At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

359 Can the Ming Dynasty offend immortals? [2/6, please subscribe]

Facing this devilish army!

Seeing them in awe and all kinds of radiant scenes again, Zhu Qizhen's heart has long been filled with all kinds of waves.

If it was said that these people were not the Immortal Army, he would not believe it even if they were killed.

But what did they come with?

For a while, Zhu Qizhen didn't know how to deal with it.

Just when he was struggling, the 400,000 troops had already come straight to the Tumu Fort, and they were slaughtered outside the city wall of the Tumu Fort.

Zhang Fei slammed his horse out of the queue and shouted at the city wall: "Hey! The guards above are listening, the immortal master is coming, why don't you come out and kneel to greet him?

"Xianshi? Is this really a fairy?

"Holy, how can this be good?"

"It's not clear whether they are enemies or friends, how can they get out?

"Let's say no!

The civil and military officials on the city wall were talking a lot.

Zhu Qizhen couldn't help but struggle, should he open the city gate and go out?

If you just open the city gate like this, it is like putting your life and death in the hands of the other party. If people are hostile, they can't even resist.

"Your Majesty, you can't open the city gate!" Wang Zhen persuaded sharply, "What if this group of people has malicious intentions?"


Zhu 407 Qi Zhen couldn't help but get a little tangled!

He wanted to open the city gate, but Wang Zhen said he couldn't open it, what should I do?

His character is more indecisive, so he can't make up his mind for a while!


Ji Han snorted impatiently and walked out of the army while riding a tiger, and the tiger under him roared up to the sky!


The terrifying sound of tiger roars scared everyone on the city wall.

"Quick! Quickly open the city gate!"

"Masters, follow me to welcome the immortals."

Zhu Qizhen was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he quickly ordered the city gate to be opened.

A man who can ride a tiger, can he provoke him?

This must be a fairy!

Zhu Qizhen had also seen a tiger, but the tiger Ji Han was riding was more than two or three times bigger than an ordinary tiger.

The body is taller than a war horse, it walks like a tiger, and its face looks extremely ferocious and ferocious. Who can subdue this kind of creature except the immortal?

"Da Ming Zhu Qizhen, bring civil and military officials to meet the immortals! 35

After the city gate of Tumu Fort (bbed) opened, Zhu Qizhen took everyone out of the Tumu Fort and knelt down tremblingly on the ground.

The more than 200,000 troops behind him also knelt down one after another.

Facing this immortal riding a tiger, even the powerful eunuch Wang Zhen could not help but feel fearful.

"Come on!" Ji Han ordered coldly: "Disarm the entire army, and show me all the people in custody. Anyone who dares to resist will be shot to death!""


The 400,000 army roared and roared in unison!

Everyone quickly rushed into the city and began to disarm the old soldiers in the city. Occasionally, someone wanted to resist, and was immediately shot in the head.

In the face of such brutal soldiers and horses, Zhu Qizhen's people had no resistance at all, and they were docile and docile after a while.

This also frightened Zhu Qizhen, Wang Zhen and others, they never expected such a scene.

"Why did the immortals hand over our weapons?" Zhu Qizhen said anxiously: "Is there anything that offends the immortals in the Ming Dynasty?

Ji Han glanced at him and ignored him, but said, "Let's set up camp and make some repairs outside the Tumu Fort tonight."

"Yes! 35

Li Shimin and the others agreed with their fists, and everyone quickly began to set up camp.

Relying on the Tumu Fort and the river valley, the four dynasties quickly built a huge military camp, and everyone tacitly defended each side, while building the Chinese army tent in the middle.

This huge and luxurious tent under the protection of layers of army is naturally a super new military camp specially built by Ying Zheng for Ji Han, but it has everything in it.

After the military construction was completed, everyone quickly buried the pot and cooked rice.

There was even an amazing fragrance wafting out of the large tent of the Central Army. Wang Mushi skillfully arranged a large table of hot pot delicacies, which attracted many people.

With trading rings to store supplies, it's all so convenient.

This scene made Zhu Qizhen and others stunned again, this is completely a method like a fairy, are these really heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals?

"Sir, what should Yingzong and his party do?" Chongzhen finally couldn't help but ask.

"Let him come and sit, the others kneel in the tent!" Ji Han greeted casually: "Come, come, sit together, Lv Bu and Zhang Fei, both of you, don't be cautious!

"Thank you sir!"

Lu Bu, Zhang Fei and the others trembled with excitement, all of them sat down with red faces, and began to eat like Ji Han and the others.

The gourmet hot pot produced by this fairyland made them addicted, and after a while, everyone pushed the cup and gave it to each other, and they had a great time drinking.

Zhu Qizhen and others were quickly brought over.

He sat tremblingly at the edge of the big round table, while Wang Zhen and the others knelt nervously in the tent.

"Old Zhu, come on." Ji Han happily ate the lamb's belly and said impatiently, "Quick and quick, long story short! 99

"Yes! Year

After Chongzhen nodded, he got up to pay homage to Zhu Qizhen and said: "The descendant of the Zhu family, the sixteenth emperor of Ming Dynasty, Zhu Youjian, pays respects to the ancestors of Yingzong.


Zhu Qizhen and the others took a deep breath.

Holy crap, what's going on here?

This person is also a descendant of the Zhu family? Is he still the emperor of the Ming Dynasty?

Wait, this isn't a dream, is it?

"This is the god of immortality, Immortal Master Ji Han." Chongzhen said solemnly: "This is His Majesty the First Emperor of Qin, this is Cao Cao of the Great Wei, and Li Shimin of the Great Tang!

"We came through time and space under the call of the immortals, and this is how we appeared here and defeated the Tashi people."

Chongzhen's series of explanations naturally shocked Zhu Qizhen and others, but after hearing this, everyone felt that this seemed to be the most correct explanation.

Otherwise, how did so many troops come?

All this can only be explained in this way!

Everything is the army summoned by the immortals, no wonder it is so fierce.

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