor has done is really embarrassing.

While Zhu Qizhen was secretly unhappy, he couldn't help but be envious.

If he can have so many sturdy troops, why worry about the Ming Dynasty? Why worry about the rampant thorns?

After some careful thinking, the battlefield has already seen the difference.

The Great Wei army, who was born in the sturdy era of Han and Wuhu, had never met such a weak opponent as Tashi, so they beheaded them cleanly after some madness.

Of the corpses all over the floor, none of them are complete.

Blood is everywhere on the left bank of the river valley, like hell.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, to the Immortal Master, we are fortunate to not be disgraced, and the enemy has been wiped out! 99

Lu Bu and the others came back covered in blood to report.

Cao Cao nodded his head in satisfaction, and this fight was considered to have given them a face to the Great Wei Dynasty. Everyone did a good job.

"All your hard work, you should be rewarded! 35

Ji Han smiled with satisfaction, and immediately raised his hand.

The method of sacrifice was activated again, and a terrifying divine light began to envelope the nearby, tens of thousands of corpses across the river bank and tens of thousands of war horses that died tragically, and countless blood souls were a large amount of energy.

After these energies were absorbed and purified, they quickly enveloped the 400,000 troops present, and those who had just been injured also quickly recovered from their injuries.

This was done on purpose by Ji Han!

The hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Daqin, Datang, and Daming dynasties had never been strengthened by sacrifice, and they were immediately dazed by this force.

Even all the war horses present!

Including the two tigers that Ji Han and Wang Mushi rode, were also baptized by this sacrifice and became even more fierce and sturdy.

Because the scope of this time is too wide, the blood of tens of thousands of watts of stabbed people and tens of thousands of war horses seems to be a little stretched. Ji Han also specially injected hundreds of thousands of divine power to sacrifice this time. Finish.

(Four Zhao)

After a quarter of an hour, the sacrifices stopped!

Every ordinary soldier seems to be reborn, all of them are strong and sturdy, their eyes are shining, and their whole body is exuding a terrible blood.

In the sky above the army, a phantom of qi and blood similar to a tiger was vaguely condensed.

"..Thank you for the gift of the Immortal Master!"

"Thank you for the gift of pong! 35

The soldiers knelt down on one knee in excitement and roared frantically.

An earth-shattering roar roared and roared in all directions, and everyone was horrified.


"This? Could this be the arrival of a fairy?"

"Yes! It must be, otherwise how can this be explained?

Zhu Qizhen muttered to himself excitedly, his heart was already filled with all kinds of heat!

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